Letters from Readers: 1/26/11
Originally printed in the January City Sun Times:
I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
Everyone I know believes that Carefree is a special place and everyone desires to preserve the unique qualities of our home town.
General Plan 2020 is one of our most important civic documents. This plan describes how we manage and use the land in Carefree, how traffic flows through the community, how we manage growth, etc. General Plan 2020 is the foundation of our Zoning Ordinances. A copy is posted online at
Every ten years the General Plan is reviewed, updated and then approved by the citizens of Carefree. The Planning and Zoning Commission began reviewing the General Plan in October 2010. Their work will continue at public meetings through 2011. In March 2012 voters will be asked to approve a new General Plan.
The new document will include an expanded section on commerce in Carefree. We will use the experience and participation of our business community to plan for a strong economy in the future.
I invite everyone to become involved in the public meetings concerning the General Plan. Meeting times are posted in Town Hall and announced in COINS. Carefree is your Town and your participation is important!!!
Mayor David Schwan
Town of Carefree, Arizona
480 488-3686 (Carefree Town Hall)
Just to let you know that in our below zero weather and heaps of snow, your "Carefree Truth" is appreciated and warms me up. It is one way of knowing what is happening. Have you ever considered running for the board of Carefree?
Kay Bernardi
(Lyn's note: due to an illness in the family, the Bernardis have been unable to make it to the sunshine this winter. I wish them good luck and good health, and hope to see them next winter.)
Lyn, do people understand that Stavoe, if elected Mayor, would have to make countless critical decisions every day? He has demonstrated his total lack of knowledge of the basic issues going on in our town. He takes up large amounts of time with questions about insignificant issues that he would know about if he had only attended some council meetings in all those years he said he has lived here. I never saw him once at a council meeting in my 20 years here. He still knows nothing about finance if he thinks a capital investment is not an asset, as he always talks about the Town Hall purchase.
Lyn, couldn’t have said it better. Keep up the good work!!!
(Lyn's note: Ralph is referring to my answer to Donna Ashworth's question about why some of the Council members had decided not to run again.)
OK, Coady is gone and I sincerely hope, despite his behavior on the town council, that he regains his full health. As far as Stavoe, he's got enough larceny in him to run for national office and bypass THIS little fishing pond altogether. See the record of his dire financial pronouncements while the town's "financial liaison", the fact that he (personally) has had a whole string of small business failures, and you will agree that Decimal Doug has lots of chutzpah running for mayor.
Alex W.
Just my opinion, but if Mr. Stavoe has been on Council for almost two years and he still hasn't figured out how many people serve on Council, then I'm certain he couldn't handle the math required for budgets. Perhaps someone needs to remind the voters how Mr. Stavoe earned the nickname "Decimal Doug."
Thank you for making me aware of the mayoral candidates' websites. I was dismayed to read Doug Stavoe's statement that he did not support the Recall Election. In the January 31, 2010 Sonoran News, Stavoe wrote a lengthy editorial which most definitely supported the attempt to overturn the election results with the unsavory Recall Election. His editorial ended with the lines "Carefree needs a new Councilman for a better future. Please vote for John Traynor..."
I didn't respect Stavoe last year because he supported the Recall. I now hold him in complete disdain because he's denying what he did. Doug Stavoe is guilty of revisionist history, better known as lying.
To Carefree Truth:
I think it is important to know something about the character of our public officials. Recently someone pointed out this posting on The Aviation Guru website. This was made by Doug Stavoe after the deadly plane crash that took the lives of pilot John F. Kennedy, Jr., his wife, and sister-in-law. I think this comes under the category of crass opportunism. Note the responses from Mr. Stavoe’s peers.
I gave JFK Jr. flight instruction in 1988 and I am looking for other flight instructors who may have given John Jr. flight instruction as well. I am requesting input from any flight instructor who logged time with John for a story I am compiling regarding JFK Jr.’s positive experiences with flying. If you or someone you know gave JFK Jr. flight instruction, please contact me. Thanks Doug Stavoe 480-488-0975
"Hello everyone… One my of students recently died in a plane accident. I want to cash in on this unfortunate incident. If you can help me stoop low enough to write this article, please contact me. Maybe both of us can make a quick buck." You SLIMEBALL. tim
Doug, I hope your flight instruction is better than your log book. The NTSB preliminary report states that JFK Jr. got his license in 1998… unless it took JFK Jr. 10 years to get his private, you might want to get the facts correct for your book! Jim
Sue C.
That is wonderful!! Great job!
Laurie P.
(Lyn's note: Laurie is referring to the CBA update)