Letters from Readers: 3/30/11


Thanks Lyn.

The next couple of years may well be dull, in terms of Town Tempests. In this case, dull is good.

John Blair





What a stupid  rule for the state/county elections to have in this situation.   So Carefree gets to spend money for no good reason.   Certainly an issue we voters should address and change.  The only good plus to this horrible rule is that Jim Van Allen will be validated by the voters and not be known as just a candidate who won by the grace of Peirce dropping out. 

Anna Marsolo






Is it just this writer, or does it seem that most of the negative entries in the 'Your View' column of our local newspaper appear to maybe be from the same one or two individuals??  Writing style, like fingerprints, are often traceable.  In the past 5 weeks there have been from 16 to 18 total submittals in this column.  Remarks that were negative to Carefree, or certain Carefree Citizens were as high as 16 of 18 to a low this past week of only 10 of 18.  I guess our National and State Officers, along with Cave Creek must be doing everything quite well to avoid the often rude and degrading remarks made about Carefree.


In one entry, this past week, a writer took a shot at newly elected Art Gimson.  Then they go on to write about the new Council by saying, ..."a stable to house the herd of pompous asses".  I would strongly challenge the writer to spend some quality time with Mike, Marty, Melissa, Arthur or me and come away with a defendable opinion that any of the five could be considered "pompous asses"...and they nor I will be "sheep" subject to herding. 


The Primary Election results are Official.  It is now time to let the present Council wrap up its business and let the new folks get down to the job of governing for the entire Citizenship of the Town.  By the way, I like Arthur's accent.


  JIM Van Allen   Town Council Candidate (AKA  JVA)


(Lyn's note: You are absolutely correct, Jim.  Many are able to easily  identify the few "not so anonymous" authors.  They constantly attack everyone they can't influence with their drivel, using infantile insults and accusations devoid of facts.  Any disagreement, no matter how valid, is dubbed "hate mail".  I think we have a superb new Council, just as we have had many fantastic people in the past.  Look at how they were treated by the Sonoran News and the Your View authors.  Unfortunately, we can probably expect more of the same.  Consider the source and take it for what it's always been worth.)