Letters from Readers: 2/16/11


Hi Lyn. Jim Van Allen is a very smart, talented person. I purchased

my home from Jimmy 10 yrs ago after meeting him in the process of

helping put the finishing touches on his new home. We've been friends

ever since. He's a "getter' done" guy who can be trusted to do the best he can. He would be an asset to all. 

Gary Bentley

(Lyn's note: Gary is a stand-up guy who has done concrete work for us on a number of occasions.  Gary is a perfectionist.  He is one of a number of people I respect who are endorsing Jim Van Allen.)




Jim sounds like a breath of fresh air!!

Laurie P.

(Lyn's note: We are blessed with the possibility of electing 7 very good people for the 7 seats.  It's an embarrassment of riches!)




Lyn, I don't bring Sonoran News home. Please, can you tell me the names of those candidates for the March election whom it endorses? I would prefer not to vote for them.  Thank you, Lyn. I'm so grateful to have a source of information I can trust.

Donna Ashworth

(Lyn's note: Doug Stavoe and Jim Peirce are endorsed by the Sonoran News.)



Please vote for me in the upcoming “all-mail ballot” primary election!

If you have not received your ballot, it should soon arrive.  Ballots must be returned to arrive no later than 7:00 pm on Tuesday, March 8, 2011.  Completed ballots may also be dropped off at the Town Hall during regular office hours, or on Election Day, by 7:00 pm.  (Please note that there will be no voting booths, all ballots must be returned in the envelopes provided by the Maricopa County Elections Department.)

Recently, I have been asked about my position on the other candidates, for mayor and council, as well as the three propositions.

I will vote for David Schwan for Mayor.  I think that he has done tremendous job over the last two years, under very difficult economic times, despite the unwarranted criticism.

For Council, as you may already know, Karen Smith-Lovejoy has withdrawn due to illness of a family member.

I will vote for all other candidates EXCEPT I will NOT vote for Jim Peirce.

Instead, I will vote for Jim Van Allen, a write-in candidate.  I encourage you to do the same.  Apart from the fact that Jim is a retired hotelman (which automatically makes him a good guy), he is a longtime Carefree resident and former member of the Maricopa Sherriff’s Posse and given many hours of volunteer service to Carefree and the neighboring community.

Please be sure to write in Jim’s name correctly…Jim Van Allen.  Do NOT abbreviate, do NOT use only his last name, and do NOT change Jim to James.  Any write-in candidates without a correct spelling, will not be given a, regardless of intent.

I will vote against Proposition 421 Term Limits.  I am against term limits, firmly believing that an informed voter has an option of voting people In, or voting them Out.

I will vote against Proposition 422 Super-majority for sending property tax matters to the public.  Requiring two-thirds of the majority vote to send a question of property tax to the voter may result in the majority of votes being denied the opportunity of submitting property tax matters to the public for a vote.  In my opinion, Carefree voters are smart enough to decide what is best for their Town, without limiting their elected council members.

I will vote against Proposition 423 adding to the Town Code.  As a believer in small government, it is not necessary to add  a new chapter since any property tax (new or increase in existing property tax), revenue bond, or similar obligation, is already required, by Arizona statute, to be submitted to the voters.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (480) 538-1171, or send me an e-mail at

Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your vote.

Arthur Gimson


Two important facts regarding the current election in Carefree: 1. Karen Smith Lovejoy whose name appears on the ballot as a candidate for town council, officially withdrew due to family illness but too late to have her name removed from the ballot. 2. Jim Van Allen is running as a "write in" and an informational piece on him is attached.  If you vote for Jim his name must be written in exactly as Jim Van Allen.  It has been my pleasure and an honor to serve the fine citizens and Town of Carefree.


Susan Vanik 





Term limits are such an obvious ploy to gain control of the city that I scarcely believe anyone had the brass to float such an initiative.  Don Sorchych, Doug Stavoe and friends should be notified that Carefree is not a buffet counter for freeloaders.   It's a town, and a well run one at that.  Vote David Schwan!





You are so right, Lyn. We are very lucky to have good people to serve. Term limits will not do anything but limit the number of qualified individuals who step forward and put themselves on the line to help Carefree..KGDS!!

Ed Morgan





Carefree Ballot Changes!

Heads up, Carefree voters! Two significant ballot changes have occurred for our upcoming Carefree elections! The very capable Karen Smith-Lovejoy, whose name is still on the ballot, has had to take herself out of the running. AND, at the last minute my friend Jim Van Allen has filed to run as a write-in candidate for Carefree Town Council. The residents of Carefree could not ask for a better prepared individual on council. Jim Van Allen knows how to

get things done. He has had 35 years as a leader in the hotel industry. He is a fiscal conservative with a solid knowledge of how to budget wisely. He maintains strong views against any property tax. His record as a volunteer servant reads as 23,772 hours of protecting the Foothills Community while a member of our Posse. He has no ties to any special interest groups. Jim Van Allen has worked with the Town Staff of Carefree, and respect is a cornerstone of his decency. Most of all Jim Van Allen has the willingness to

continue to preserve Carefree's uniqueness and it's unique quality of Life. Remember the name. Jim Van Allen. Write it in when you vote. We will indeed be fortunate to have Jim Van Allen on our Carefree Town Council.

Ginnie Brooks