Letters from Readers: 5/9/13
(Lyn's note: Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week. Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale. He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite. It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.)
Your ears must have been ringing yesterday. We talked at our afternoon meeting about Carefree and the Truth, and what a positive influence you are on a very discordant populace.
(Lyn's note: While the discordant tend to draw attention, I find that most of our residents seem pleased with the job being done in Carefree. The term "silent majority" is so appropriate to most of life. But thanks for the nice compliment!)
Sometimes we don't say Thank You enough, so "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" for what you do.
Archie & Beth
Hi Lyn,
I'd appreciate your adding me to your mailing list. I'm the lady who expressed (at the workshop mtg) my interest in thoughtful change and enjoying visitors' delight as I walk my dog.
Thanks for all you and your husband do for Carefree!
Gayle Sciorilli
Guess everyone's getting cranky with the heat. Or the cranky ones are just coming out again. I think the splash pad is a very neat idea, but as someone mentioned, may not attract quite the right visitors. But certainly worth considering and researching. And yes, more shade is definitely a good investment.
Kathy Riemer
GAD- it's all I can say!!!!!!
Fred L.
Lyn. Thus is priceless. You should write a book or at least a mini series.
Suzanne Mead
Lyn, here is a science report that arrived this morning online, which gives scientific support to our rural passion for minimal night lighting at stores and streets. As you will see, it has become a concern that night animal hunting will be greatly altered unless more light in pointed downward.
The companion story was news on bee collapse front.
Researchers find high-fructose corn syrup may be tied to worldwide collapse of bee colonies
(Lyn's note: Fortunately, the preservation of our night skies has always been a priority in the Carefree/Cave Creek area, and the ordinances in both towns reflect that, no pun intended.)