Letters fron Readers 10/25/10
Glad to see Carefree is going for the gold! Its a great community and makes a great destination. That said my first thought was, "Uh oh...will Don Sorchych allow THAT kind of thinking??"
Laurie P.
(Lyn's note: This letter refers to the newly formed Carefree Business Association. Interestingly, the first item in Mr. Sorchych's Oct. 20 "My View" column was an attack aimed at this organization because it did not chose the Sonoran News as one of its advertising vehicles.)
Thank you, for so thoroughly reporting on the new Business Association of Carefree. We are not a merchants group, like the groups of the past, we are a very dedicated group of Carefree businesses, retail and service, that have come together to market our town, as a wonderful small town with terrific ambience.
As you reported so succinctly, we are marketing ourselves as a destination for active people with discretionary income. This group is long overdue and with the moral and financial support of the town, we certainly believe we will impact the tax revenues positively during our four month focused, marketing campaign. Our long range goal will be to present an annual budget to the town and design a 12 month campaign to grow and foster Carefree, for our businesses and residents. It is a win, win situation.
Our marketing vehicles will be Phoenix Home and Garden, Phoenix Magazine, Arizona Key, AZ magazine and City Sun Times, along with professional PR assistance from Kim Prince. We have already had a great article written about us in the AZ Republic, Additionally, channel 12 is planning a piece on Carefree, entitled “Carefree, experience the difference”, to run in December, just in time for Christmas shopping.
Again, thanks for your honest reporting.
Holly Bergman
Wild Holly Gallery
While Mark at Desert Foothills designed the extra very nice cactus plantings, it was Bryan from Let There Be Light that put in the very accurate, non light polluting and totally off grid solar lighting system utilizing LED technology. Hopefully you can clarify this with your readership. I will also have some pictures in the near future if you are interested.
Steve Gold
Let There Be Light
(Lyn's note: Let There Be Light is listed on our website under the Green Initiative tab, under Green Lighting.
Can we just imagine if your Mayor's brother had just been on the front page of all the news outlets in the country being found guilty of fraud, insider trading, etc, that SN editor would have had a special edition out on the streets in 48 hours. Or a relative of any of your council members so disliked by SN.
Cave Creek Councilman Ralph Mozilo's brother Angelo Mozilo, CEO of Countrywide Financial Services, was just fined for 67 million by the SEC. The SEC found Angelo guilty of, and I quote: “Mozilo’s record penalty is the fitting outcome for a corporate executive who deliberately disregarded his duties to investors by concealing what he saw from inside the executive suite — a looming disaster in which Countrywide was buckling under the weight of increasing risky mortgage underwriting, mounting defaults and delinquencies, and a deteriorating business model,” Read the full SEC press release.
Councilman Mozilo, who served as Angelo's VP of Underwriting at Countrywide for many years, has been the leader in Cave Creek budget matters for years. One can only wonder, with the town having such a debt obligation and so many on-going loan applications, is the model being followed the same as Countrywide's?
Not a peep from the SN. Can we imagine?? But then, the SN editor did advocate Ralph in the last election.
Lyn, kudos to you for having the courage and intellect to produce such a fine web site as Carefree Truth. It's always good policy to have the "other side of a story" revealed so that one can make a judgment based on all the facts, and not just fractured connecting of "dots" that has been practiced the last few years from the editor of the SN.
Anna Marsolo
Cave Creek