Letters from Readers: 10/14/10


I guess it's election time because I see the SN is back to trashing Carefree.  If the town has such an awful government, I wonder how it manages to operate in the black and to maintain its high quality services and to continually improve its infrastructure.





Just an addendum to Dennis F.'s report-the Sorchych four are starting their campaign for next year by pointing out the monthly sales tax receipts and so forth. They missed the last fiscal year by approx. 700,000+ dollars, i.e. they called for a 450,000 dollar shortfall and a 350,000 dollar surplus was the result of the previous budget.  The Sorchych blog in the latest issue of the tree-killing SN published a Sorchych lie about prop 407 as being a referendum that would do away with the direct election of the mayor, when it does not.  All it does is make the election legal. I guess he comes from the school of tell a lie often enough and some people will believe it. The only people that have their views printed in his blog sheet are those that have some criticism of what goes on in Carefree; all others need not submit positive comment.  

Dave H.




Well said Lyn.  Secured debt is offset by an asset.  The town has a healthy balance sheet.  Balance sheet quality is the key measure. But, good management is usually boring.

John Blair




A belief is a firmly held opinion.  As totalitarian dictators have discovered many times through history, propaganda (especially when repeated ad infinitum) inculcates beliefs and therefore supports the offending dictator. Unfortunately, belief is not enough; the public record is the only standard of fact for a public debate and if Mr Traynor wants to regain his credibility, he'll have to leave his attack mode at home and debate the public record.  

City finances are not matters of differing political opinions; they are matters of fact.  Mr Traynor and his ilk, on the City Council and elsewhere, depend on the high emotions that they can generate by constantly propping up straw men for the voters to shoot at.  This can only result in bad things.

Alex Wilson
