Letters from Readers: 6/16/13


Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included.  If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category.  We have a special section for that purpose.  Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale.  He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite.  It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall.  If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.)  Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.






"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude."

Novelist Cynthia Ozick


The above is well said and in exactly at the right place and time, LHitchon!!


(Lyn's note: Betsy is truly one of a kind.  She will be missed.  But Kandace French, her replacement, is also a gem.  Carefree is lucky to have had Betsy, and lucky to have found Kandace.)




Good seeing you and Herbie at Betsy’s retirement party.  What a wonderful way to recognize Betsy’s long service to our town and community and to observe such a smooth transition in this very critical position to her replacement.  Being able to find and recruit such an accomplished and experienced individual to replace Betsy is very telling and a real credit to Betsy and the excellent achievements continuing to be accomplished by Mayor David Schwan, Town Administrator Gary Neiss, and our excellent Council and Staff.  Here’s the note I included in our card to Betsy.

Lloyd  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

June 14, 2013

Dear Betsy,

Donna and I extend our deepest appreciation to you on your retirement for your exceptional service to our community.  It has been a distinct pleasure to have known you personally and to have had the opportunity to work with you professionally in the many areas of town government in which you have served.  As former Mayor Ed Morgan noted, you set the bar very high and have established a record of accomplishment in town government that is unprecedented in my experience.  You cut right through the bureaucracy that plagues so many communities and simply got the job done for your fellow citizens.

Our best wishes to you for your continued success, good health, and happiness, as you enjoy your well-deserved retirement from public service.

Donna and Lloyd Meyer




More press on Splash Pads. See attached link from front page of   Families are looking for these amenities!


Asked & Answered: Splash pads
“What are some splash pad places to visit locally?”,AAAABvZFMzE~,IXjx0MpOF0qoh4sBaMYMvpW0oY-Ac8DM&bclid=0&bctid=2446193143001



Hi Lyn,

We met with Fred Groszkruger today.  I suppose I do sound like I'm championing a splash pad and other capital projects targeted for Economic Development - I AM! What project ever gets done without a champion or two?  I really hope people are seeing the 'big picture' here.  I don't care how big the splash pad is, where it is located or what water features are finally chosen.  I DO believe we need one to increase foot traffic, which in turn will increase the attraction for BUSINESSES in our Town Center. There isn't one SUCCESSFUL Retail Center in the surrounding area that doesn't have a splash pad to attract foot traffic/businesses.  (Note City North does NOT have one! Per the Phoenix Business Journal the new owners are sinking $2M into City North to add 'entertainment' so that foot traffic will be come and in turn, attract back the businesses.)  I would ask people to stop and think about it.  If they were thinking of starting a nice business in Town - where they invest $50-150K in improvements and start-up costs, they would want to KNOW that there was foot traffic in the area.  


Okay, so obviously I'm behind the Economic Development AND capital improvement project endeavors 100%.  We discussed this briefly with Fred, but to add to your answers to the general public, sanitation was one of the FIRST things Gary and I looked into for the splash pad, and the cost estimate DOES include a UV Sanitation System, a cistern located underground and to the side of the splash pad area for recycling water.  The location has been vetted by a Town Architect, the Garden's Architect and our very own Urban Planner/Town Administrator.  And no one really asked about the location either--the plan is to move the lizard slide to the playground area and put a 'small' splash pad (1,050 SF) under the current sail thereby keeping the wet and dry play areas separate (which is a liability concern).  I say 'small' because compared to Fountain Hills (theirs is four times larger), or Scottsdale Quarter or Desert Ridge, we would only be accommodating around 40 kids.  Quite honestly, it's too bad Mr. Groszkruger isn't on Council.  His were exactly the types of questions I expected at the Town Workshop.


I do STAND FIRMLY behind Economic Development of the Town Centerso feel free to publicize this response.  This is a Council that has been working diligently behind the scenes on every aspect of the Economic Development Strategic Plan --Marketing the town; obtaining a Long-Range Financial Plan; suggesting Capital Improvement Projects; talking with current Commercial Building & Land Owners; talking with and seeking the advice of Developers; and target marketing businesses. And now we're about to embark on seeking donations for projects.  There aren't enough hours in the day.

