Letters from Readers: 11/11/10


Hi Lyn,


Wow, I so much enjoyed reading about Blaine Keith. We should all salute, appreciate and be grateful everyday for all the Blaine Keiths' out there fighting for us and our country. "Thank You" Blaine, and all past, current, and future Veterans for giving all of us FREEDOM.


Anyone can say... thank you. Let us all tell, show and give in person. Everyone come to Carefree and Salute OUR Veterans Nov. 11th. This is their day let's ALL show them how much they are appreciated and respected, and most of THANK THEM in person.


I know we will!

Glenn & Michelle Miller 






Thank you for the "Salute to Veterans" info.  Would love to attend if I was in Carefree.  My father was in the army in WWI (even tho as an immigrant he hardly spoke English at that time), my husband was a Marine in WWII, both of my brothers and all of my male cousins served in WWII.  All the veterans of all wars should be saluted. 

Kay Bernardi




In the just completed November 2nd election, it was indeed a delight and a quite satisfying result to see that a whopping 79% (1,097 out of 1,382 votes cast) of Carefree voters chose to approve the language housekeeping proposal represented by Proposition 407.


The passage of Proposition 407 will likely protect the citizenry’s desire for direct election of the mayor from being subjected to frivolous lawsuits filed by disgruntled election losers and their supporters.  But perhaps just as important, the passage also loudly and passionately repudiates the misleading and contrived sentiments recently contained in issues of The Sonoran News and in the “Carefree Matters” newsletter.


The monstrous vote in favor of Proposition 407 sends a message to both The Sonoran News and to the duet publishers of “Carefree Matters,” Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coady.  That message is that the citizens of Carefree no longer find any credibility in the material published in either “Carefree Matters” or in the weekly Sonoran News tabloid.  And that is as it should be.  These two publications are shameful in the manner in which they are able to play fast and loose with the truth, and all in a solipsistic, unabashed desire to advance their own self-serving agendas.


The authors/publishers of The Sonoran News and Carefree Matters should view the Proposition 407 vote as a rejection by Carefree citizens of the malarkey spewed by these two periodicals and a complete disavowal of their proffered opinions and alleged “factual” reportage.  Will the authors/publishers realize that their lack of credibility has been exposed?  It is rather doubtful.  People who harbor such a high level of anger and resentment can seldom change their recurring behaviors.


But, hats-off to the wise citizenry of the Town of Carefree, AZ for a knowledgeable vote!


Fred Groszkruger, Carefree



Well Lyn it looks like Coady is losing his popularity.  Hope it continues through the march elections!

Celeste G.



To the best of my knowledge, based on articles I have seen in local newspapers, Bob Coady was the only council member to go on the record as being opposed to this matter.  Does this mean that he is out of touch with the citizens of Carefree?

Arthur Gimson

(Lyn's note: Arthur is referring to Proposition 407.)



"During this discussion, it was brought out that the town is still owes $401,514  for the fire truck!"  Here's another innuendo that is proffered without any background information.  Likely it is another attempt to incite acrimony and resentment among the townspeople who, the Coady's hope, will read dire consequences into the meaningless, out-of-context report.



"Like other cities and towns, do you believe  Carefree should go to a 4 day work week?"  This is an absurd "question of the month," as are almost all of them.  No reasons given as to why one should consider this.  No information about the number of alleged "other cities and towns" that have had to do this, or why they've done it.  No suggested savings mentioned.  No justification as to a need, with the town running a surplus.



Last month's question:  "64% of responders were in favor of hiring a professional, while 36% were against."  Another silly, meaningless report.  Without knowing the total number of responses, there is no relevance or credibility.  The question itself is, again, proffered without benefit of any background information, context, or possible reasons to even consider the question/proposal.



These two are something else . . . and that is, they are a menace!




(Lyn's note: Fred is commenting on the latest edition of the Coadys' Carefree Matters)




Lyn, let me be sure of which error you killed.

As I understand the material, the process for instituting or changing a property tax within Carefree requires first that the council propose the tax, then, at the next election, the voters approve or reject the tax.

So, the Council cannot approve a tax, only propose a tax.

That being the case, what does the proposed initiative do?  It seems moot "(of no legal significance").

John Blair

(Lyn's note:  Quite correct.  It is moot.  In my opinion it is being utilized as an emotionally charged campaign platform.)






Thanks for staying on top of the incorrect garbage that comes from the  Coadys.

Bill R.





I will be 100 years old this year.  I have lived in Carefree for 25 of those years.  I have seen the town center change dramatically.  I have seen the shops change from tacky to galleries, first class restaurants and the dirt pit change to a wonderful garden.  I generally don’t speak out on causes or issues, but, I find myself compelled to applaud the ladies who designed a marketing plan that supports the beauty of the town and will bring people to the center that want to spend their time and money in our town.  It seems simple math to me, if there are more sales downtown, there will be more tax revenues and more money that the town can use to support our services.  Great job ladies!  I think these are the same ladies that brought us the Festival at Christmas.  That’s what our town is about, not recalls and dissension.

Laurette G.

(Lyn's note: This is in reference to the newly formed Carefree Business Association.)