Letters from Readers & Events: 2/5/14 Part #2


Alan Lowy’s                                                                      (623) 465-10771077
                                                                                                                                                                                       (M-F 10am-5pm)
                      CAVECREEK PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKSHOPS       
       2135 E. Gaffney Road    Phoenix, Arizona 85087
                Web site:               
 Winter  2014 WORKSHOP CALENDAR  (note: dates subject to change)
(note: dates subject to change & group size limited ( min. 4 max.- 6 people for most workshops)
                                            Note: we are not held responsible for any changes or cancellations of  workshops, travel expenses and accommodations
                                                               fees that you make should a workshop be cancelled. (Make sure all travel arrangements can be cancelled ) (effective. 12-2013)  
     Sun. Dec 15th     Hand-coloring B&W Photographs (color pencil techniques)                (9am -3pm)       Fee: $105.00 w/ lunch
                                                          Learn how to color black & white photographs  (materials supplied)
                                                    also learn how to shade and mix colored pencils easily on Digital Inkjet print images.    (Class size limited) 
               January 2014 Winter Workshops
        Sat Jan.18th         Basic Digital SLR Photography  ( 2 Days )                              (9:00 a.m.– 4:00 pm)     Fee: $160.00 w/ lunch                        
                             Sun, Jan.19th        Learn how to use camera settings, metering, when to use flash and filters. more.
                             (2 Day Basic)         Camera must be an interchangeable Single Lens Reflex camera  that can be taken off
                                                            Auto  & Program modes and be set manually for aperture & shutter speeds. (No point & shoot cameras)
                                       Advance registration required with a $50.00 deposit by check or money-order (class max.10) 
                   Sat. Jan. 25th      Basic Digital Adobe Photoshop workshop (bring Laptop - PC or Mac.)  (9:00-4pm)      Fee: $105.00 w/ lunch
                                                 Learn how to correct images, cloning, making layers, adding text and more (class size limited)
                                 Students must bring a laptop computer with Photoshop ( Adobe Elements  or CS 3, 4, 5 or 6 software on it )
     Sun. Jan.26th       Learn to photograph Wolves (domesticated ) Half day workshop         (9:30 - Noon)       Fee:$85.00
                                                   Learn composition, lighting and have the opportunity to capture them as an art portrait.
                                             Three wolves will be posing for workshop students in studio and weather permitting outdoors.
        Sat. Feb. 8th         Indian Hoop Dance photo workshop -  at the Heard Museum          ( 9am - 3:00pm)    Fee: $85.00
                                      Learn how to take more dynamic Native American Indian's photos in action. Learn more about metering
                                      exposure techniques, what to look for compositionally and how to capture the art of Hoop dancing.
                                     (admission fee not included)
       Sun. Feb. 9th        Basic Portrait Lighting Techniques   (1 day workshop)          (9:00am – 4:00pm)       Fee $155.00* w/ lunch
                                  Learn traditional studio portrait lighting: Rembrandt, Butterfly glamour lighting techniques. Learn to
                                      use a hand-held metering tool and how to pose & direct the model for professional looking portraits.
                                      Class taught using “hot lights” so you can see shadows and highlights (Electronic flash will be discussed)
                                                                                                                                                            (class size limited to 6 students)
        Sun. Feb.16th     Arabian Horse show photography workshop                            (10:00am - 3:00pm)         Fee: $75.00
                                     at West World, Scottsdale, AZ,
                                     Learn how to photograph horses, riders, Western wear, cowboy hats, saddles and more in this fun workshop.
                                     Learn composition and metering and which lenses to use to get creative images
                                                                                                                                               (Show Adm. & parking not included)
Sun. Feb. 23rd        Macro close-up photography at Botanical Gardens  (9:30a.m - 2:00 pm)     Fee: $75.00                                                                                                          Learn how to get better compositions, use of selective focus and fill-light techniques. ( minium 4 students max 8 )
                                     Use of Macro-zoom lens and metering. (tripod needed) Botanical gardens adm.fee not included
      Please read:  Participants must have a Digital SLR camera that can be taken off auto-program mode and can be set manually                                                                                                                                                                       (No point & shoot cameras please)
 Cavecreek Photographic workshops are not responsible for any loss or damage to a participant’s equipment
  and are not liable for personal loss, accident or mishap to a participant in the course of a workshop.
                                                Participants are solely responsible for their own health and safety and should have their own medical or insurance
                                                coverage as needed. Due to some strenuous hiking or walking it is the participant’s responsibility to check with their
                                                physician and make sure as to the suitability of taking such a course.
                                              * No model releases given:
                                                Please Read: That in a photo workshop, images taken by students are for portfolio use only,
                             (no model releases are given or implied) since the images created are set up by the instructor and is not the sole work
                             of the workshop participant.  Images taken at a workshop may be shown in a printed portfolio to show potential models
                            or clients what you have learned. No publishing of images for any website usage will be given. This is a learning workshop.
Advance registration with a $50.00 (non-refundable deposit) for each workshop
you wish to attend. This is on a first come basis.
                  I have read the above statements and hereby agree.
                  Signature_____________________________________________ Date____________________
                                    We will call you the Thursday before a workshop with details, time to arrive and what to bring.
                 Mail deposits to: Cavecreek Photographic Workshops  2135 E. Gaffney Rd, Phoenix, Az. 85087
                 Workshop I wish to attend:
                 Workshop name:  _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
                 Workshop name:  _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
                 Workshop name:  _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
                 Workshop name:  _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
                            Name____________________________________________________   Home Phone no. (           )_____________
                            Address___________________________________________________Work / Cell phone (          )_____________
                            City_______________________________________    Zip_________________
                             Private lessons & consultations by the hour   (2 hour minimum) Call for rates.
                Studio rental with use of soft box electronic flashes available by appointment (3 hr. minimum)
Richard Rubenstein and I are giving some "Free 2 hour photography tips & pointers" at the Desert Broom Library on Cave Creek & Tatum roads.  To register ( class size limited to 20 people) they can call the library at (602) 534-7186.  The next Free lecture is Tuesday Feb.18,
then one on Tuesday March 18th. Simple tips for  better family portraits is on Tuesday April 15th. All start 11:00am till 1:00pm. Thanks if you can get this in as well,  Alan 
(Lyn's note: Alan Lowy volunteers his time and expertise to judge the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest, as well as being a long time volunteer judge for the Black Mountain Photo Contest.  He is well known for his community service, and is a wonderful teacher too.)
Mission Statement - Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is committed to the growth of its members.
Vision Statement - Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is the premier resource for the vitality and growth of its members.