Every Council Member has been involved in one or more aspect of the above-mentioned Economic Development goals/strategies, and (in my opinion without speaking for others), it's because none of us want to have to see a Property Tax implemented in the future and we LOVE this Town.  I do wish the pay was a little better (ha, ha), but two years of service has been rewarding AND CHALLENGING!  Keeps the blood moving and I've met some wonderful people (like Fred) who I can tell LOVE this Town also!  :)  

Melissa Price





"Even at the end of the year, we expect to increase reserves.  So the statement that this Town is in financial trouble, that we're operating out of reserves-boulderdash, humbug, wrong.  We're not.  We're operating out of current income."  David Schwan

Lyn, Louis Armstrong covered this a good while ago:

“There's some folks, that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em.”

 (And it is spelled balderdash, not boulderdash, I think)

John Blair

(Lyn's note: It is spelled balderbash.  My bad!)





Now through August 31st Giordano's Trattoria Romana is offering an Early Bird Special from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. 

Also, now through August 31st: Every Monday through Thursday take 20% off any Bottle of Wine purchase!

Daily: Enjoy a Glass of House Wine, Giordano's House Salad and choice of Pasta Entree (From a Selected Group) for $20.00.

Giordano's is located at 7275 E. Easy St., Carefree (next to Bank of America).  Phone: 480-595-0233.

Thanks, Lyn!!!!

(Lyn's note: Check out Giordano's on our Carefree businesses website at,_AZ_BUSINESSES:_EXPERIENCE_THE_DIFFERENCE/Giordanos.html)






While reading one of my builder magazines, I came across a couple of articles that may be of use to some of our residents. In light of the extreme heat and low humidity, at least reading the articles could be of help.

Larry Schneider

Landscaping for Wildfire Defense

There is more wildfire in our future; and for many areas, it is not a matter of “if” wildfire is going to occur, but “when.” Unfortunately, many residents and their homes are not prepared to survive wildfire. There are proven steps that homeowners can take before a fire to improve the odds of human life and home survival during wildfire. One of these steps is designing and maintaining a landscape, a firescape that will reduce fire risks.

While no single aspect of firescaping, such as using fire resistant plants, can be guaranteed to save a home during a wildfire, good planning and regular landscape maintenance throughout the year can go a long way in providing firefighters a safe place to defend your home in the case of wildfire.

A firescape doesn’t necessarily look much different from a traditional landscape, yet there are some important design rules to incorporate:

• Create a noncombustible area at least 5 feet wide around the base of your home. This area needs to have a very low potential for ignition from flying embers. Use irrigated herbaceous plants (lawn, non-woody ground cover and flowers), rock mulches or hard surfaces (concrete, brick and pavers) in this area. Keep it free of woodpiles, wood mulches, dead plants, dried leaves and needles, flammable shrubs (sagebrush and juniper) and debris.

• Keep an area of at least 30 feet from the home “lean, clean and green.” Lean indicates that only a small amount of flammable vegetation, if any, is present within 30 feet of the house. Clean means there is no accumulation of dead vegetation of flammable debris within the area. Green denotes that plants located within this area are kept healthy, green and irrigated during fire season. For most homeowners the “lean, clean and green” area is the residential landscape. This area is usually irrigated, contains ornamental plants and is routinely maintained.

• In a firescape, there are important spacing rules for plants. On a flat terrain, shrubs should be separated from one another by at least twice the height of the shrub. Distance between evergreen tree canopies should be at least 10 feet. These distances increase with increasing slope. With flammable shrubs and trees such as junipers, pines and spruce, lower tree branches should be removed to a height of at least 10 feet. Bark and other organic mulches can be easily ignited. Use them sparingly.

Details: Skelly is the extension educator for Carson City and Storey County.


