Letters from Readers & Events: 2/3/16


(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included.  If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category.  We have a special section for that purpose.  If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.   Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!) 

"Star Trails at Spur Cross" 

Photo by Tom Baker





The 2016 Carefree Desert Garden calendars are now available at Carefree Town Hall, 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree, and they are gorgeous! If you like to take pictures, visit the Gardens.  Our entry period for the Carefree Desert Gardens Photo Contest is January.  Your picture could be in the 2017 calendar.




Desert Foothills Chronicle link:

CITYSunTimes link:





Once again, thank you for furnishing to Carefree residents how they can get an accurate picture of the initial workshop in which the Town was attempting to start a discussion with its citizens regarding the Town possibly changing commercial building height restrictions in its zoning code for the downtown area. Regretfully, this initial attempt to start this discussion was side-tracked by a few well-meaning but uninformed residents taking an extreme position and presenting this attempt to discuss the matter as the Town’s under-handed attempt to dramatically increase these building height restrictions.

Perhaps a bit of background is in order to frame this discussion. First, let’s be clear that this is in regards to commercial buildings only, and for the downtown Carefree area only. 

Virtually all of the existing commercial buildings in the downtown area were constructed when the commercial building height permitted by the Carefree zoning code was 30 feet. This is the same commercial building height restriction prevalent in most communities throughout the country, and under it most of what I would term “mainstream” America downtown business areas were developed.

In roughly 2004, however, the downtown commercial building height restriction in the Carefree zoning code was reduced to 24 feet. Since 2004 there has been very little new commercial construction in this area. Now, I am well aware of the economic conditions which severely restricted any additional construction starting in 2008 and lasting four or five years, but commercial construction in downtown Carefree after this economic downturn lags behind other comparable municipalities. We have asked developers and other knowledgeable people why this situation exists, and one of the most frequent reasons cited has been the current very restrictive building height restrictions which are lower in Carefree than virtually all other communities within our trading area. Developers and prospective business owners just can’t get new commercial building in this area to “pencil out” as they describe it to us. 

This workshop under discussion was intended to be the first of a series of dialogues with residents on this subject, and to show residents attending of examples of how some other towns successfully approached and managed this situation. Some other municipalities increased their permitted building heights for commercial buildings but reduced the visual impact of this greater height by what is called “form based zoning.” Under form based zoning, permitted building heights were increased but this zoning also required substantial setbacks on the upper floors and other architectural elements to visually soften the appearance of the building from that of a box-like form. 

One of the questions currently before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council is whether it would advantageous to the Town and its residents to modestly increase the permitted commercial height in the downtown area in the zoning code to re-stimulate economic development of the area. Keeping it at the current 24 feet seems to stifle growth, but perhaps increasing it to the 30 feet where it was previously, or perhaps increasing it slightly above that but requiring a form based zoning code might well stimulate construction and re-construction without significantly changing the appearance and ‘feel” of the downtown area. That is what we had hoped to start a discussion about with our residents in the workshop. For anyone to suggest to residents that the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Council were actively considering increasing the permitted heights for commercial buildings to 70 feet was not factually based and does a dis-service to residents who wanted to seriously understand and consider the matter. 

Individual residents publishing inaccurate viewpoints and manufactured “facts,” as was done in the instance you referenced, hampers the ability of the Town of Carefree to discuss any subject with residents and get their reasoned responses to the matter in question. This forces the Town into the position of having to address matters without the input of its mainline residents, which would be regretful. Hopefully, all of us can discuss and share our experiences and perspective with one another in an open and candid forum in the future, recognizing that all of us are trying to do what is best for the Town and its residents.

Thanks again,

Les Peterson

Carefree Mayor



Hello Lyn:

Having watched and listened to the January 11 Planning & Zoning workshop video where the focus was Town Core building heights, it was clear that every commissioner read and studied the proposal and came prepared to discuss and ask questions.  And, I was pleased to see the many citizens who took the time to attend and share opinions.  This is how we arrive at good solutions.

Best Regards,

John Crane



Oh my! You did a wonderful job!

At this juncture one has to wonder why anyone even cares what the Snore-an  “snooze” says. It has done nothing in the way of promoting Carefree, rather it has used its “bully pulpit” (emphasis on Bully) in a pathetic attempt to ferret out “ high crimes and misdemeanors” rampant in Carefree.

