Letters from Readers & Events: 1/22/14 Part 1

(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included.  If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category.  We have a special section for that purpose, and have just added some art as well.  Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale.  He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite.  It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall.  If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.)  Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.

Ruth Stevens, wife of past Carefree mayor Hugh Stevens, passed away. Memorial services will be held Saturday February 8 at 10:00 AM in the Parish Hall of the Good Shepherd Church, located on the north side of Cave Creek Road just east of School House Road.

The latest Desert Foothills Chronicle newsletter is attached below for you to read or click HERE to read it from online.

You will receive a confirming email after you sign up.
Please make sure to click "Yes I want to join!" on that email to complete the sign-up process.

2014-01-18 The Art of Giving.pdf (399K)

Good job on getting Nicole interviewed!
Patti Meese
(Lyn's note: Hey, I'd love to take credit for Nicole's interview, but it was not my idea; it was Sonja Haller's.  All I did was facilitate it after she suggested it.  Sonja did a wonderful job.  Her questions were well thought out and her demeanor was respectful.  She treated Nicole like a person, not a kid.  I was very impressed with her style.)

Cute kid. That was a nice thing Herb did.
Larry Schneider
(Lyn's note: The Rebel is a really good camera, and it was a sin to see it sitting there unused when someone like Nicole would get such joy from it.  He has been delighted with the results of his gesture.)

Awesome article and interview Lyn and Herb.
Joe Corpora

(Herbert's note: Here is the YouTube I did for the FAR Rock and Roll fundraiser that took place last Saturday night.  It was a fun event.  Enjoy!

Carefree Town Hall Notary Service
Janeen Dutcher, Bev Peterson and Kandace French are members of the Town Staff and are also Public Notaries. The monies they collect from notary services belong to them as individuals and not to the Town. Every year the monies collected for the notary services are donated to 501c3 organizations in the community.
This year the voluntary distributions of notary fees are $100 each to Foothills Animal Rescue, Foothills Caring Corp, Wild at Heart and $142 to the Foothills Food Bank.
A big THANK YOU to Janeen, Bev and Kandace for their service to the community.
Excerpted from COINS


3rd Annual Carefree Indian Market & Cultural Festival 2014
FRIDAY Jan 24th, SATURDAY Jan 25th & SUNDAY Jan 26th
10:15 to 10:20 am: Welcome & Native American Opening Blessing by Master of Ceremonies, Alex Maldonado
10:20 to 11:00 am: Alex & Nick Maldonado, Native Flute & Drums Music
11:00 to 12:00 pm: Allenroy Paquin, Storytelling & Fancy Dance
12:00 to 1:00 pm: Brian Hammill & Native Spirit Performers includes the
Always popular HOOP DANCE
1:00 to 2:00 pm: Adrian Wall, Native Flute Music
2:00 to 3:00 pm: Moontee Sinquah & Sons, Intertribal Music & Dance
Includes the always popular HOOP DANCE
3:00 to 4:00 pm: Brian Hammill & Native Spirit Performers includes the
Always popular HOOP DANCE
4:00 to 5:00 Alex & Nick Maldonado, Native Flute & Drum Music
Roberta Toombs Rechlin
Magic Bird Festivals
the art of fun 

Dear Lyn,

We hope you will consider this for the Carefree Truth newsletter.The Foothills Caring Corps is seeking non-profit volunteers to share their talent, skills, and time with the Caring Corps. The Foothills Caring Corps' primary mission is to allow the elderly to remain independent and living in their homes. I have included a calender brief and full press release below. The next orientation session is Thursday, February 13th from 9-11 a.m. These orientations run the second Thursday of every month.

Thanks so much,

Neko Catanzaro

***The Foothills Caring Corps***
Seeking Volunteers to Make a Difference
 in the Lives of the Elderly

Do you want to make a difference in your own life and the lives of others?

The Foothills Caring Corps, a volunteer based non-profit organization serving the greater NE Valley, is seeking volunteers to share their talent, skills and time with the organization whose primary mission is to allow the elderly to remain independent and living in their homes.

