Letters from Readers & Events: 12/18/13 Part #2

Adult Programs
January 2014

Free Events
*Except where noted


A Duet

Tuesday, January 28 ● 6-8pm
(Note: the time was INCORRECTLY listed as 5-7pm on the January Events brochure)
Back by Popular Demand: Maestro Bob Moody and friends take you on an
eclectic musical journey with commentary and a preview of the 2014 Festival season. You'll be entertained by a range of vocals and instrumentals, as well as stories and insights behind the music. After the performance, mingle with the artists and enjoy wine and catered hors d'oeuvres. Limited seating. 
Book your reservations at 480-488-2286.
Cost: $30  

Former CIA Analyst discusses 

Russian Life from an 
American Perspective
Thursday, January 16 ● 6-7:30pm

Linda Wetzel is the former chief of The Central Intelligence Agency's Russia Leadership Branch and a lifelong student of Russian and Soviet affairs. Ms. Wetzel will recount (in Unclassified form!) her adventures in the USSR and post-Soviet Russia as a CIA analyst, as well as her experiences while a consultant in international business expansion and adjunct professor at The Thunderbird School of Global Management. Her first sojourn in the Soviet Union was as a college student in 1972 and her most recent visit - in 2011 - was as the leader of a group of executive MBA candidates. The film "The Sum of All Fears" portrays a character based on her CIA position. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.

Coffee and Crime with Dirk Cussler-
Thursday, January 30 ● 2:30-4pm

Meet nationally known mystery authors, and enjoy coffee and gourmet treats in a beautiful social setting. Dirk Cussler is an American author of adventure novels. Dirk, and his father, author Clive Cussler, collaborate on installments in the "Dirk Pitt" fiction series. These "techno-thrillers" feature high-technology, fast pacing, and underwater exploration. Dirk received an MBA from Berkley, and is also the President of NUMA (National Underwater and Marine Agency), an organization started by his father to encourage the exploration and conservation of shipwreck sites. NUMA was originally a fictional organization in the Dirk Pitt novels before Clive Cussler founded it in real life. Signed books will be available for purchase. Presented in partnership with nationally acclaimed independent bookseller and

publisher, The Poisoned Pen. Limited seating.  Register by Tuesday, January 28: 480-488-2286. 
Cost:  $10. 


Desert Foothills Library
Writers' Connection
Publish yourself as the Expert
Friday, January 3 ● 1-3pm
(1st Friday each month)

Author and publisher Patricia Brooks, founder of the Scottsdale Society of Women Writers, leads a workshop on how to write non-fiction books that position the author (you!) as an expert on a particular topic. Limited seating.
Register: 480-488-2286.

Memoir Writing Group
Monday, January 6 ● 4:30-6pm
(1st Monday each month)

Meet monthly to establish goals, set personal writing schedules, share stories, and receive constructive feedback. For guidelines, email Elena Pavlova: Limited to 15. Register: 480-488-2286.  

Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.
Instructor: Peter Blake-Ward

Skill Building
Tuesdays, January 7 - February 25 ● 3-5pm

For players with some experience who would like to improve their skills. Players will continue to develop bridge skills and strategies and socialize while playing in a beautiful atmosphere. Supervised play will help illustrate more advanced conventions as they are taught. If participants are interested, the instructor will teach the "new' standard in bridge - the 2 over 1 style of play. 
Cost:  $79 for 8-week series.

Supervised Play
Thursdays, January 9 - February 13 ● 1-3pm

Each class will begin with a mini-lesson on hints in bidding and play. Participants play randomly dealt hands, during which the instructor goes over bidding and play. The instructor will also provide pre-dealt hands that all of the participants will play. The instructor will then review bidding and play and will provide a written critique of each hand with suggestions for bidding and play. Participants may keep this analysis for future reference. 
Cost:  $79 for 6-week series.

Meet the Experts & Enjoy a Nosh
1st Tuesdays & 3rd Fridays Through May
 Visit the Library or click here for a list
                                    of scheduled topics. Limited seating.

Art Nosh Lunch -
Phoenix Art Museum presents 
In the Mood:
The Art, Fashion and Music of the 1940's
Tuesday, January 7 ● Noon-1pm

Explores the changes that the war years had on those three art forms.  

Event is free. 
Lunch Options:  Order a boxed lunch provided by Grotto Café (Cost: $10, due when registering by Monday a.m. prior to event date. Choose from 3 menu items: ask at front desk or access menu at OR brown bag it. 
Advance registration required: 480-488-2286.

Art Nosh Wine & Cheese- 
SMoCA presents
Pop Art:
aka Why are Soup Cans Art?
Friday, January 17 ● 4-5:30pm

Enjoy a nosh while being educated & entertained. A look at the international art movement that, from the humble beginnings of familiar objects, has revolutionized what is considered to be art over the last 60 years. Cheese & complimentary wine will be served. Cost: $10. 
Advance registration/payment required: 480-488-2286. 

