Letters from Readers: 11/9/11


Thanks Lyn- It's great to live in such a fiscally responsible town!

Fred Layman



Ralph Pipp



Kudos to our Town and the fine people who run it.

Patty Schiano




Last week, Cave Creek Unified School District announced its 2011 AZ Learns Legacy Profiles and A-F Accountability System. CCUSD® is an EXCELLING District, as well as an “A” District, as designated by the AZ Department of Education. To recap, all schools received a profile of “Excelling” under the current AZ Learns Legacy System, 5 schools received an “A” and two schools received a “B.” We are extremely proud of our students and staff for their hard work and high expectations.

Today, we are pleased to share that CCUSD® has been identified by the Arizona Department of Education as having the fourth highest achievement in Arizona out of 225 school districts statewide. CCUSD® is ranked the Number 1 school district in Maricopa County.

To view the list of the top performing school districts, click on this link: Top School District Ranking. Additional explanation of the profiles and grades from the AZ Department of Education can be found on our website homepage


Debbi Burdick, Ed.D.


Cave Creek Unified School District


Somebody, probably a lot of somebodies, is doing something right in the CCUSD.

Best Regards,

Ron Ireland


Worth mentioning.

Joe Devito