The next Thunderbird Fine Art and Wine Festival will be February 28 - March 2
In This Issue
FREE Mentoring
Help Wanted
Evening Mixer
Ribbon Cuttings
New Members
Evening Mixer
Business Breakfast

Contact Us
748 Easy Street 
Suite 4
PO Box 734
Carefree, AZ  85377

480-488-3381 Office
480-488-0328 Fax

Information Center Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Email the Chamber

Board of Directors for 2013-2014


Chris Kempster
Asset Protection Concepts

Evelyn Johnson 
Immediate Past - Chairwoman
Cave Creek Museum 

Jennifer McGirr 
National Bank of Arizona

Patrick Jones 
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Sonoran Desert Lifestyles

Rita Brady
Rubbish Works 

Jeff Penzone
Images AZ

Linda Skartvedt
Realty ONE Group

Ron Welch
Karsten's Ace Hardware

Brian Jones
Common Sense Financial Strategies

Dr. Debbi Burdick 
 Ex- Officio
Cave Creek Unified School District

Click the links below to view up coming Trainings/Seminars




February Wish List

Peanut Butter
Canned Pastas
Canned Tuna
Pasta Sauce
Diapers - N, 1, 2, 6

 Help stock the shelves and keep them stocked all year long.  You can bring your donations to several locations in our community. 

Some Locations are:

Parkway Bank  
6300 E Cave Creek Rd  
Cave Creek

Horny Toad 
6738 E Cave Creek Road 
Cave Creek

Harold's Corral 
6895 E Cave Creek Road 
Cave Creek

Smokehouse and Pour House Patio 
6245 E Cave Creek Road 
Cave Creek

Desert Foothills Library 
38443 School House Road 
Cave Creek

Wild West Pawn 
6032 E Cave Creek Road 
Cave Creek

 Gold Mine Thrift Shop
6502 E Cave Creek Rd  
Cave Creek
The Foothills Food Bank is located at:   
 6038 E Hidden Valley Drive
Cave Creek. 

Attention Members
We need your Business Cards

We pass out information daily, not only to visitors, but also to community members. 

We want the opportunity to refer your business.

Stop by or mail your Information to the Chamber.


FREE Mentoring


Are you looking to expand your business, Start a business, get a better grip on your business? SCORE can help you!!
Larry Balboni is our community SCORE representative.  SCORE is a non-profit resource partner of the Small Business Administration (SBA).   Larry, as well as other retired business professionals, have devoted their time to help business owners get the help they need to succeed. 

FREE Mentoring Sessions
Every Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
(1 hour sessions)
Foothills Community Foundation
34250 N. 60th Street, Scottsdale.
To sign up to receive FREE mentoring for your business visit and click the green box in the top right corner.  Fill out the form requesting "Larry Balboni at the Foothills Community Foundation" and the time you are available.  You will then receive a confirmation email.  

Larry has already helped several of our member businesses.  Give him a shot!!

Click to see who needs you

Click here to see who is hiring

Do you have a position that needs to be filled?  

Send an email and we will add your post to our website.  

Happy February!!