Another article…

To Survive a Wildfire, Get Home Ready

Most residents who live in high-risk areas are surprised to learn that the flaming front of a fire is not what most commonly burns down homes. The intense heat of a crown fire does not usually last long enough to ignite most homes from the radiant heat of the fire if the crowning fire is at least 30 feet from the home. More than half of the homes that burn during wildfires burn from creeping fires or ember showers. This is why it is critical to harden your home and the immediate surroundings, in addition to creating defensible space.

A Class A roof of asphalt shingles or metal is a huge advantage over cedar shake shingles, but fire has a way of finding a structure’s tiniest vulnerabilities and the roofing material is just a good first line of defense. You don’t want to allow embers to penetrate your home or shower off your roof into the same pile where the falling leaves have collected.

As the threat of frost passes, it is a great time for landscaping. Consider your wildfire hazards as you do landscaping this year. Avoid landscaping around the foundation, especially where there are decks, windows or inside corners that will eddy the heat of a fire. It is recommended that the first 5 feet around your home, including any attachments such as decks or garages, are surfaced with non-combustible material, such as gravel, flagstone or mowed green lawn. If you have cedar or vinyl siding, or picture windows (especially single pane), these materials are vulnerable to fire and it is especially important to avoid foundation plantings.

If you already have landscaped beds against the house, it is important that they are not mulched unless with non-combustible mulch and that these plantings are well maintained with appropriate plants for this location. Search online for “fire-resistant landscaping Colorado” for several great documents from the Colorado State Forest Service to help you with fire resistant landscaping.

Decks have already been mentioned. From the wooden stoop to a deck over a walk out basement on a slope, these pose a significant threat to otherwise fire-resistant houses. Make sure there is nothing combustible around the support posts. Do not use these areas for storage. Consider enclosing your deck with corrugated tin or stone. At a minimum, put up 1/8-inch screen to keep debris from accumulating below the deck and to keep blowing fire brands or burning tumbleweeds from lodging beneath the deck. If your deck overlooks any kind of slope, the enclosure is highly recommended. If that is not an option, pay special attention to the surrounding landscape and pull the non-combustible surface and defensible space out farther from the deck.

Another place where landscaping becomes a big problem is where the plants are near vents on the wall or in the soffit (under the eaves) that will allow embers easy access. This is why 1/8-inch fireproof screening is recommended for all non-closing vents. But avoiding vegetation in the immediate vicinity of even your screened vents is important. Fiber welcome mats, firewood stacks, and even patio furniture cushions are other common combustible materials that can put your home at risk.

Finally, that favorite tree where the hummingbird feeder hangs outside the dining room window does not necessarily have to go. Avoid trees that overhang the home and treat any tree that you keep near the home like part of the home. Remove the fine fuels around the base and any dead limbs and extend your defensible space from the outside edge of the tree. If you have one of these trees or other landscaping that you are unsure about, please contact yours truly, the wildfire prevention and education specialist for the Montezuma County Fire Chiefs’ Association at 564-4007.

Rebecca Samulski is wildfire prevention and education specialist for the Montezuma County Fire Chiefs Association and Montezuma Chapter coordinator for FireWise of Southwest Colorado.

(Lyn's note: If you have questions about how safe your home is, you can call Rural/Metro at 480-945-6311, or our own R/M guys at the Carefree Fire Station at 480-488-8182.)



Lyn, in response to comments regarding the Veterans Memorial Project:

As many are aware that attended the most recent Council Workshop on May 21st, the intent of the Veterans memorial discussion was not to present the renderings of potential designs, but to receive approval by Council for the “Carefree Memorial Planning Committee” to proceed forward with the Foothills Veterans’ Memorial project, and establish a general budget limit that would be taken to an RFP to solicit potential memorial designs. Subsequently, these designs would be presented to council and approved subject to a selection process by vote.

The Planning Committee will be meeting this week with our Town Administrator to outline the RFP proposal, and fund raising process, and requirements of "named" brick paver sales and donations.

As mentioned in the workshop, the Carefree Memorial Planning Committee is following the same successful example as Anthem, and many other communities, by utilizing community fund-raising efforts that will provide tax-deductible donations and commemorative brick pavers that can be purchased to honor military personnel and/or to show community support.

