Letters from Readers & Events: 4/23/14


(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included.  If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category.  We have a special section for that purpose, and have just added some art as well.  Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale.  He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite.  It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall.  If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.)  Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week. 

Desert Foothills Chronicle, Inc: 4/12/14 

Desert Foothills Chronicle, Inc: 4/4/14  

(Lyn's note: Now is a wonderful time to take pictures in the Carefree Desert Garden in downtown Carefree.  The Annual Carefree Desert Garden Photo Contest drop off times will again be early January through early February.  We look forward to seeing your beautiful photos!)  "Spring is here.  If you are inclined to look for the meaning of life, get thee to a garden.  There are profound reasons why the garden is central in the sacred text of major religions.  Since ancient times, it has been the place where the soul goes to exercise, while simultaneously engaged in a multi-layered dance with earth, plants, sun, birds, bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, night and day, temperature, the faithful earthworm, water, minerals, fragrance, a cast of thousands of microorganisms, our stalwart friends the fungi, chlorophyll, nectar.  I think of it as a ballet in the biosphere."

George Ball


Glad to see this moving along.  Hopefully an example for our town core.

Sara Vannucci

(Lyn's note: This is in reference to the Stakeholders Advisory Committee.)


What a great idea.   Cave Creek should begin a program like this.

Sara Vannucci

(Lyn's note: This is in response to the Citizen Lockbox Program.)

Supplied by the Town of Carefree in COINS

Weigh in on Options to Improve Transportation
in Cave Creek and Carefree

Public meeting to be held April 29

Let Your Voice Be Heard on Concepts to Make the Towns More Pedestrian, Bicycle and Driver Friendly

Community members in Cave Creek and Carefree, recreational users and other interested parties will have an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the location and type of potential pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian, roadway, parking, transit and other improvements being considered.

Potential options will be shared and discussed at a public meeting on April 29 at the Cave Creek Council Chambers. Alternative concepts will also be posted on the study website for those unable to attend the meeting as soon as they are available.  

Attend Public Meeting

The meeting will provide an opportunity to review and provide input on concepts for potential pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian, roadway, parking and other improvements.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cave Creek Council Chambers
37622 N. Cave Creek Rd., Cave Creek

The meeting will include a presentation at 6:00pm with information about the current phase of the study and the transportation improvement options currently being considered. The presentation will be followed by an open house with an interactive exercise for community members to identify their preferences for the potential options and provide additional input to study team members.

Over 1,300 Town Residents and Visitors Take Part in Shaping the Area's Future Transportation System

In the fall 2013, an intensive public involvement effort was undertaken to engage residents, business owners, recreational users and special event visitors in Cave Creek and Carefree to determine the transportation issues they are experiencing, and their needs and priorities for addressing these issues.

More than 1,300 community members and visitors participated in this effort through multiple engagement opportunities.


About the Study

The purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive master plan (or transportation framework) to guide local and regional transportation planning and development that includes recommended transportation policies and improvements that could be made in the near and long term. There is no funding currently identified for these types of improvements. The study is a planning-level document that will guide transportation planning in the Towns of Cave Creek and Carefree, and will lay the foundation to secure potential future local, regional and federal funding for improvements.  

The study is being conducted by the Maricopa Association of Governments, the regional planning organization for Maricopa County, on behalf of the Towns of Cave Creek and Carefree, and Maricopa County. The study area also includes a portion of Carefree Highway in the City of Scottsdale.

Questions/Mailing List

For questions or comments about the study or to sign up for the study mailing list, contact:

Eileen Yazzie, Project Manager
Maricopa Association of Governments

Study Web Page

For information about the study, visit

Click here for Part #2