Letters from Readers: 1/19/11


I sent this letter to the Sonoran News and thought you might like to publish it.

To:     Editor, Sonoran News

Dear Don,

I’m afraid you and your contributors have been getting my name wrong.

My middle name is Charles, David Charles Schwan.

I don’t know how such a silly error could occur, especially since I have always said, “I OPPOSE A PROPERTY TAX”.

Anyway, I hope everyone will get things right in the future. It’s a terrible thing to waste good ink on an erroneous name.


David Charles Schwan

Candidate for Mayor of Carefree



Re: Carefree Truth, Issue #91-DAS informational public meeting

Lyn, the following is something I sent to the Town Council last week.  It would be great if a lot more folks (those of us usually in the silent majority) would sound off.  The spending for the consultants, while necessary given the rock throwers, is money better spent on constructive actions for the Town.


This letter is in support of the responsible installation of the NewPath/CrownCastle DAS system in Carefree.


There is another wave of criticism focused on the new Distributed Antenna System (DAS, sometimes, in error, called “Cell Towers”).  Visually, we see the fake cacti such as the one in the Town Center and scattered around Carefree and Scottsdale.  We hear all sorts of horror stories about health risks and speculation of little need for such systems.


But what we do not see or hear enough of is the real value of this system.


We should welcome the DAS.  A few reasons are:

1.    Better current cell phone and/or wireless computer service

2.    A superb platform for future services.  The current DAS system has only one service provider, AT&T.  The DAS system is engineered for multiple providers.

3.    Better esthetics and lower emissions as compared to earlier generation cell towers.


A recurrent theme of those resisting the DAS is the fear of negative health effects from the radiation produced by the DAS sites. 


In fact a recent article in Popular Science said “we are awash in . . .  radiation.”  Most responsible articles on the subject conclude that there is no evidence of danger from cell phone and cell tower radiation (DAS has lower emissions than cell towers).  The sources that cause us to be “awash” in radiation include our computers and home networks, our home entertainment systems and most home appliances.  Commercial and private radio, data and video systems are everywhere (and emitting radiation). Other major sources of radiation include medical x-rays, air travel and nature (the sun, radon and rocks).


The benefits of the DAS to Carefree and it citizens are many.  For instance;

1.    Many of us are moving away from telephone “land lines” and their costs.

2.    A similar trend is developing in TV (delivery of video programming via the Internet).  This may result in lowered costs, greater convenience and increased value.

3.  A  solid and contemporary communications infrastructure will attract (and hold) residents and desirable businesses, and, as a consequence, maintain or increase property values and tax revenues to the Town.

John Blair





Ballots for the upcoming local election will be distributed in only a few short weeks.  I've carefully studied both mayoral candidates' websites and reviewed their involvement in local government.  Maybe my list of comparisons will be helpful to other voters.


Schwan presents fact-based, business-like financial reports.  Anticipating decreased business tax revenue, Schwan worked with town employees and Council members who cared about the budget, and consulted with others familiar with Carefree’s financial situation.  Their efforts produced a balanced budget, completely protected the town’s cash reserves, maintained all public services, and added some municipal improvements.  Due to their efforts, Carefree ended the 2009-2010 fiscal year with a $345,000 positive cash flow.


Stavoe’s histrionic description of Carefree’s fiscal status is reminiscent of Chicken Little.  Although he was supposed to be the Council’s Financial Liaison, he never met with the town’s accountant or treasurer.  His only suggestions for improving the budget were to form more committees and to pay an outside consultant for advice. 


Schwan opposes a property tax. 


Stavoe opposes a property tax.     


Realizing that a healthy business community generates more tax revenue, Schwan encouraged the formation of The Carefree Business Association.  He voted for business licenses.


Stavoe’s only involvement with the business community ended when he recently closed his third short-lived business since moving to Carefree.  He voted against business licenses.


Schwan recommends greater consistency and cooperation in local government.  He opposes term limits and supports increasing terms to four year, staggered terms so that only half the Council is replaced in any one election. 


Stavoe says he supports greater consistency and cooperation in local government.  However, he supports two year terms with term limits.  This means that every town years, the Mayor and every Member of Council are up for re-election or replacement. 

Schwan attends all Council meetings and consults with town employees frequently.  His leadership style is respectful, calm, and businesslike.


Stavoe’s attendance at meetings is inconsistent, he rarely consults with town employees, and he spends little time in town hall.  He supported the Recall Election which was an attempt to overturn the citizens’ decisions in an election.  The Recall created tremendous animosity and conflict, interrupted the effective functioning of the Council, and ultimately cost Carefree $24,000. 


Schwan volunteers with multiple local organizations to improve the quality of life in Carefree.


Stavoe briefly attended meetings of the Green Initiative Committee to push for a personal favorite project.


Schwan – successful, experienced, competent, hard-working, respectful.


Stavoe – questionable experience in business, inconsistent involvement, unwilling to work with town employees, rejected the voters’ decision by supporting the Recall Election.





(Lyn's note: You can visit Mayor Schwan's website at and  Councilman Stavoe’s website at