It will be proposed: The commemorative pavers honoring military personnel will contain the name, rank, and years of service of an active duty service member or Veteran. The criteria for a brick paver sale honoring a military member or Veteran; are an honorable discharge and a copy of Form DD214, submitted with an application. Additionally, there will also be bricks available for sponsorship by non-military individuals, families, businesses or organizations to show community support for the memorial.

It is further proposed that approximately 500 “named” brick pavers will be on display at the Veterans Memorial. Each paver will be priced at $200 and can be memorialized to support and honor the veterans and active duty service men or women. The brick pavers and install are being generously donated by Carefree resident, Thomas Steiner, Owner of AZ Pavers, LLC.

Please remember, our Veterans Memorial Project is intended to be funded 100% through community donations, and commemorative brick paver sales. Unlike the Vice Mayor's request that the Town fund up to 50% of the costs (from town reserves) for the splash pad and amphitheater's shade covers, sound and lighting system improvements, the Veterans Memorial project is not intended to be funded by town’s resources. 

An outpouring of support from individuals, businesses, and local government will help make the Veteran's Memorial a reality.  But, we will need everyone’s help in completing our Veterans Memorial.

We are calling upon our local community, who we believe shares our commitment. Please support our Veteran's Memorial by showing your strong support by making a donation or by purchasing a commemorative brick paver. Your contributions to this important cause are tax-deductible.

Remember, this is for honoring our veterans and active duty members, every penny counts!

Thank you,
Michael Farrar
Carefree Town Council



Carefree Cave Creek

Chamber of Commerce

Upcoming Schedule of Events

Events for the Week of  

June 10 - June 16  

Did YOU Know?

Wikipedia gives the definition of a Chamber of Commerce as a form of Business network e.g., a local organization of businesses whose goal is to further the interests of businesses.  Yep, that's us.  The month of June brings a Membership / Recruitment drive to the Chamber so I figured what better way to drive that excitement then a Did YOU Know about the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce.  Hopefully these are facts you DO know.


~Did you know The Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is committed to the growth of its members is our Mission Statement?


~Did you know the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce was established in 1965? WOW! 


~Did you know the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce has members from the Tramonto Area, Anthem, Phoenix and Scottsdale as well as Carefree and Cave Creek?


~Did you know that the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce hosts 4 different networking and business building opportunities each month? 2 Evening Mixers, one Business Breakfast and now a POWER lunch?   


~Did you know that the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce has several ways you can showcase your business? The website, Chamber Guide,
Information Center, monthly Newsletter, weekly E-blast, ribbon cutting, golf tournament, EXPO, volunteering at the Thunderbird Art Festivals and more.


~ Did you know that the Chamber Community Guide is a vital resource to the community?  It is mailed to over 21,000 homes and businesses of the community as well as 2,500 handed out throughout the year. 


~Did you know the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is partners with organizations like the Small Business Development Center, Small Business Association, and SCORE?  We actually have  our very own SCORE mentor that meets every Thursday to mentor in every business need for FREE.


~Did you know that the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce's Vision is to be the premier resource for the vitality and growth of the members?


~Did you know that the Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce has developed 4 Key Strategies to help achieve this vision?

  1. Strengthen member businesses through education, networking and advocacy.

  2. Develop and Strengthen committees.

  3. Be recognized as the primary resource to get information for our community.

  4. Strengthen Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce by retaining and maintaining existing members and seek out new members.

After reading all of this ~ Did YOU Know? June is a great time to spread the word  about all of the benefits of becoming a member of the Chamber.    Incentives are offered to current members who recruit new members as well as the new members!!  


Become a Member


We are holding a Membership / Recruitment Drive for the month of June.   

There are incentives, not only for new members, but also for current members.  

Current Member Incentives

~ $25 off your membership at renewal for each new member you sign up!

New Members

~ $30 set up fee - WAIVED

~ Sign up in June and get one month free.  13 months for the price of 12.

The Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is committed to the growth of it's members.

Click here to print an application.

Click here to print or view the Benefits of the Chamber.