Volunteers needed for such programs as:
-Van transportation
-Medical transportation
-Mobile meals
-Minor home repair
-Friendly visits 
-Medical loan closet
The Foothills Caring Corps aims to provide a rewarding and gratifying experience for both the volunteer and the neighbor. Volunteers are given training, guidance and monitoring to ensure a quality experience. They are allowed to self-select areas in which they would like to be involved and are not required to contribute a minimum number of hours.
“The Caring Corps opens their arms to people with a variety of skills levels, talent and interests. Everyone has an something to contribute.”
The organization conducts monthly Volunteer Orientation sessions. The next sessions are scheduled for Thursday, February 9-11 a.m.  at the Foothills Caring Corps offices located at 7275 E. Easy Street, Suite B103, Carefree.
 For more information, or to RSVP, call the Foothills Caring Corps at 480-488-1105.

Foothills Caring Corps
Volunteer Orientation Quick Facts: 
Event: Volunteer Orientation.
Who: The Foothills Caring Corps
Where: 7275 E. Easy Street, Suite B103, Carefree.
When: The second Thursday of each month. Next sessions take place from 9 – 11 a.m., Thursday, February 13th
Info: 480-488-1105 or


Artifact of the Month - January 2014
Antique Baby Clothes
Visit Our Website
Open October 1 thru May 31
Wed. & Thurs. 1:00 to 4:30 pm
Fri. 10:00am to 4:30pm
Sat. 1:00 to 4:30pm
Sun. 1:00 to 4:30pm
Corner of Basin & Skyline
off Cave Creek Rd.



Greetings Museum Friends and Supporters!

We hope that you enjoyed your holidays and want to extend our best wishes to you in the New Year! Before we get into this month's artifact, we first want to thank all who contributed to our year end fundraising effort and to everyone who submitted responses to our recent survey request. We greatly appreciate your support! Now on to the Artifact of the Month.

This month's Artifact takes its inspiration from the popular cultural image of a New Year's baby. According to Wikipedia, a baby represents and personifies the start of the New Year. A baby symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth".

Click here to view our January Artifact of the Month.

You can help Cave Creek Museum meet its revenue needs by becoming a member, a business sponsor, visiting the Museum, attending an event, patronizing the Museum store or by making a donation. 

Cave Creek Museum is proud to preserve the history of the Desert Foothills.


Evelyn Johnson
Executive Director

Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center to benefit from sixth annual Running of the Bulls USA
January 21, 2014, Cave Creek, Arizona – The Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center will benefit from the sixth annual Running with the Bulls USA. The event will be held February 7-9, 2014 at the Hogs and Horses arena in Cave Creek, Ariz.
According to the food bank’s executive director, Pam DiPietro, Running with the Bulls USA has partnered with Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center to collect canned food during the festival. In addition to helping the extremely busy food bank, anyone who brings 25 cans or more will receive free spectator admission to the event.
Running with the Bulls USA offers 12 runs, family-friendly entertainment, a Battle of the Bands, festival exhibitors and cash prizes. In addition, a charity run will be held on February 7.
For more information about Foothills Food Bank, call 480.488.1145 or visit For information about the festival, visit
The Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center provides emergency food, financial assistance and other life necessities and resources to individuals and families in the desert foothills, which encompasses a 180-square mile area that includes Black Canyon City, Cave Creek, Carefree, Anthem, Desert Hills, New River, north Scottsdale and north Phoenix. 
Contact: Pam DiPietro  480.488.1145

Thank you so much for speaking with me about the upcoming Carefree P.E.O. Chapter FG Fundraiser, Jan 30, 2014.  
Diane Dollison
Carefree P.E.O. Chapter FG To Hold Luncheon & Tea with Artists

Carefree Chapter FG will be hosting “Cowgirls, Chamomile & Creations”, a luncheon and tea where guests will meet six talented artists and view their works. 

 Members of Chapter FG invite all to join them from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm on Thursday, January 30 at Fairway House at Grayhawk Golf Club, 8620 E. Thompson Peak Parkway, in Scottsdale.  Event Chair Mary James said “the salad luncheon will be followed by assorted teas and lovely tea cakes.  It is a great chance to mingle and spend a delightful afternoon.”

 Featured artists include Judy Bruce, Randy Galloway, Jonilynn Gearhart, Sue Mittelsteadt, Tracey Saliba and Jim Sudal.  Each will present their art, and guests will have the opportunity to purchase pieces that day.  The P.E.O. Organization was founded in 1869 with a mission to provide higher education opportunities for women.