1 - National Freedom Day  
2 - Ground Hog Day  
3 - The Day the Music Died - Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash in 1959.
4 - Thank a Mailman Day 
5 - National Weatherman's Day 
6 - Lame Duck Day 
7 - Wave All you Fingers at Your Neighbor Day 
7 -  Winter Olympics Opening ceremony
8 - Boy Scout Day - celebrates the birthday of scouting
9 - Toothache Day -Why celebrate this?? 
10 - Clean out Your Computer Day - second Monday of Month 
11 - White T-Shirt Day 
12 - Abraham Lincoln's Birthday 
13 - Get a Different Name Day   
14 - Valentine's Day 
15 - National Gum Drop Day 
16 - Do a Grouch a Favor Day 
17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day 
17 - President's Day
19 - National Chocolate Mint Day 
20 - Love Your Pet Day 
21 - Card Reading Day 
22 - George Washington's Birthday 
22 - International World Thinking Day   
23 - Winter Olympics closing ceremony
24 - National Tortilla Chip Day 
25 - Pistol Patent Day   
26 - National Pistachio Day - it's a nutty day!
27 - No Brainer Day - this day is for me!
28 - Public Sleeping Day 

Land Trust Treasures

From the Desert Foothills Land Trust
(Kraig Nelson) 

Twenty three years ago, February 1991, an important event transpired in the magnificent, north Sonoran Desert - Desert Foothills Land Trust was created! Today, it is an accredited Land Trust with 22 preserves protecting approximately 685 acres. The stated "mission" is to work with communities and partners to protect, preserve, and steward sensitive lands and species for the survival of the fragile Sonoran Desert.


The Land Trust is pleased to offer an opportunity for North Valley community members to become personally involved in conservation programs through volunteer activity. The organization is hosting volunteer orientation sessions in  Cave Creek on February 4.   

Tuesday, February 4, 2014  
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Desert Broom Library
29710 N. Cave Creek Road
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Please RSVP to Mary Warren at 480-488-6131, ext. 2 or 

Additionally, for those particularly interested in natural history and outdoor activities, the Land Trust is offering four in-depth natural history courses, called "Focus on the Foothills," as well as one culminating Steward and Docent Training class. All are invited to attend the natural history courses, and those who wish to continue with volunteer service in the field are invited to attend the final optional training course. More information is available on the Land Trust's web site at  

Valentines Day

Watch your email next week for  Valentine's Day Specials!! 

February Newsletter 2014
Proudly serving the Carefree Cave Creek Community Since 1965

Straight from the Director


Most Chamber members know that we provide networking and business building opportunities like our monthly Business Breakfast, POWER Lunch and our twice monthly Mixers.  What you might not know is that we also provide business advocacy.  We understand that you have precious few hours after running your business and attending to your families that is why I will keep an eye and ear open throughout this legislative session and keep you informed of key legislation that will affect your business. 
I will use this space to update you on some of the key issues that are being voted on by our elected officials each week.  If there is a bill or other information that you want to know more about do not hesitate to let me know so that I can attempt to track it for you.  

The Board of Directors of this Chamber joined Chamber Boards across the state by endorsing a statewide legislative agenda that was prepared by Arizona Chamber Executives.  The agenda was delivered to our elected officials in early December.  On February 18th and 19th, Jen and I will attend a rally with Chambers across Arizona at the State Capitol, meeting with our elected officials and speaking with them about the Legislative Agenda that was presented to them earlier in this legislative session.

Some of the bills that I am following right now are:

H2030:  Unemployment Benefits; Drug Test
The Department of Economic Security is required to adopt a drug screening and testing program for individuals who file claims for unemployment benefits and for whom suitable work is available only in an occupation that regularly conducts drug testing as designated by U.S. Department of Labor regulations. A person filing a claim for benefits is required to complete a written questionnaire. If the questionnaire shows a "reasonable likelihood" of drug use, the person must pay for and pass a drug test. A person who fails a drug test is not eligible to receive unemployment benefits until the person has passed a subsequent drug test no earlier than four weeks after the failed drug test. Some exceptions applies to unemployment benefit claims made beginning January 1, 2015.
First sponsor:  Rep. Lovas
Referred to the House on 1/15
Hearing:House Reform & Human Services (Thursday 02/06/14 at 9:00 AM, House Rm. 1)

H2174:  Income Tax; Health Care Deduction
For tax year 2014, the list of subtractions from Arizona gross income for income tax purposes is expanded to include the amount paid as a federal tax penalty for failing to timely purchase health care insurance as required by the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
First Sponsor:  Rep. Kwasman

H2288: Sales Tax; Reduced Reporting Requirements
Taxpayers with annual transaction privilege tax liability between $2,000 and $8,000 are required to pay TPT on a quarterly basis (instead of a monthly basis), and taxpayers with annual TPT liability of less than $2,000 are required to pay on an annual basis. Previously, taxpayers with less than $500 annual TPT liability were permitted to pay annually, and taxpayers with between $500 and $1,250 annual TPT liability were permitted to pay quarterly.
First sponsor: Rep. Lesko
1/28 from House ways - means do pass 

Feel free to discuss any of these with me.  Below is a link to familiarize yourself with the Legislative Agenda. 

Click here to read the Legislative Agenda for 2014
Patty Villeneuve
Executive Director
Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce  

Click here for page 3