Letters from Readers & Events: 5/7/14

Non profit Events


Desert Foothills Youth Theater presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream:

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of William Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies. There is a love triangle, mischievous fairies, royals, workmen that dream of being actors and all of their stories come to meet one night in the woods outside of Athens. This not your musty, dusty Shakespeare. It is re-imagined, re-thought and re-envisioned for today’s audience. It’s a fresh new take, brought to life by an exciting and energetic young cast and crew who challenge you to put aside your notions of what it means to be a “classic.”

May 2-11, FCF-Holland Cabaret Theater, 34250 N. 60th St., Building B, Scottsdale

Tickets: OR 480-488-1981

DFYT is a program of the Foothills Community Foundation.

Jubilate Violin Orchestra Hosts

May Fundraiser Recital

At Christ Anglican Church in Carefree

The Jubilate Violin Orchestra (JVO) will host a fundraiser recital from 3:00-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 10th at the Christ Anglican Church in Carefree. The event is open to the public with a $5 suggested donation at the door.

The fundraiser will help raise money for the JVO and includes performances by the Jubilate Family Choir, an all-ages music group, as well as presentations by the Jubilate Music Theory class.  Light refreshments will follow the recital.


Currently, the JVO offers a general music theory class, where children learn to read music, as well as Level 1 and Level 2 violin instruction classes. These courses are part of an expanding family music program that began under the direction of Fr. Steven Dart.


Starting in August, the JVO is adding an expanded selection of music programs that will include two levels of theory classes and a Level 3 violin instruction course.

While all of the programs are free and open to all ages, the Level 3 course will have tuition, and students must meet second level proficiency for entry.


Laya Field, of Cave Creek, teaches the course. Fields is a classically trained violinist and opera singer who began playing the violin at the age of eight.


All JVO programs take place at the Dorothy McGinnis Hall of Christ Anglican Church, 35500 N. Cave Creek Road, ½ mile north of the corner of Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road, in Carefree. For more information, call 480-993-6147.


Christ Anglican Church is located at 35500 N. Cave Creek Road in Carefree, Arizona. For information, call 480-488-0525 or visit The church is part of the Anglican Province of Christ the King, a nationwide body of Traditional Episcopal Churches. The parish serves the communities of Carefree, Cave Creek, North Scottsdale, North Phoenix and Anthem. Worship services take place at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., each Sunday.





WHERE: Christ Anglican Church, 35500 N. Cave Creek Road, Carefree.

WHEN: Saturday, May 10 from 3:00-4:30 p.m.

COST: $5 Suggested Donation

WHAT: Jubilate Violin Orchestra Fundraiser Recital

INFORMATION: Laya Field, 480-993-6147 or Christ Anglican Church, 480-488-0525,




2014 Cave Creek Museum Communications

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Artifact of the Month - May 2014

Apache Water Jar

Visit Our Website

Open October 1 thru May 31

Wed. & Thurs. 1:00 to 4:30 pm

Fri. 10:00am to 4:30pm

Sat. 1:00 to 4:30pm

Sun. 1:00 to 4:30pm

Corner of Basin & Skyline

off Cave Creek Rd.

May 5, 2014

Hello Everyone!

Our May Artifact of the Month is the final one for the 2013-14 season. The museum will close for the summer June 1.

I hope you have enjoyed viewing the online version of our monthly featured artifact. 

If time and logistics permit, I hope that you have the chance to stop by the museum before we close for the summer.

Please click the following link to view the AOM.

Apache Water Jar - May 2014 AOM

Thank you for your interest and support in making this season a rousing success!

Evelyn Johnson

Executive Director

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Cave Creek Museum

6140 Skyline Drive

Cave Creek, AZ 85327

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Desert Foothills Library

May 2014 Adult Events/Programs


Information for all events: Contact Dereth DeHaan or David Court, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286,,,


WhereAll events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85327.


Cost:  All events are free, except where noted.



When:  1 – 3 p.m., Friday, May 2 (1st Friday each month)


What:  Desert Foothills Library Writers’ Connection

Strengthen Your Writing with Compelling Scenes! Expand Your Research -- Expand Your Writing

In this day of sophisticated readers, all writers must be informed writers to keep readers believing in them. Research adds credibility & professionalism to all types of writing, including memoir, creative nonfiction, history, fantasy, science fiction & essays. Learn from professional researcher & genealogist Rita Ackerman not only how & where to find the information you need, but handy tips every writer/researcher can use. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.