Evening Mixer

Wednesday, June 12


The Shops at Las Tiendas

Wednesday, June 12

5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Located at   

6130 E Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek 



Come stroll the shops at Las Tiendas.  This will be a fun evening with the business men and women of the community filled with everything from barbecue to fine art.  Come make a funny face in a Mr. Fun Booth, listen to the western music of Gail Starr, nosh on barbecue and take in the uniqueness of the Shops at Las Tiendas.

$5 for Members 

$10 for Non-members


Don't forget about the Raffle!!!

Raffle and 50/50


*Bring an item to raffle and give a 30 second commercial about your business.  Great way to share information about your business to a captive audience.


*Purchase raffle tickets to win a prize 

or a chance at the 50/50.


$5  for 3 Chances to win

$10 for 7 Chances to win


Restaurant Specials This Week

June 10 - June 16   

Armando's Mexican Food -  Armando's distinguishes from other Mexican food restaurants because we only use the Highest Quality meats like Certified Angus meat without Hormones.Visit their website and see!

Bakery Cafe at el Pedregal -  Our charming bistro and bakery located at  el Pedregal in North Scottsdale, just a short walk from the resort. This popular breakfast and lunch restaurant is inspired by classic patisseries and offers sandwiches on freshly baked breads, made-to-order salads, cookies and pastries.  This Wi-Fi café is a comfortable spot for a morning espresso and croissant; a healthy lunch; or just sipping a glass of wine.

Bryan's Black Mountain Barbecue - YEE HA - MOUTH WATERING SUMMER TOMATO SANDWICH IS BACK!  The Molasses Dijon Spread and the Smoked Salt, layered with slivers of sliced red onion, topped with watercress and those grilled pillows of heaven sandwich the colors of summer! You won't know what hit you - but the taste

of summer is a sure bet! COME ON BY AND SAY HELLO,CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU.

Cafe Bink -Cool off at Cafe Bink in the Carefree Marketplace.  New summer hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., closed on Monday.  


Carefree Station - Father's Day is Sunday, June 16.   Dad doesn't want to slave over hot coals in this heat, so bring him to Carefree Station for one of our delicious dishes featuring Niman Ranch premium beef! For reservations, call 480-488-8182.  


Cartwright's - Let us do the grilling! Bring in Dad for a special Mesquite Wood-Grilled meal.  Call 480-488-8031 for reservations.

Cave Creek Smokehouse and Pour Shop Patio -  Meatloaf Monday; Tuesday is Mel's Live Auction and Karaoke; Wednesday is Reverse Happy Hour and Welcome to the Bull Riders!;  Thursday is FREE Texas Hold'em; Saturday - Juke Joint is in the Cellar; Sunday is NASCAR!

Cellar 13 -  NEW SPECIALS! White Truffle Garlic Flatbread: layered with artichoke hearts, baby portobellos, and red onion. Topped with mozzarella and parmesan.

Mediterranean Salad: tossed in a sun-dried tomato vinaigrette with red bell peppers, olives, grape tomatoes and cucumber. Topped with feta and ciabatta croutons.

Stuffed Tomatoes: Ripe tomatoes stuffed with seasoned bread crumbs and gouda. Served with a small mixed-greens salad with olives and parmesan.

The English Rose Tea Room - Friday, June 21, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (it's also Royal Ascot weekend so wear a hat!) Afternoon Tea fit for a Princess, or Prince! $30 per person. Includes Afternoon Tea and special, extra surprises for those in attendance. Limited Seating. Make Your Reservations Today. Sign a baby advice book for Princess Kate! Bring diapers and baby gifts for local women's shelters!

Giordano's Trattoria Romana - Giordano's is a family owned and operated restaurant that has been located in Carefree, Arizona for over 25 years. Our goal is to enhance your dining pleasure with some of the finest Italian food, wine, and service in the Phoenix north valley. Our chef also prepares nightly "specials" in addition to the menu of great food you'll find on the following pages. Also available in the restaurant is a full bar and a very extensive wine menu.  480-595-0233


Harold's Corral   Happy Hour Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 6 p.m.  Drink Specials, Food Specials and half off appetizers.  Reverse Happy Hour Monday - Thursday

 9:00 p.m. - Midnight!