What:  Cowgirls, Chamomile & Creations Luncheon and Tea

When:  January, 30, 2014 – 11:30 am to 2:30 pm

Where:  Fairway House at Grayhawk Golf Club, 8620 Thompson Peak Parkway, Scottsdale

Cost:  $45 per person payable in advance of event

Reservations:  Contact Mary James at or 480-488-1840

Who:  Desert Foothills Woman’s Club
What:  Annual Fundraiser “Aloha Luau”
When:  Thursday, February 13, 2014
Where:  Grayhawk Golf Club Fairway House 8620 E Thompson Peak Parkway, Scottsdale
Media contact:  Nedra Williams 480-773-3753
On Thursday, February 13, 2014, the Desert Foothills Woman’s Club invites you to don your mumus and flowered shirts for a festive afternoon of authentic Hawaiian entertainment held at Grayhawk Golf Club’s Fairway House 8620 E Thompson Peak Parkway, Scottsdale.  Expressive hula dancers and other lively performances in The Big Kahuna Show performed by Kilali’s Polynesian Revue follow a memorable lunch catered by renown Grayhawk chefs.  Get into the Aloha spirit with a flower in your hair or Hawaiian fashion, or dress in your favorite Haole outfit.  Whatever your garb, don’t miss the fun of Aloha Luau!
A silent auction and lots of raffle prizes add to the afternoon’s excitement.
Tickets are $55, with proceeds benefitting student scholarships and area nonprofits such as Cave Creek Museum, Desert Foothills Library, Desert Foothills Land Trust, Foothills Caring Corps, Foothills Food Bank, and Horses Help.  This year’s fundraising event is being graciously sponsored by Bankers Trust and Sagewood.
Desert Foothills Woman’s Club is exclusively charitable and educational, extending friendship to all women in the greater Desert Foothills area.  DFWC has been in existence since 1960 meeting monthly for a luncheon and to hear a featured speaker of local interest.  There are also groups for special interests such as journaling, painting, cards, bunco, movies, dinner groups, and short day trips.
Order your tickets today.  For more details on the event or information on joining the Desert Foothills Woman’s Club call Nedra Williams at 480-773-3753.
(Cutline girls in grass skirts)Energy and joy are inescapable elements to the hula
(Cutline 2 girls) Wahines express Hawaiian tales in an elegant hula
(Cutline 5 women/neon palm tree) Nedra Williams, Kitty Duke, Sharon Gregory, Jane Heidel, & Renee Hodkinson are warming up for the Aloha Luau under  neon palm trees!

Computer/Tablet Classes
All class sizes are limited & fill quickly.
All classes: registration required at 480-488-2286.

Classes below presented by

Windows 8.1 Training

Thursday, February 6 ● 9:30-11am
 Get a head start on the new touch-based Windows 8.1 with new features like the Start Screen, new apps, sharing & live updates. Bring your laptop if possible.

iPad: Setting It Up

Thursday, February 13 ● 9:30-11:30am
Tour ALL the settings on an iPad and get your iPad working well. Must bring your own iPad. 

Picasa 101
Thursday, February 20 ● 9:30-11:30am
Photo editing and storage, create collages, videos and DVDs. (To minimize technical issues during the class, only library computers may be used and you must have basic mouse skills). 

Desert Foothills iPad User Group
Thursday, February 27 ● 9:30-11:30am
Steve Woods, our veteran computer/iPad instructor from Tech4Life, facilitates a new iPad User Group, a club focused on using your iPad for work and play. Must have a basic working knowledge of your iPad.

Book Buddy
Home Delivery Service

Do you or does someone you know have difficulty getting to the Library? We have book deliveries to and from your home by screened volunteers. Books-Large Print-Audiobooks-Magazines - CDs. 
Email:  ... or ... 480-488-2286.

Funds raised  

support the Library !

Library Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm
Sunday Noon - 4pm
Closings &
Closed February 8 (except passports), and
closed February 17
President's Day
Quick Links
Printable Events Calendar

Digital Library Catalog

Online Tools and Research


Become a Member
Fiction Book Club


Tuesday, February 11
(2nd Tuesday each month)

A Perfect Red 
by Amy Butler Greenfield.

Everyone welcome!
Click here for a complete book list.
Memoir Writing Group
Monday, February 3
(1st Monday each month)
4-530pm (note new time)

Meet monthly to establish goals, set personal writing schedules, share stories and receive constructive feedback. No registration. Ltd. to 15. For guidelines, email Elena Pavlova:

Monthly Book Sale 
Friday, February 28

Open Daily
Check out our listings on Amazon 
or our website at
(and sign up to receive our eNewsletter)
Culture Pass
  Now available at DFL
Culture Pass Website

Got an Event?
Special event? A regularly scheduled meeting? The library offers the ideal venues. Conference and meeting rooms with audiovisual options, kitchen, furnished outdoor Terrace with Waterfall, kiva fireplace and spectacular mountain views, and other options. Click here for more information.