When:  10 – 11:30 a.m., Monday, May 5 (1st Monday each month)


NEW! What:  Caring for the Caregiver Support Group

A monthly educational support group, beginning in April. Being a caregiver can take a physical, mental and emotional toll on you. Taking care of yourself is essential in being able to take care of your loved one. It can be helpful to talk with others who are going through similar experiences. Join us for this opportunity to fellowship with other caregivers and discuss the challenges, the joys, share helpful ideas and resources. Led by professional facilitators from Hospice of the West: Danah Flanagan, MSW, LSW and Nancy Greschel, MSN, CHPN. Register: 480-488-2286.



When:  4 – 5:30 p.m., Monday, May 5 (1st Monday each month)


What:  Memoir Writing Group

Meet monthly to establish goals, set personal writing schedules, share stories, and receive constructive feedback. For guidelines, email Elena Pavlova: No registration.



When:  Noon – 1 p.m., Tuesday, May 6 (1st Tuesday each month through May)


What: Art Nosh Lunch:  Heard Museum Guild presents: Rain: The Importance of Water as Expressed in Art
Catch this season’s final event! Enjoy a nosh while being educated & entertained. Limited seating. Registration required at 480-488-2286. 

Event is free. Order a boxed lunch provided by Grotto Café (Cost: $10, due when registering by Monday a.m. prior to event date. Choose from 3 menu items: ask at front desk or access menu at OR brown bag it.



When:  2 – 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 6

What:  Pet Trusts: Estate Planning for Your Pets

Come and participate in an interactive conversation about the important things in life - and how gaining clarity in these things can bring focus and freedom in your life. First, we'll walk through two exercises to put things into perspective (presented by Morgan Advisors).  Next, we’ll have an informative conversation about pet trusts: a vehicle for taking care of your 4-legged and feathered family during your incapacitation and after your passing (presented by Pinnacle Law Group, PLLC).

Register: 480-488-2286

Desert Foothills Library does not endorse the products or services of businesses that host events in our facilities.



When:  1 – 2 p.m., Monday, May 12 (2nd Monday each month)


What:  Medical Qi Gong Series

Instructor LauRha Frankfort shares how to boost your energy and find relief from many medical conditions. She will demonstrate some simple, beneficial movements and techniques. For all ages and conditions (can be adapted for seated exercise) Both lecture & participation. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.

Cost:  $5 cash, pay to instructor at each class.



When:  10 a.m. – Noon, Tuesday, May 13 (2nd Tuesday each month)


What:  Fiction Book Club: Discussion of:  The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht



When:  1 – 3 p.m., Tuesday, May 13


What:  Journaling: Write to Better Health

Learn ways to use your journal to bring balance and well-being into your days. No writing experience is necessary. Bring a journal or notebook and pen. Mary Lee Simpson is a certified journal facilitator and has taught therapeutic writing for nearly 20 years. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.



When:  2:30 – 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 14


What:  Call of the Mountains: Lessons from Mount Everest Base Camp 

Join Christine Regan for a compelling discussion about the lessons she learned about herself, life and business while trekking through the Himalayas with a Canadian trekking team. See a slide show with extraordinary photos of the beautiful Nepalese countryside and learn why this 78-mile trek over 10 days changed her life and planted the seed of a new-found passion for climbing mountains. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.



When:  2 – 3 p.m., Thursday, May 15


What:  Be Strong Live Long

Exercise and physical activity can help you live a longer, healthier life. Learn why physical activity is important for your body as well as everyday exercises to strengthen your body. These exercises are simple, and only need your own body weight! Kelsey Jackson, Health Educator, presents this half lecture/half exercise class. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286. Part of our “Focus on Your Health” series with Scottsdale Healthcare.



When:  4 – 5:30 p.m., Friday, May 16 (3rd Friday each month through May)


What: Art Nosh Wine & Cheese:  SMoCA presents: Starving Artists, Not! A Survey of Highly Collectable Young Talent

Catch this season’s final event! Enjoy a nosh while being educated & entertained. Cheese and complimentary wine will be served. Limited seating. Registration required at 480-488-2286. 

Cost: $10



When:  2 – 3 p.m., Thursday, May 22


What:  Navigating the Library’s Website: Discover New Stuff!

You are guaranteed to learn an abundance of tips, useful strategies, and fun resources – even if you’ve been using our website for years! (a prize for anyone who doesn’t pick up at least one new tip!) Dereth DeHaan, Adult Services Librarian, will cover the basics and beyond, including: navigating “My Account” (i.e., how you can keep a list of everything you’ve checked out, or suspend and reactivate a hold when you go on vacation); searching the library catalog (i.e., want to find a list of the newest comedy dvds?); and discovering new resources, including how to:

·       Access Consumer Reports and New York Times online free

·       Download free music that you can keep – and view popular, full-color magazines

·       Find the most updated, authoritative medical info

·       Download free legal forms

·       You’ve read every John Grisham book – how do you find something else you’ll like?… and more!