When not doing the “DON” ‘s  work  using veiled threats, and outright intimidation to suppress non-believers, his “famiglia” find ways to stir the pot just enough to perpetuate closed minds and anger.  Paranoia is bad, journalistic paranoia when combined with a complete lack of journalistic integrity is reprehensible.

Does Carefree's Future Matters ever support anything that would help grow Carefree?  Carefree deserves better.

Laurie P.


Hi Lyn,

I do appreciate your work on Planning and Zoning, and the information you continue to make available to the public.

I also hope you know that some of us are in attendance to gain information/not protest, as well as to provide information that may be helpful to the P & Z board.   For example, during the zoning hearing on construction of the  Montacino complex, residents at Villa del Sol, immediately to the south, were told the roofline and extensions above would not rise above the roof top of the building immediately north of the now existing fire station.  The sightline to the mountains would be clear above that roof top. I will attach the current view from my front patio.


The point being, in this case,  it looks like actual construction does not conform to what P&Z intended. 

Few individuals are in favor of freezing Carefree in time exactly as it was when construction of the town first began.  It would be nice however to move forward keeping the character that attracted most of us in the first place.  Hopefully we can have an honest, civil dialogue to identify that character, and an end product that conforms to the P & Z Board and the public intention.

Again, thanks for your service.    

Marilyn Maloney

Villa del Sol, Unit L

(Lyn's note: Not having been on P&Z at the time, I can't speak for what was said when Montacino was approved, but it was built according to the standards at the time, as was the developer's legal right.  What I can tell you is that the Council, P&Z, and staff all welcome residents who wish to have an honest, civil dialogue, and we want that input.  We are all there in your service and in service to the Town as a whole.  As Mr. Neiss said, workshops are a starting point where all options are put on the table for discussion.  Nothing is written in stone. 

My point was that I am dismayed by Mr. Traynor's attempt to ramp up negative emotions through the use of inflammatory editorial rhetoric and Subject Lines containing "Special Alert", that are obviously meant to alarm and mislead.  Carefree Truth provided the audio from the October meeting, and Herbert attended the January meeting with the video camera so people who were interested in facts, rather than making judgements based on written angry rhetoric, could make their own decisions having the complete information. 

Please do attend meetings and become involved. We all want people there who are truly interested in being informed and providing constructive feedback.  We find it helpful when making decisions.) 


 We in the restaurant business will breath a little easier in the summer.


(Lyn's note: re the Mayor's update on the upcoming sewer rate case hearing that will likely change how Carefree restaurants are charged. They are currently charged by the number of chairs, which assumes that all chairs are filled during all the hours the restaurant is open. That is unrealistic and very onerous.)


"Magnificent"!! And I love all the hand gestures too...Super cute :-)

Jo Gemmill

(Lyn's note: re "Tea at Danielle's" Girl Scout cookies video)



Thank you Lyn!  We appreciate all your help!

Paula & Danielle



BREWERY??? What an outstanding idea! Any idea who would be coming in? You guys could have the best Octoberfest up there!!!

Laurie P. 


Lyn and Herbie, OMG it is exciting. I can only imagine if Ray is doing a sand sculpture we may need bleachers.  I’m reserving a front row seat!!!

It was interesting to watch the Town Council in action and the news of the Town partnering with GPEC exciting things should be on the horizon.

LeAnda Merrihew

(Lyn's note: LeAnda attended last night's Council meeting.  She had the idea to do a Pumpkin Festival.  She approached me, and I approached Gina.  The rest is history!  The Town is entering into a contract with Ray Villafane to do more in the Gardens throughout the year.  You will see it in an upcoming Carefree Truth.)





Here's the link to post or search for lost/found pups on the map, and get them in front of the volunteer queue:   They do not ever send spam but will send a follow up if no update is posted.  It really is an army of people helping, which is so wonderful.

They're über careful with people's personal info, which is why they require sign up. 


Now if we could just get County to immediately post "owner-surrendered" dogs on PetHarbor (in the event it wasn't actually the owner who dropped them off but rather someone with in a domestic dispute).



(Lyn's note: Christine is a friend of mine in the rescue community.  We both thought this link was a good one to get out there.)