Horny Toad - Monday - all you can eat Beef Ribs $16.99.  Friday - all you can eat Fish Fry for only $14.95!! LIVE MUSIC by Hat Man Dan and the Creekers - Friday and Saturday 6 - 10 p.m. and Sunday 1 - 5 p.m.

Indian Village - Enjoy Fresh Hot Indian Fry Bread while checking out all of the native souvenirs. 

Palo Verde at the Boulders -Experience traditional American fare, such as succulent burgers and salads, great sandwiches, grilled steaks and seafood. Enjoy in a relaxed atmosphere the panoramic views of the Sonoran desert and the  6th fairway of the award-winning South Course.

Soul Cafe - Dining that will appeal to anyone. Our focus is on fresh,delicious American food.


Spotted Donkey at el Pedregal - Fresh, lively, and energetic, the Spotted Donkey Cantina embraces Arizona's southwestern influences with "cantina-style" dishes and western flavors in a relaxing atmosphere. The restaurant also features its own proprietary double-barreled Herradura Tequila Reposado.  Features of the month Fish and Shrimp Tostadas and Veruca Salt.  For reservations, check us out on

Tap Haus June 13th,  and every Thursday through August 22nd, 2013 kids and parents can enjoy dinner and a movie on our 20ft HD Screen in our Private Dining Room!  Parents and Students will receive 20% off of their total bill for the evening! (Excludes Liquor)  Call today to reserve your table! (480) 488-3300.


The Grotto Cafe - The Grotto Café's patio is arguably the most beautiful patio in Cave Creek. Now offering 100% All Natural Smoothies, a great way to start your day or keep you going!!     


Tonto Bar and Grill - Let us do the grilling! Bring in Dad for a special Southwestern meal.  Call 480-488-0698 for reservations   


Venues Cafe - If you haven't been in, come check it out!  We have a new Happy Hour from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.  with prices starting at $2. Try our new frozen margaritas or our frozen fresh blueberry /  strawberry daiquiris.  Saturday morning join us for Cruiz-In Car Club show at 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.  Breakfast Buffet for only $9.95.

Ribbon Cutting

Friday, June 14

Come celebrate the new ownership of the Merle Norman store in Carefree with a ribbon cutting!!!

Friday, June 14

10:00 a.m.

Merle Norman is located at

37417 Tom Darlington Drive, Carefree


We are excited to have Barb Norris, the owner of Merle Norman, as a member of the Chamber!!

Things To Do

June 10 - June 16

Evening Mixer at Las Tiendas - Wednesday June 12 - See Attached Flyer  

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


The ABC of Special Needs Planning Made Easy -Thursday June 13 - See Attached Flyer

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.


Carefree Farmers Market -Friday June 14 - A farmers and food market specializing in the fine flavors of the Southwest. Some of the items sold at the market are locally grown produce - pesticide free or organically grown, freshly baked artisan and whole grain breads.  There are salsas,  jams, pickles, olives, Mediterranean foods, range-fed beef, sustainably caught wild salmon and tuna, and other delicious delicacies.  Find the Farmers' Market at the Sundial.

9:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m.

Ribbon Cutting at Merle Norman - Friday June 14 - See Attached Flyer

10:00 a.m. 

Farewell to Betsy Wise - Friday June 14 - See Attached Flyer

5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.  

Cruise-In at Venues Cafe - Saturday June 15 - Breakfast Buffet and Hot Rods!  Buffet to include scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, sausage, toast, potatoes and fresh fruit along with bottomless coffee for $9.95.

8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Survival Series 2 at Cave Creek Regional Park - Saturday June 15 - Second of our series, we will address "Signaling and Shelters". How will you get the attention of rescuers and protect yourself from the elements?

Meet at the Nature Center.

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Life Along the Creek at  Spur Cross Ranch - Saturday June 15 -Join interpretive ranger Kevin Smith for a look at the plants and animals that live in the riparian area along Cave Creek. The hike will take us through the Jewel of the Creek and along the lower Dragonfly Trail for a distance of approximately 1.5 miles.