Did you know that we 
are a community-funded 
library that depends on
the support of individuals like you through memberships and donations? You'll enjoy additional benefits by becoming an annual member. 
Join now, for as little 
as $40 individual 
or $70 family!  
FAX Service
 Donating Members: FREE!

Per Page: $1 local;
$1.50 long distance (U.S. only)

Digital Newstand
The world's largest digital newsstand is now available to
Desert Foothills patrons. Enjoy 90 popular magazines online.
 Visit our website to access Zinio. 
Shop & Fund 
the Library!
You can help earn money for the library through the eScrip program. When you sign up, participating merchants (such as your local grocery store) contribute each time you make a purchase. Click on the eScrip image above
to find out how.

And, when you do, 
click on the
eScrip Dining 
to discover a list of local restaurants where you 
can dine and earn up to 5% for the library such 
as at "Big Earl's Greasy Eats"

The Library  is a 
Passport Acceptance Facility

Available 7 days a week!

Call 480-488-2286
Appointments recommended.

Passport Books & Cards
Photo Services
Easy & Convenient
Experienced Staff
Regular or Expedited Services


for Free music downloads!
Use your library card
to download up to 3
music tracks each week to your computer -- free!

DRM-free: once downloaded, they will not expire.  Follow the image above and click on the "Freegal" button on the right side of the page. 

Computer Station w/ 2hr sessions
FREE ear buds - listen to online resources
Special online jobseeker resources
Ask at the front desk.
The library is now
partnering to feed the hungry in our community.

A drop-off collection container is located by the pillar, left of the front desk.

About Us

The Desert Foothills
Library is a 501(c) 3 
non-profit, public library. 
We do not receive tax-based income, but rely solely on the memberships and donations of individuals, businesses, local towns, and organizations.

Community Partners
 Cave Creek Museum

Cave Creek Unified School District
News from the Creek

Desert Foothills Land Trust

Foothills Caring Corps

Foothills Community Foundation

Foothills Foodbank

Sonoran Arts League


Carefree Cave Creek 
Chamber of Commerce
Upcoming Schedule of Events

Events for the Week of  
January 20 - January 26    
Mission Statement- Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is committed to the growth of its members.
Vision Statement - Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is the premier resource for the vitality and growth of its members.

Tuesday, January 21


Tuesday, January 21
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Marketing Boot Camp  
Creating a Media Mix That Maximizes Your Ad Budget And Creates Results

Join Kim Prince of Proven Media as she brings you back to basics and helps you to make the most of your advertising budget in 2014.

You'll learn:
How to define your target market
How to set your advertising budget for maximum efficiency
How to use frequency and reach to create results
How to integrate new media including social media and digital marketing into your efforts
How to create a memorable message for your brand
How to incorporate placed news articles into your plan
How to get maximum publicity for your events

Venues Cafe
34 Easy Street, Carefree

$20 Registration if RSVP by January 17
$25 Registration thereafter
(includes lunch and any additional material)  
Must RSVP to 480-488-3381

Networking and Lunch 11:30 - 12:00 p.m.
Presentation 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Come feel the POWER!!

Did YOU Know


We are very exciting to have Kim Prince of Proven Media help us tomorrow at our POWER Lunch with Marketing Boot Camp! She will be bringing us back to basics and helping us to make the most of our advertising budget.  Did YOU Know that Pharmaceutical companies spend twice as much on marketing and advertising as they do on research?  Effective Marketing is a huge part of the success of businesses.  Do YOU Know what type of marketing would be effective for your business?  Here are a few other fun marketing decisions, you make the call - Success or Not?? 

When do you go?

 Would this guy make you want to get your child a Happy Meal?  
This is Willard Scott, he portrayed Ronald McDonald from 1963 to 1966. 

Honesty is the best policy - Right? Weird!

Would this ad from 1886 make you thirsty for Coca-Cola? 
 WOW! How times have changed.

Would this make you buy more spinach?  
 Who doesn't love a good Spinach Party?!? 

Hope to see you tomorrow at the POWER Lunch!!
  Learn more on how to effectively market your business!!   
RSVP Today! 
Wine Dinner


Boulders Food & Wine Event


Things to do

January 20 - January 26

Food & Wine Event at the Boulders - Monday, January 20
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Giordano's Northern Italian Wine Dinner - Monday, January 20
6:15 p.m.