When:  10 – 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 27


What:  Arizona Authors Showcase

Join four local authors, as they briefly tell about their stories that range from cowboy tales to cosmic trips and lost mines to found mansions…we’ll even celebrate John Wayne’s birthday with cake and a singer will entertain us with a song from his time! Signed books will be available for purchase (please bring cash or check).

Gene Schmitz: Out of body Experiences

Pat Parish: Dutchman & the Devil: The Lost Story

Ermal Walden Williamson: The Brazos Series (6 books)

Barbara Hinske: (Coming to Rosemont) with her new book, Gathering the Strands



When: 1 – 1:45 p.m., Tuesday, May 27 (4th Tuesday each month)


What: Laughter Club

Come laugh for no reason! As we set aside the critical mind and do playful laughter exercises, our natural inner joy is released. Soon, the laughter becomes infectious and we experience many physical and psychological benefits. Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Dereth DeHaan demonstrates how laughter exercises, yoga breathing and relaxation combine to help you feel refreshed and revitalized, and contribute to your overall health. No need to bring a yoga mat or twist yourself into a pretzel! Do bring water and wear comfortable shoes. Limited to 30. Register: 480-488-2286.



When:  May 29 – July 26

What:  Literary Elements: Summer Reading Program for Adults!

By mid-May, look for program and registration details on our website and at the
library. All registration will be online. When you complete the program
you'll be able to choose a free book from an extensive list, and be
eligible for other prizes!


When:  4 – 5 p.m., Every Tuesday


NEW! What:  Guided Meditation

Modern science continues to prove that meditation, an ancient and powerful technique, helps us deeply rest, connect to our inner selves and restore ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Guided meditation practice will help you to de-stress from the busy-ness of your everyday life, restore good sleep habits and change destructive habits and thoughts. In this practice, we lie on the floor with closed eyes and relax in the space just before sleep. This may be easier for you than traditional seated meditation. Please bring any props, such as a yoga mat or a blanket, that will make you more comfortable. If you cannot lie down on the floor, you may sit on a chair. Instructors Judith Zeiger and Marci Sheer. Special Registration Process: Call or email Judith Zeiger (480)760-5645

Cost:  $5 cash, pay to instructor at each class.  



WhenREGULAR Class 8:45 – 9:45 a.m., Every Friday; CHAIR Class 10 – 10:30 a.m.

NEW! CHAIR Class 1 – 1:45 p.m., Every Wednesday


What:  Qigong/Tai Chi Easy

A discipline that can be practiced and benefits gained at any age – you are never too old! A blending of Qigong and Tai Chi, with deep breathing and repeated gentle motions and stretches to improve health, balance, agility and flexibility. The “Chair” class is for anyone who wants to take it extra slow and easy. Wear loose clothing and bare feet. Limited to 15. Special Registration Process: Call or email instructor Bina Bou: 480-284-1300 or

Cost:  Prepay instructor $20 cash for 4 classes; or $8 drop-in.  



When:  1 – 2 p.m., Every Sunday 

NEW! Noon – 1 p.m., Every Thursday


What:  Gentle Yoga

This slow-paced class focuses on breathing, gentle yoga poses, and stretching to increase flexibility and balance. Please bring a yoga mat. Limited to 15. Special Registration Process: Call or email instructor Sylvia Labrado: 480-776-4743 or

Cost:  $5 cash, pay to instructor at each class.  





What:  Spanish Offerings


When:  10:30 a.m. – noon, Every Wednesday

What:  Intermediate Conversational Spanish.

Informal chat session using various books, flashcards, etc. Beginning April 23, each week will feature a half-hour episode of the Destinos series on DVD, followed by discussion in Spanish. No instructor. Contact Barbara Koca, 480-488-5332.


All Spanish classes below are taught by Alina Lowen, a native speaker who has taught for 30 years. Class sizes are limited. Register: 480-488-2286. For questions about which class level to join, please call the instructor at 480-595-5500. 

Cost: $42 for each 7-week series


When:  9:30 – 10:30 a.m., Fridays, May 9 – June 20

What:  Beginning Spanish Class Level 1

No knowledge necessary, or take this class as a refresher. Oral skills will be emphasized; students learn basic grammatical structures to communicate on everyday topics.


When:  10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Fridays, May 9 – June 20

What:  Intermediate Spanish Class Level 1

Some knowledge of Spanish necessary.


When:  9:30 – 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays, May 7 – June 18

What:  Intermediate Spanish Class Level 2

Continuation for those who have taken our Intermediate Spanish Level 1.



What:  Computer/Tablet Classes


Classes presented by All class sizes are limited and fill quickly. Registration required at 480-488-2286.