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Happy Father's Day - Sunday June 16

For more information regarding these or any other events of the area visit

Special Needs Planning

Thursday June 13


Friday, June 14

Join the Town of Carefree in bidding Betsy Wise Farewell. 

Friday, June 14 will be Betsy's last day as Town Clerk.  There will be a celebration in her honor at the Carefree Resort.   

Come celebrate and wish her farewell!

Friday June 14 

5:00 p.m.

Carefree Resort

37220 N Mule Train Rd, Carefree



Rubbish Works -Memorial Day Specials! Extra 10% off for all Veterans through June 30th. Thank you! Rubbish Works is a committed, eco-friendly Junk Removal & Recycling company. We make every effort to responsibly recycle or donate the items we take away. Note: All appliances, TV's, and computer monitors are environmentally recycled 100% of the time. Mention MEMORIALDAYPHX and receive $25.00 Off any size load Visit or call 480-545-1220.


Cave Creek/Carefree Curves - Now offers CURVES: COMPLETE.  It is the whole solution that makes burning fat easy as 1, 2, 3.  Exercise - Meal Planning -Coaching for the small price of $12.95 per week.  Call Barb and schedule your free, no obligation appointment today!  480-437-1088.  


 Priceless Plumbing, Heating & Air -  The heat is here!! Get an A/C Advanced Tune Up for $159..  Call to day and make your appointment 480-595-5330.    

National Bank of Arizona - Offering solutions for the small businesses like ANYTIME REMOTE DEPOSIT EXPRESS -  if you deposit fewer than 25 checks a day or SMALL BUSINESS DIRECT DEPOSIT - if you wish to offer direct deposit of payroll at a low monthly fee or MERCHANT SERVICES - accept credit or debit cards in person, by phone or through your company's website.  Call Jennifer McGirr with any questions 480-595-2897. 

Waldorf Astoria Spa at the Boulders -Mid-Week Meltaway $99

Enjoy a 50 Minute Signature massage or Signature Facial Monday through Thursday.

Waldorf Astoria Signature Massage - This unique therapy may be tailored exclusively to you to concentrate the therapist's efforts in especially taut regions. (50 min valued at $145)

Waldorf Astoria Signature Facial -Our signature organic facial experience is customized specifically to the needs of your skin.  Providing beneficial elements of organic fruits, vegetables and herbs, your facial will include a cleanse, exfoliation, mask and finishing moisturizing products (50 minutes valued at $155).


StudioC a beauty lounge - Hair cut for Dad - enjoy a complimentary scalp massage and a cold beer.  Men's Manicure - $20, Men's Pedicure - $35 and Men's Facial - $65.  Call 480-664-0602 or book online.


Wednesday, June 19


Wednesday, June 19

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Cave Creek Tap Haus

6900 E Cave Creek Rd, Cave Creek



Social Media for Small Business  


Websites...Twitter...Facebook...Pinterest...LinkiedIn....Blogs.  These are just a few of the many online social media tools. No wonder businesses aren't sure where to begin or how to determine which platforms will work for their organization. This session presents the key factors to create an effective online marketing strategy for your business - a strategy that builds upon your company's available resources. And, most importantly, enables you to determine which social media platforms will create real results for your business.


Presented by Nancy Sanders  

Founder of Three Dog Marketing

Business Analyst with AZ Small Business Development Centers 


Click Here to read about Nancy Sanders 




$15 registration

(includes lunch and any additional material) 


Networking and Lunch 11:30 - 12:30 p.m.

Presentation at 12:30 p.m. 

RSVP By June 15 at 480-488-3381


Come feel the POWER!!   


Golf Specials


The Boulders Club Golf rates starting from $55!  Valid May 27th to August 31. To book your tee time, please visit, or call 480-488-9028.


Dove Valley Ranch Golf Club - Summer is upon the desert! But with high temps come the unbeatable golf rates. Check out our tee times specials page for great season rates that just cant be beat. Rates starting at $39. 