MindQuest - The Candy Bombers: The Untold Story of the Berlin Airlift - Tues, Jan 21
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

POWER Lunch - Marketing Boot Camp - Tuesday, January 21
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Girl's Nite Out at Anne's Boutique - Tuesday, January 21
4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Enrollment Open House at Foothills Academy College Prep - Wednesday, January 22
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Parkway Bank Celebrates 50 Years - Thursday, January 23
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Carefree Farmers Market - Friday, January 24
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Carefree Indian Market and Cultural Festival - Friday - Sunday
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Fireside with the Ranger at Cave Creek Regional Park - Friday, January 24
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Little Shop of Horrors performed by the Desert Foothills Theater - Friday - Sunday
Times vary

Cruiz-In at Venues Cafe - Saturday, January 25
7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Archery at Cave Creek Regional Park - Saturday, January 25
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Stargazing at Spur Cross - Saturday, January 25
7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Architecture in Arizona at the Cave Creek Museum - Saturday, January 25
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Polar Bear Ride at Hogs N Horses - Saturday, January 25
10:00 a.m.

Click each event to find our more or visit for more upcoming events.

Enrollment Open House

Wednesday 22

Foothills Academy College Prep will have an Enrollment Open House for new families on January 22, 2014 from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm at both the elementary and middle/high school campuses.  Foothills Academy is a top rated school, which includes an elementary school for grades K-6 located at 4720 E. Lone Mountain Rd. in Cave Creek, and a middle/high school campus for grades 7-12 located at 7191 E. Ashler Hills Dr. in North Scottsdale.
Foothills Academy is recognized as one of the premier charter schools in Arizona and this year the school is scheduled to begin building a new K-6 campus off of Carefree Highway. For more information about either campus please visit



Parkway Bank Celebrates 50 Years

Thursday 23


Rubbish Works 
We LOVE Rubbish (& Recycling Too!)
$30 Off - Any Size Load! Exp. 2/28/14
Call Rita Direct @ 480-545-1220 Ext. 712 or Book On-line at -
Be the Envy of your neighborhood & Park your vehicles INSIDE your garage!!!
Garage Clean up and organization!!!!!
Prices start at $240
Visit or call 602-361-6244
 Mumbo Jumbo Boutique
Happy New Year Everyone!! 
We are clearing out to make way for new and exciting items! Come check out the sales. 50-75% off on selected clothing, jewelry, boots and shoes! 
Located at 36889 N Tom Darlington Dr , Ste. 4 in Carefree

Anne's Boutique
Anne's Boutique is "Ringing in the New Year" with a HUGE STORE-WIDE SALE!!!
Located at the Shops at Tatum Ranch - 29850 N Tatum Blvd, Ste 110, Cave Creek.
Store Hours are M - Sat 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.   

StudioC a beautylounge
-Refer a friend and receive 20% off your next service.
-StudioC Signature facial $60 reg. $80
-Save 10% on Jane Iredale, the skin care makeup.
-Blowout packages: 3 for $130, 6 for $240, 12 for $440
-StudioC Mani/Pedi $60 reg $75
-Want more Deals? Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Pinterest.
-offers valid thru 2/28/14 
Indian Market 

Friday - Sunday

 Native American art and crafts exhibitors, plus music and dance performances, all woven throughout a four-acre cactus botanical garden.  Food and beverages are available at the Native American and Southwestern Food Court. Performers include world-champion Hoop Dancers Brian Hammill and Moontee Sinquah, as well as other musicians and entertainers.
 Performance Schedule 


10:15 to 10:20 am: Welcome & Native American Opening Blessing by Master of Ceremonies, Alex Maldonado

10:20 to 11:00 am: Alex & Nick Maldonado, Native Flute & Drums Music

11:00 to 12:00 pm: Allenroy Paquin, Storytelling & Fancy Dance

12:00 to 1:00 pm: Brian Hammill & Native Spirit Performers includes the Always popular HOOP DANCE

1:00 to 2:00 pm: Adrian Wall, Native Flute Music

2:00 to 3:00 pm: Moontee Sinquah & Sons, Intertribal Music & Dance Includes the always popular HOOP DANCE

3:00 to 4:00 pm: Brian Hammill & Native Spirit Performers includes the always popular HOOP DANCE

4:00 to 5:00 pm: Alex & Nick Maldonado, Native Flute & Drum Music

Click Here for Part #2