Literary Discussion Group
Thursday, January 9 ● 10am-Noon
(2nd Thursday each month through April)

Participants share literary references and personal insights on different topics each month. January: Adventures on the Road; Oh, the places we go!  Questions? Email

Friday, January 10 ● 4-5:30pm

Fran Rosenthal, Music Enthusiast, will educate and entertain, as she takes us on a tour of music throughout our history. January: The Russian Soul in Music: Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff. All the emotion and angst and joy and spirit that is the sound of Russian music. Limited seating. 
Register: 480-488-2286. 

Vision Board Party 
Saturday, January 11 ● 10:30am-3:30pm

A vision board is a collage representing things you would like to attract to your life. You'll cut pictures and phrases out of our huge assortment of magazines (and/or bring your own, or include your own photos). Glue the images and words onto a piece of poster board and place it somewhere you can see it on a regular basis -- then watch the magic happen! A special bonus: enjoy a lesson in using the power of Feng Shui on your vision board with Rosanne Rusnock, owner of Elements and Energy.
BRING: poster board (maximum size 22 x 28) and scissors (labeled with your initials).  
BRING To Share: Yummy and healthy lunch item.
We will provide: glue sticks, magazines, water and iced tea, plates, utensils.
Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.

Qigong / Tai Chi Easy -
REGULAR Class ● 8:45-9:45am
CHAIR Class ● 10-10:30am
Every Friday

 A discipline that can be practiced and benefits gained at any age - you are never too old! A blending of Qigong and Tai Chi, with deep breathing and repeated gentle motions and stretches to improve health, balance, agility and flexibility. The "Chair" class is for anyone who wants to take it extra slow and easy. Wear loose clothing and bare feet. Limited to 15. Special Registration Process: Call or email instructor Bina Bou: 480-284-1300 or
For more information, see The Intriguing Health Benefits of Qigong in The Wall Street Journal dated September 30, 2013.
Cost: Prepay instructor $20 cash for 4 classes; or $8 drop-in.   

Medical Qi Gong Series-

Monday, January 13 ● 1-2pm
(2nd Monday each month)

Instructor LauRha Frankfort shares how to boost your energy and find relief from many medical conditions. She will demonstrate some simple, beneficial movements and techniques. For all ages and conditions (can be adapted for seated exercise) Both lecture & participation. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.
Cost:  $5 cash, pay to instructor at each class.
Gentle Yoga-

Every Sunday ● 1-2pm

This slow-paced class focuses on breathing, gentle yoga poses, and stretching to increase flexibility and balance. Please bring a yoga mat. Limited to 15. Special Registration Process: Call or email instructor Sylvia Labrado: 480-776-4743 or
Cost:  $5 cash, pay to instructor at each class.  

Mysteries of Chaco Canyon
Monday, January 13 ● 1 - 2pm

Heard Museum docents David and Elinor Rothberg will present some of the newest information of this incredible site in New Mexico, which served as a major urban center of ancestral Puebloan culture between 850 and 1250. Remarkable for its monumental buildings, engineering projects, astronomy, artistic achievements and distinctive architecture, it served as a hub for the prehistoric Four Corners area for 400 years. Limited seating.  Register: 480-488-2286.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Your Dreams
Tuesday, January 14 ● 1-3pm

Learn writing techniques based on the work of Kathleen Adams, author

 of Journal to the Self to interpret your dreams & get suggestions on how to increase your dream recall. Bring a recent or a memorable dream along with your journal or notebook & pen. No writing experience required. Mary Lee Simpson is a certified journal facilitator & has taught therapeutic writing for nearly 20 years. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286. 

The Brain
An Owner's Manual
Thursday, January 16 ● 1-2pm

Don't miss an assortment of  practical tips for keeping your memory sharp and improving your brain function. Join educator Nancy Brandon for an overview of your brain's five main mental capacities, plus brain game fun! Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286. Part of our "Ask the Expert" Scottsdale Healthcare Series.

Develop & Control Your Psychic Ability®-
Saturday, January 18 ● 10am-3pm

Develop or expand your ability with simple techniques of guided meditation & visualization from Carrie Shubert, one of the most sought after psychics in the Southwest. Exercises include meeting your spirit guides, psychic healing & protection, and interactive/experiential 'tuning in' to people & animals that have crossed over (bring your own lunch -- there will be a short break). Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286. 
Cost: $59.

Let's Play Blackjack!
Wednesday, January 22 ● 1-3pm

Dealers from Casino Arizona will teach you the art of the game so that you can play to win! Learn the rules, casino etiquette, how to read the cards, when to hold, when to double-down! Supervised play will follow the presentation. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.