When:  9:30 – 11:30 a.m., Thursday, May 1

What:  Windows 8.1 Training

Get a head start on the new touch-based Windows 8.1 with new features like the Start Screen, new apps, sharing & live updates.


When:  9:30 – 11:30 a.m., Thursday, May 8

WhatiPad: Setting It Up

Tour ALL the settings on an iPad and get your iPad working well. Explore fun and interesting apps as time allows. Must bring your own iPad. 


When:  9:30 – 11:30 a.m., Thursday, May 15

What:  Picasa 101

Photo editing and storage, create collages, videos and DVDs. (To minimize technical issues during the class, only library computers may be used and you must have basic mouse skills). 



When:  3 – 5 p.m., Every Monday


What:  Monday Movies at the Library 

New Releases, with a Foreign Film once each month!  Check our website for titles.

Desert Foothills Library

May 2014 Youth Events/Programs


Information for all events: Contact Susan Alberts or David Court, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286,,,


WhereAll events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85327.


Cost:  All events are free.



When:  9:45 AM – 10:15 AM, Tuesday (every week)


What:  Toddler Storytime (ages 2-5)

Join us for stories and songs at the library!

No registration required.



When:  9:45 AM – 10:15 AM, Thursday (every week)


What: Little Ones Storytime (ages birth-36 months)


Join us for stories and songs at the library!

No registration required.



When: 10:30 – 11:00 AM Saturday, May 17th


What: Pajama Storytime (all ages welcome)

Fun for the whole family! Come in your cozy weekend clothes or jammies and enjoy a morning of stories, songs, and games.



When:  4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Thursday, May 29th (all ages, recommended 3 and up)


What: LEGO Club

This monthly group gives kids a chance to create and build with the library’s collection of LEGOs! We encourage spatial thinking, cooperation, creativity, critical thinking, and engineering in this fun afternoon activity. Register at 480-488-2286.



When:  Noon – 3 PM Saturday, May 15th


What: Teen Tech Help Desk

Having trouble with your smart phone, e-reader, tablet, or other mobile device? Can’t get that pesky app to do what you want it to? Come seek the assistance of our local teens. They’re tech-savvy and ready to help you learn your way around your device. No registration required, drop in any time for help.



When:  1 – 3 PM Sunday, May 25 (last Sunday of each month)


What:  Teen Advisory Group

This group brings together teens who are interested in being involved here at the Desert Foothills Library. Whether through volunteering or brainstorming for programs, come meet other library enthusiasts and share your ideas. Refreshments are provided.



When:  4:00 – 5:00 PM every Friday


What:  Teen Table Games

Looking for something to do on a Friday afternoon? Join us for table games – from Pictionary to Monopoly, chess and checkers and much more! Refreshments are provided.

Dear Lyn,

I hope this finds you well!  Been busy at this end! 

I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you that it is with great enthusiasm that I continue to serve as Chair Emeritus of Valley Youth Theatre – now in its 24th year! 

On Thursday, June 19th, we partner with more than 40 social service agencies including UMOM, Boys and Girls Clubs, Crisis Nursery, Up with Kids and Valley Big Brothers Big Sisters to name a few, to provide at-risk youth with a truly awesome opportunity to experience performing arts.  It’s Valley Youth Theatre’s 18th annual Sponsor-A-Seat!  Our board members, staff, young performers and volunteers contribute to the event, and we hope you will too!

Last year, your generous donation of $50 helped us to bring more than 750 children who had physical disabilities, came from broken homes, or regularly dealt with domestic violence and poverty to the Herberger Theater Center to experience the wonder of live theater!  Our goal is more ambitious this year – to bring 1,500 children to VYT’s special performance of the original Broadway Musical version of Peter Pan  followed by a healthy lunch with the cast and crew post performance. 

Here’s your opportunity to bring joy into the life of a child in need! Your tax-deductible gift of only $50 sponsors one child for this magical event.  Please consider sponsoring two or more and help us “fill the theatre with smiles” on lots of tiny faces. You will know in your heart that you made a difference in the life of a child.

Easy!  Simply go to!.aspx and type in SAS/Ozer in the “I would like my gift to be made in the honor of” section. Or mail your donation to SAS, Valley Youth Theatre, 807 N Third Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004 using the attached form!

This is so very important. The need to dream, inspire imagination, access and participate in the arts, for all children is more critical than ever.  I hope you will find it in your heart and pocketbook to make a donation to this essential program and contribute once more to the healthy development of at-risk youth through the magic of Valley Youth Theatre.      

Please do it today!  You are making a difference!

Warmest regards,

Hope H. Ozer, Chair Emeritus

Valley Youth Theatre Board of Directors

480.991.8061 office

602.284.2222 cell

480.991.4673 fax

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