Letters from Readers: 12/2/10
My husband and I just want to wish you and Herb a Happy Thanksgiving. Among the many things for which I'm grateful is the political freedom to think and say what I want, and I'm especially thankful for people like you who take the time and effort to speak the truth so eloquently. Have a great day.
Carefree has so many assets that it should remain a wonderful place to live. Like any relatively new municipality, there will be growing pains. For example, growth necessitates greater regulation. Demographic changes, such as an aging population, will require different municipal services. With some reasoned planning and compromise, Carefree can remain an almost ideal town. As the current Mayor said when he first ran for public office, thoughtful criticism and disagreement are welcome. Unfortunately, we have a small group of dissidents who reflexively attack everything every Mayor has done, and who indulge in truly heinous personal attacks. This small group has grown to include a number of our elected officials as well as the hate-mongering publisher of the Sonoran News. Since they have only a fleeting acquaintance with truth and honesty, they freely distort facts about Carefree to discredit the truly fine leadership and to further their own political ambition. Carefree Truth has become the resource for citizens who want to know what is really happening in our town.
Sue C.
Good issue Lyn. I not only "saw the movie; I played a role" in his paranoia. Looks like the cooler and caring heads in Carefree continue to prevail. I am so proud of them AND YOU. KGDS!!
Ed Morgan.
'Go gittem, Girl'. I think you probably have a larger, more intelligent and concerned readership than the Snoring News - which must really PO Mr. Sorchych. Also it's funny that my computer 'spell check' tries to change Sorchych to Rorschach. Ha!
Larry H.
Yup- but I wouldn't endanger my birds with the stuff. Fish wrap at best.
Fred L.
Several weeks ago Don Sorchych, in his Sonoran News editorial, boasted that he would not support the Carefree APS Franchise Agreement on the November ballot because APS had not advertised in his paper. Sorchych further asked that Carefree voters vote against the measure and “…see what happens.” Recently on the front page of the Sonoran News was a feature extolling the ground breaking for the new Cave Creek WalMart. Could these two events have a common thread for Don and could that be MONEY?
Clearly Don was miffed when APS did not advertise with him and shockingly he admitted in writing that the reason he would not support APS was that they did not pay him! When you look at WalMart you have to ask yourself why the Editor of the Sonoran News, who had been a rabid defender of residential zoning and has over the years lambasted anyone who has suggested changing residential to commercial zoning, would support WalMart’s rezoning and building efforts? Could the answer be advertising dollars?
We have seen the pathetic sight of Sorchych standing on the media corner, tin cup in hand, begging for pennies to keep his failing tabloid from financial collapse. He is desperate. And in his desperation he sees the advertising dollars that a WalMart will bring to his despised paper.
We always knew he had no journalistic principles but has Don gotten even worse? Can Don be bought??
Dennis F.
(Lyn's note: Should the Don Sorchych promoted candidates for Carefree Council and Mayor be elected, the Sonoran News would regain the Carefree advertising dollars lost years ago after Mr. Sorchych repeatedly printed false accusations against the Town in his My View editorial. This represents a significant dollar amount, depicting an obvious symbiotic relationship.)
Hey Don, stuff a sock in it.
Alex Wilson