Letters from Readers: 2/1/11
Stavoe just can't admit it when he does stupid things. He supported the Recall. He's insulting his constituents' intelligence if he thinks we don't remember what he did so publicly just one year ago. His wormy little attempts to avoid the truth make me dislike him even more. In his website he says he "wrote only one letter" in support of the Recall. That was a letter to the editor of the newspaper that was printed and distributed to every voter. What a slime ball attempt to avoid the truth. This sneaky, deceptive man should never be in a position of public trust.
Doug Stavoe includes his status as president of the merchant's group on his website. Here are the facts:
1. He was not elected. He assumed the role when the than president deferred to a motion.
2. There were two meetings after he took control of the group. Nothing further was accomplished.
3. All events ceased.
4. Wine Night ceased.
5. A vote of no confidence was considered by the merchants but was not acted upon.
6. The group never rebounded from his leadership until the recent formation of the CBA.
7. $1700 in existing monies remain unaccounted for.
I don't believe this is the quality of leadership that the residents of Carefree expect or deserve.
Laurette Bouthillier