Picking up the Pieces
When a Spouse or Partner Dies
Friday, January 24 ● 1-2:30pm

Loss is a common human experience. It can be helpful to understand more about grief and mourning, helping ourselves and others. This presentation will address the fundamentals of getting through grief, what to say and not to say, common myths and misconceptions, and ways to get through the special dates and holidays. Presented by Hospice of the Valley. Questions? Call Paul Fredericks: 602-516-6878. Limited seating.
Register: 480-488-2286.

Laughter Club
Tuesday, January 28 ● 1-1:45pm
(4th Tuesday each month)

Come laugh for no reason! As we set aside the critical mind & do playful laughter exercises, our natural inner joy is released. Soon, the laughter becomes infectious & we experience many physical & psychological benefits. Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Dereth DeHaan demonstrates how laughter exercises, yoga breathing & relaxation combine to help you feel refreshed & revitalized, & contribute to your overall health. No need to twist yourself into a pretzel (or bring a yoga mat)! Limited to 30. Register: 480-488-2286.

The Best Way for You to Predict Your Future is for You to Create It-
Wednesday, January 29 ● 1-3pm

Awaken your undiscovered possibilities! This two-hour introductory workshop is designed to inspire and assist individuals to clarify the challenges of life's transitions. Assess your interests, personal style, 

existing talents and experiences. Develop options and strategies to re-invent yourself. Explore the possible need for new skills (additional education or training). Create awareness of retirement trends and where you fit. Learn to understand and implement the TRANSITION PROCESS. You will leave with a manual that will continue to guide you in launching your new direction and identity. Facilitators: Peggy Arneault, MA, LPC and Barbara Hatton, MA, LPC.
Register: 480-488-2286.
Cost: $49 includes all materials

Drop-In Assistance:
Using DFL's Digital Library with your eReader or Tablet
Wednesdays, Noon - 2pm
Note: You must have a working knowledge of your device. Due to limited staff and volunteer resources, assistance is available only for downloading Library media. 
Need help with downloading library eBooks and other digital media from our website to your eReader or tablet? Our Digital Library includes eBooks, as well as Zinio, where you'll find 100's of magazines that can be viewed in full color on your tablet - and Freegal with 1000's of popular songs that you can download and keep! Assistance will be available most weeks - call ahead to confirm that the instructor, Mark, is in (no appointments can be taken), and ask for him at the front desk when you arrive. 
Important: please bring your device, its cables, user i.d. and passwords (device and Adobe Editions) and laptop (if necessary). 

Computer/Tablet Classes

All class sizes are limited & fill quickly.
All classes: registration required at 480-488-2286.

Learn How to Download 
Library eBooks
Monday, January 6
Learn how to download free eBooks and use them on your device. You must have a basic working knowledge of your device, and bring your device with you. Important: You must have any device access codes, such as user i.d. and passwords with you. If you have an Adobe Editions account (which is needed for some devices), you must have the access codes with you. Limited to 10.
Kindles-Only Clinic:  9:30-11am
iPad/Tablet/eReader Clinic: 11:30am-1pm (no Kindles) 


Classes below presented by

Windows 8.1 Training

Thursday, January 2 ● 9:30-11am
 Get a head start on the new touch-based Windows 8.1 with new features like the Start Screen, new apps, sharing & live updates. Bring your laptop if possible.

iPad: Setting It Up

Thursday, January 9 ● 9:30-11:30am
Tour ALL the settings on an iPad and get your iPad working well. Must bring your own iPad. 

Picasa 101
Thursday, January 16 ● 9:30-11:30am
Photo editing and storage, create collages, videos and DVDs. (To minimize technical issues during the class, only library computers may be used and you must have basic mouse skills). 

Desert Foothills iPad User Group
Thursday, January 23 ● 9:30-11:30am
Steve Woods, our veteran computer/iPad instructor from Tech4Life, facilitates a new iPad User Group, a club focused on using your iPad for work and play. Must have a basic working knowledge of your iPad.

Android Tablets 101

Thursday, January 30 ● 9:30-11:30am
Did you receive an Android tablet for Christmas or have one that you use regularly, but can't seem to figure it out? Come and learn the basics along with a quick overview of all the settings on your Android tablet! Must bring your tablet.

Spanish Offerings

Intermediate Conversational
Every Wednesday ● 10:30am-Noon
(No meeting January 29)
Informal chat session using various books, flashcards, etc. No instructor. Contact Barbara Koca, 480-488-5332.


All Spanish classes below are taught by Alina Lowen, a native speaker who has taught for 30 years. Class sizes are limited. 
Register: 480-488-2286. 

Cost: $42 for each 7-week series

Beginning Spanish Class-
Tuesdays, January 7 - February 18 ● 2-3pm
No knowledge necessary, or take this class as a refresher. Oral skills will be emphasized; students learn basic grammatical structures to communicate on everyday topics. Try this class and if it feels too basic we'll allow you to switch to "Intermediate Spanish Class" .

