Letters from Readers: 11/18/10




What is it with John Traynor?  He seems to have attached himself to Carefree like a lamprey eel to a trout.  If I thought, for a heartbeat, that he was trying his best to help steer Carefree away from calamity, I would have voted for him in the first place.  But, this is not the case;  he is clearly focused on local politics for personal reasons and not for the people of this town.  I encourage him to cease and desist from any further interloping into the affairs of Carefree.  


The same goes for Douglas Stavoe who mysteriously sent out a questionnaire this past week asking for voter satisfaction / dissatisfaction with city governance.


Alex Wilson





After attending probably 90% of the council meetings in the last 7+ years, I have come to the same conclusion.  Also received a survey from Stavoe on Saturday. If you haven't received it, the survey asked for opinions on all his perception of things to be corrected, i.e. all to do with fire protection, town staff, lower sales tax, etc. I, of course, gave him a glowing report. I wonder if he and the other three Sorchych people will ever understand municipal finances. Your earlier e-mail about Mr. Traynor also painted him and the others properly. They have all been Chicken Little people from the beginning, even after being proved wrong at every audit. 

Dave H.




Doug, I have chosen not to respond to your survey because of an uncertainty on how the results might be used.  There are several groups who seem to be working to create diversions, distrust, and general unease within the town citizenry.  The current and past town management have done a superb job of fiscal and resource management but there continues to be attempts to discredit those who seem to be contributing the most.

In spite of these diversions Carefree is a great place to live and work.  Don't let these divisive elements damage the town.  If the town would sponsor this survey I would respond.

John Blair