Letters from Readers: 11/29/12
Hello Heidi:
Thank you so very much for taking time to describe your impressions of our proudly presented Carefree Fine Southwest Art Festival last weekend. While it is a Magic Bird Festivals production, I could not carry it through without the complete support of the Town of Carefree and their exquisite Desert Gardens venue and the workers and volunteers that help me make it all run like a Swiss watch! I can take credit though for vetting and booking our artisan participants of museum quality as you put it. Thank you.
Roberta Toombs-Rechlin
Hi Lyn: I, like Barbara Groszkruger, am stunned by the reappearance of Bob Coady. Harkens back to the bad-old days of SN accusations of a Carefree good-old-boys club. Nip this in the bud right now. Carefree has competent and fiscally conservative management that most towns only dream of. Coady and his other cronies that slandered the Carefree council and especially Mayor Schwan must not be allowed to pick up where they left off. Should the Sonoran News decide (again) to side with them, I think it appropriate to approach businesses advertising in the SN and state that we will not patronize them as long as they support the SN. The venom, lies & unabashedly biased reporting that came out of that 'news' paper during the last conflict conflicted with any decent sense of journalistic ethics. Citizens of Carefree- care about your town and let your voice be heard- do not drink the Coady Kool-AID!!
Fred Layman
(Lyn's note: The Sonoran News is already promoting Bob Coady and Jim Van Allen, and attacking Carefree and Mayor Schwan. And very few Carefree businesses advertise in the Sonoran News.)
Lyn, If Coady is going to run, and even if he isn't, we need someone who is capable and certainly has the Town of Carefree and those of us lucky enough to live here, in their heart. You have done so much for the town and can do even more as a member of the Town Council.
Please run for the Council the next election. Your talents can really help to keep our personality as a town, and put us on the map while maintaining that personality.
Stay Well,
Joe Corpora
(Lyn's note: We have many good candidates from which to choose during this coming election. Our P&Z also needs good people, so that's where I'm happy to stay as long as we have competent council candidates. Our town is fortunate that so many bright and dedicated individuals have been and are willing to donate their time and effort to making and keeping our Town wonderful, both on Council and on P&Z.)
I appreciate your newsletter and updates very much. It is a great service to our community. I also respect everyone's right to opinions. However, regarding a recent letter, I do not feel that we need to get into venomous attacks even if it is felt to be truth based. This begins to make this publication sound much like another which many do not hold in high regard.
Suzanne Mowry
(Lyn's note: If someone wants to express an opinion, I agree they should have that right, so I publish it.)
Saturday, December 15th 2012
8AM – Shotgun Start
$125 - GOLF and LUNCH (Lunch only - $25)
Held at BEAUTIFUL Rancho Manana Golf Club
in Cave Creek, Arizona! Lunch included at
Tonto Bar & Grill following the tournament.
Fundraiser for Soroptimist of Saguaro Foothills. Help us to raise money
for needy women and girls in our community and throughout the world!
~~~~ For INFO: CALL CAROL ZELAYA @ 480-488-1001 ~~~~
While at the library, stop by the craft & bake sale on Saturday, December 1st...
Anyone purchasing a craft or bake sale item will be entitled to 1 free paperback book from the bargain sale tables.
(Lyn's note: This was not included in the previous event notice sent from the library, and it should have been, so here is the correction/addition.)