Intermediate Spanish Class-
Wednesdays, January 8 - February 19 ● 9:30-10:30am 
OR Fridays, January 10 - February 21 ● 9:30-10:30am 
Some knowledge of Spanish necessary. If you think you are
beyond "beginner", try this class; if it feels too advanced we'll allow you to switch to "Beginning Spanish Class".

Advanced Intermediate Spanish Class-
Fridays, January 10 - February 21 ● 10:30-11:30am
Designed as a continuation for those who have taken our
Intermediate Spanish Class.

Spanish Communication Class-
Fridays, January 10 - February 21 ● Noon-1pm
Emphasis on fluency and accuracy in spoken Spanish with
continued study of grammatical structures. Knowledge of some Spanish necessary.

Monday Movies at the Library
Every Monday ● 3-5pm
 New Releases, with a Foreign Film once each month!

January 6    Una Noche. Not Rated. Spanish w/subtitles.
January 13  Don Juan. Rated R. 
January 20  Library Closed for MLK Day
January 27  Short Term 12. Rated R.

Book Buddy
Home Delivery Service

Do you or does someone you know have difficulty getting to the Library? We have book deliveries to and from your home by screened volunteers. Books-Large Print-Audiobooks-Magazines - CDs. 
Email:  ... or ... 480-488-2286.

Funds raised  

support the Library !

Lovers of Literature
Fundraising Gala

6pm, Saturday, February 8

Once a year the community is invited to participate in a Lovers of Literature fund-raising gala for the Library - a gourmet sit-down dinner with wine, music and a live auction. Auction items include Rancho de los Caballeros, Wakiki Marriott International Beach Resort, the Boulder House and many others. Cocktails begin at 6pm. Seating is limited, and tables seat eight. RSVP forms are available at the Library, or can be printed from our website.
Library Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm
Sunday Noon - 4pm
Closings &
Closed for the holidays
December 24 at 1pm
December 25 all day
December 31 at 4pm
Jan. 1 all day
Jan. 20 all day
Quick Links
Printable Events Calendar

Digital Library Catalog

Online Tools and Research


Become a Member
Fiction Book Club


Tuesday, January 14
(2nd Tuesday each mth)

The Snow Child 
by Eowyn Ivey.
Everyone welcome!

Click here for a complete book list.

Monthly Book Sale 
Friday, January 3
Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5

Open Daily
Check out our listings on Amazon 
or our website at
(and sign up for our eNewsletter)
Culture Pass
  Now available at DFL
Culture Pass Website

Got an Event?
Special event? A regularly scheduled meeting? The library offers the ideal venues. Conference and meeting rooms with audiovisual options, kitchen, furnished outdoor Terrace with Waterfall, kiva fireplace and spectacular mountain views, and other options. Click here for more information.

Did you know that we 
are a community-funded 
library that depends on
the support of individuals like you through memberships and donations? You'll enjoy additional benefits by becoming an annual member. 
Join now, for as little 
as $40 individual 
or $70 family!  
FAX Service
 Donating Members: FREE!

Per Page: $1 local;
$1.50 long distance (U.S. only)

Digital Newstand
The world's largest digital newsstand is now available to
Desert Foothills patrons. Enjoy 90 popular magazines online.
 Visit our website to access Zinio. 
Shop & Fund 
the Library!
You can help earn money for the library through the eScrip program. When you sign up, participating merchants (such as your local grocery store) contribute each time you make a purchase. Click on the eScrip image above
to find out how.

And, when you do, 
click on the
eScrip Dining 
to discover a list of local restaurants where you 
can dine and earn up to 5% for the library such 
as at "Big Earl's Greasy Eats"

The Library  is a 
Passport Acceptance Facility

Available 7 days a week!

Call 480-488-2286
Appointments recommended.

Passport Books & Cards
Photo Services
Easy & Convenient
Experienced Staff
Regular or Expedited Services


for Free music downloads!
Use your library card
to download up to 3
music tracks each week to your computer -- free!

DRM-free: once downloaded, they will not expire.  Follow the image above and click on the "Freegal" button on the right side of the page. 

Computer Station w/ 2hr sessions
FREE ear buds - listen to online resources
Special online jobseeker resources
Ask at the front desk.
The library is now
partnering to feed the hungry in our community.

A drop-off collection container is located by the pillar, left of the front desk.

About Us

The Desert Foothills
Library is a 501(c) 3 
non-profit, public library. 
We do not receive tax-based income, but rely solely on the memberships and donations of individuals, businesses, local towns, and organizations.

Community Partners
 Cave Creek Museum

Cave Creek Unified School District
News from the Creek

Desert Foothills Land Trust

Foothills Caring Corps

Foothills Community Foundation

Foothills Foodbank

Sonoran Arts League
