Letters from Readers: 2/6/12


Lyn: you might consider advising the folks on your Blog about a very important agenda item on the upcoming Town of Carefree Council meeting this coming Tuesday. Our citizens have spoken quite strongly about the nine "business signs" in the public rite away in the Downtown area. Interestingly not one person, who responded, made a complaint specifically about the "A Frame Signs" Hum??

During the recent surveys over 70 ( in the two surveys ) of our folks in sometimes 'colorful' language, took us to task about the signs. Of all of the issues that received any type of negative feedback the signs were at the top of the list.

These signs will again be addressed at the Tuesday meeting. I would expect the 'usual' cast to be at the meeting to support the signs be renewed. If the folks who read your letters care one way or the other, they need to be at the meeting and be heard.

This a "Town Wide Issue"...not just a issue to be addressed for the very special interest group who have shown up before. We have 3700 fine residents who need a voice on this matter.

As you note, I am not taking a position..for or against..I just want to be an advocate for ALL OF THE FOLKS to be heard.

Thanks Jim Van Allen, a citizen of Carefree