Letters from Readers: 5/14/12
Take out the Tiaras!
Celebrate with England and the world at authentic British-style, two-day street party with double-decker bus, guests in tiaras and fancy hats, royal souvenirs, canine Corgis, formal afternoon tea and more.
CAREFREE Ariz, (April 11, 2012)—This June marks the official British holiday to commemorate the 60th year of Queen Elizabeth’s reign in England.
For those looking to celebrate the historic Diamond Jubilee on this side of the Atlantic, head to the English Rose Tea Room in Carefree for an authentic, British-style, two-day street party to commemorate England’s longest reigning monarch.
Business owner Joanne Gemmill, who is originally from England, will host the street party from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Saturday, June 2 and Sunday, June 3 at the English Rose Tea Room, 201 Easy Street in Carefree.
Guests will experience royal encounters with life size cutouts of the Queen, Prince William and Princess Catherine, original footage of the 1953 coronation, jeweled tiaras and fancy hats, and an opportunity to meet the Queen’s loyal corgi canine cousins and more. A royal pavilion set up outside of the restaurant and a double-decker bus are also part of the festivities.
Admission is $50 and includes formal tea service, Jubilee cake, a goody bag with official royal souvenirs and an event program. Seating is limited. Reservations are recommended by calling the English Rose Tea Room, 480-488-4812. For more information, visit
Sparking international interest, royal celebrations are currently underway throughout the world to honor the Queen’s Jubilee. The Jubilee party will culminate with an official British Holiday in England, taking place over the first weekend in June.
“If you missed our royal wedding celebration, now is your chance to become a part of history and join me in celebrating my Queen’s 60th year,” said Gemmill. The Carefree, Arizona celebration will rival those in England and be among the most authentic in the United States, she added.
Guests attending are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite royal, don fancy hats and tiaras, and wear other royal fashions. Hats will also be available for purchase at the event.
Contact/Reservations: 480-488-4812,
Lyn, 2 things: Do we have a snake training person in the area to recommend?
Could throwing rocks or trying to grab and save a pet cause a person to be attacked? Tx
Barb Bankord
(Lyn's note: Back to my expert...)
Throwing rocks into desert areas before you tread into them is a good way to see if there's a rattler in your path. That, and stomping hard on the ground should get the rattler to respond with his rattles. As for throwing a rock at a coyote....I don't think I'd go there. If you see a coyote stalking your dog, there's a good chance you're surrounded with a group of them, and just one has been "sent out" to get your dog's attention. Picking your dog up, facing the coyote (stepping back away at the same time) and screaming your lungs out and waving a free arms is all good. Make yourself look big, and loud, and don't turn your back on something that's staring at you (works for bears too). If you run, you are acting like prey. Never, ever, EVER walk a small dog on an extended leash unless you're in broad daylight, away from all obstacles (shrubs, cars - anything you can't see around) and ONLY if the leash is just a few feet from you. I can't tell you enough how many times a small dog has been attacked on the end of a retractable leash, or, the leash fails and the dog gets hit by a passing car. Ann Austin did all of our dogs' snake training. 480 488-1588. She's fabulous! Ann has lived here in Carefree for a long time (over 20 years) and does animal actors, and search and rescue dog training - and is very good at what she does!
Always keep in mind javelina do not hear or see very well, and if they have babies they are lethal. If you see javelina stay clear. They aren't "cute", they are giant rodents with long tusk like teeth that have some of the worst bacteria out there. Sometimes you can smell them before you see them, if you think you smell a skunk, it's likely an upset javelina. Walking sticks with sharp metal points can come in handy, as can bear spray. Safety first, if you just keep an open eye and use some common sense you shouldn't have any issues.
Animal Health Services, 37555 N. Cave Ck. Rd., 488-6181, frequently gives free desert safety and awareness seminars. No better speaker than Dr. Cliff Faver in my book!
Jakki Brooks
I have had a shop on Easy Street for the past two seasons. Due to lukewarm sales, I was planning to relocate the shop after this season. However, the present Council has done and is continuing to do so much to make downtown Carefree more attractive and inviting, and my business this season has reflected it. I feel that Carefree is moving in a very positive direction. If the current trends continue, I am seriously reconsidering my decision and will probably be returning next fall. Keep up the good work.
Chris Coxon
(Lyn's note: Chris owns Little Cate's Silver Shop. I sincerely hope he does return in the fall. I LOVE his jewelry! This was also submitted to Town Hall to be distributed to all the Council members.)
I love Ann.
Sue C.
OK, so this one I'm printing up and carrying with me because it saves my breath trying to explain to someone who asks what's really going on. I think this just about covers it! :)
Don S.
(Lyn's note: This is in reference to Vice Mayor Price's letter and ex Vice Mayor Meyer's response to her letter.)
Articulated succinctly and honestly by Lloyd and Melissa. Carefree citizens are really tired of this nonsense.
Sue C.
Patty S.
Well said Melissa and Lloyd. I'm saddened to see "Life's Scripts Don't Change". KGDS!!
Ed Morgan
Superbly said! The town is in good hands and I agree with you that the Mayor and Council have and continue to do an excellent job.
Bob Gemmill
Here Here!!!
Well stated by both Vice Mayor Price & Mr. Meyer. The GOB/SOB times are over- and anyone who wants to resurrect them should be run out of town. I am 100% behind the town council- pls keep up the good work.
Citizens of Carefree- get behind your town council & show your support!
Fred in Carefree.
For too many years, now ex-Councilman Bob Coady and his small group of wanna-be's have personally attacked and undermined the work of Carefree's leaders. Their many real and threatened law suits, their attempt to re-call the Mayor, the deliberate dissemination of mis-information about town affairs, and their own doubtful knowledge of the law and administrative protocol, have repeatedly stalled and foiled the efforts of hard-working elected officials and created unnecessary legal expenses for our town. Over the years Coady and his buddies have repeatedly accused a vast array of Carefree's citizens of stealthily sneaking into clandestine meetings, all in an alleged plot to take-over the control of Carefree. They refer to this vague group as the Good Old Boys. I don't know if this represents paranoid thinking or deliberate false accusations, but I don't believe there is any truth in their accusations. Rather than the GOOD Old Boys, I think Carefree has suffered from a small group of BAD Old Boys. The Bad Old Boys, or BOB, need to cease and desist.
Here's the truth: Since Bob Coady and his group have been out of office and relatively un-involved in Carefree's leadership, the Council of elected volunteers has become an even more efficient organization that takes great pains to hear the needs and opinions of all our businesses and citizens. There are no petty fights or personal attacks. Our budget is exemplary. The thinking is pro-active and future-oriented.
I just love Ann!!!!!!
Maria K.