Response to Peter Koteas - 10/13/09

    Carefree Council member Peter Koteas’ made very serious allegations in his  Sonoran News editorial.  Koteas claims that during the spring election, “Schwan attempted to censor a supporter of mine by the use of intimidation and threatened to report the individual to a superior if they refused to retract their personal recommendation to voters pertaining to my character.”  I contacted Mayor Schwan to ask if he “threatened” anyone.   

    During the last election, Mr. Koteas requested a reference from a clergyman and then added that reference, with the clergyman’s name, title, and church affiliation, to a list of endorsements on his campaign website.  While the First Amendment guarantees individuals the right to endorse a candidate in an election, identification which includes the title and the name of the church introduces issues regarding freedom of religion and separation of church and state, and in fact, this denomination's website lists direct endorsement of a candidate as a prohibited activity.

    The Constitution protects the freedom of religion.  Historically, when church and state become enmeshed, both are weakened.  Our Founding Fathers carefully separated the two entities.  Government will not endorse or show favoritism to any specific religious belief or practice.  There have been fierce legal battles over real or perceived signs that government has broken this essential rule.  There is a parallel concept that says organized religions and their leaders should not interfere with government.  One example is the endorsement of a political candidate by a church or its leader.  The legal consequence of this is the removal of the church’s, and its clergymen’s, special protected status as a tax-free institution.  Church organizations embrace their special protected status.  

    Mayor Schwan said he reminded the clergyman of the possible legal consequences to the church and requested the removal of the endorsement.  Pointing out a painful consequence to ill-advised behavior is not a threat.  Mayor Schwan emphasized he never contacted any church or government organization about this minor incident and considered it a dead issue until he read Mr. Koteas’ editorial.    

    We need people on the Council who understand and follow the law.  We need people who understand that attacking one another outside of Council with inflammatory words like “threaten, intimidation, and censor” impedes a civil and cohesive Council.  We need people who have the honesty and integrity to admit when they’ve erred.

