Letters from Readers: 1/30/12
Yesterday I met with the MCSO District 4 Commander. MCSO has apprehended several suspects and believe that they have “cleared” (e.g. solved) these burglaries.
The Commander noted that citizens are not calling MCSO when they suffer a burglary or when citizens see suspicious activity. Indeed, two homes were “too embarrassed” to call MCSO about a burglary because they had left their garage doors open. The in-custody suspects took MCSO to the scenes of the unreported crimes and then the homeowners decided to file reports of the loss.
MCSO can’t solve a crime if they don’t know about it. Delays in reporting suspicious activity make the job of MCSO more difficult. Please let our neighbors know that MCSO appreciates phone calls about suspicious activity and MCSO does respond to those calls.
Calling 911 immediately about suspicious activity is the right thing to do.
Thanks for getting this information out,
David Schwan
Mayor, Town of Carefree
You continue to amaze me with your 'online' newsletter and involvement in local problems and concerns. Guess this is what makes our small cities work, but somehow when it goes to the next level - large cities, states and national, it becomes more about 'me', my party and my future - NOT what is good for the people/state/country. Keep it up!
Larry Holland
This is fabulous! So much is going on around the Centennial.
DESERT FOOTHILLS THEATER is proud also to be presenting an Official Centennial AND Official Arizona Centennial Legacy Project, IN THE DEVIL’S FRYING PAN. This world-premiere production opens at a theater space we are creating just for this show at Stagecoach Village. Keep an eye out for our four-page article in Images Magazine’s December issue and an article currently being developed by Kerry Lengel of the Arizona Republic (they did a photo shoot at the paper on Monday). Tickets are ON SALE NOW for this once-in-a lifetime production.
The Devil’s Frying Pan, as some referred to Arizona, was a dry, desolate, dangerous place. Just getting here was fraught with danger and staying—that’s when it got really interesting. In the Devil’s Frying Pan introduces you to those hearty folk brave enough to settle the land we now call Arizona. Through oral histories and other first- person narratives, the pivotal moments that culminated in Arizona achieving statehood are shared from the perspectives of those who helped make it happen. Experience history as as you immerse yourself in the stories, poetry, music and imagery of that time! Discover the origins of the indomitable Arizona spirit that continues today.
Here’s a video that talks about this production:
Folks can learn more and buy tickets at or by calling 480-488-1981. This world-premiere is garnering attention throughout the valley and adding to the already great visibility Carefree and Cave Creek have been receiving from all the hard work of the local businesses, chambers, volunteers and councils.