Rancho Manana Golf Course - Golf is Always Cooler in Cave Creek as our higher elevation and mature shade trees usually provide temperatures at least 5-7 degrees less than most of the valley.  And now, our summer special sale rates are here with golf fees* just $29.95 after 11:30 everyday and morning times are $33.95 Mon-Thur and $39.95 Fri-Sun.  You can also play after 4:00 for $25.95. 


Tatum Ranch Golf Club - You are invited to discover Tatum Ranch Golf Club! Featuring 18-holes of Robert Cupp designed Championship course and boasting exceptional golf course conditions, recently completed renovations to our Grille, recently renovated pool areas, Tatum Ranch Golf Club is one you won't soon forget. Summer rates are as little as $35.  Reserve your Tee Time now!

Scheduled Events

Recruitment Drive


Restaurant Specials

Ribbon Cutting

Things To Do




FREE Mentoring



Chamber Guide

Our Sponsors

Contact Information

748 Easy Street

PO Box 734

Carefree AZ  85377

Jennifer Miles

Office Manager

480 488 3381

Fax 480 488 0328

Visitor Center Summer Hours

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Board Members

Evelyn Johnson


Cave Creek Museum

Shaun Nesbitt  

 Immediate Past Chairman 

A Helping Hand Handyman

Chris Kempster

Chair- Elect

Asset Protection Concepts

Jennifer McGirr


National Bank of Arizona

Patrick Jones 


Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate

Sonoran Desert Lifestyles

Rita Brady


Rubbish Works

Paul Campbell


Spirit in the Desert

Jeff Penzone 


Images AZ

Linda Skartvedt


Realty ONE Group  

Dr. Debbi Burdick  

Ex- Officio 

Cave Creek Unified School District 




Make your appointment today with

Larry Balboni.  He is our representative from SCORE here to help in all aspects of your business needs.  All mentoring is FREE! 

All mentoring sessions are on

Thursdays at the

Foothills Community Foundation from 

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 

Click here to sign up with Larry for your Free Mentoring.  (Click the green box on the SCORE website on the right hand column and fill out your information requesting Larry Balboni on Thursdays.


There are many great organizations in our community that rely on the help of volunteers.  Here are a few that are looking for that special someone to help them out. 

Cave Creek Museum

If you like to meet people, make a difference in the community, or enjoy History.  The Cave Creek Museum is the perfect match for your volunteer talents.  We need volunteers from Docents to Stamp Mill Enthusiasts and everything in between!  Help connect Yesterday to the Future by volunteering.  Call 480-488-2764 or email



Treasure Gypsies  

6061 E Cave Creek Rd. 

We are looking for dependable volunteers to work at our store. We are looking to fill shifts on Tues 10-5, Wed 10-5, Friday 10-2  & Sun 11-4.  

100% of the proceeds from Treasure Gypsies go to support the Animal Guardian Network's many life-saving and assisting programs. Treasure Gypsies is a subsidiary of Animal Guardian Network.

Call Carrie at 480-488-7000   



Volunteers are needed 365 mornings a year - to clean stalls & water tubs, groom horses, walk horses, feed horses & play with horses.

Tierra Madre Horse Sanctuary is the forever home to 31 horses that were previously abandoned, neglected, injured or abused. The two things they all share, now, are that they're happy & healthy.

Contact Jim Gath at 480.747.1070 for more information.


Foothills Caring Corps 

Looking for something to do this summer? The Foothills Caring Corps has got Special Volunteer Summer Projects! We have several boxes of historical documents that need to be scanned on the printer. We'd like to encourage a couple teams of volunteers
to assist us! Please call Nancy for the Historical Document Scanning Project at 480-488-1105.  


Wish List


Fill the shelves for summer!


Pasta Sauce



Peanut Butter


Canned soups

Canned Chili  

Canned Stews

Canned Tomatoes

Tomato Sauce  

Tomato Paste

Canned Tuna

Canned Chicken


Canned Salmon

Canned Pastas

Cans of Broth 


Diapers size N, 1 ,5, and 6

The new location is at  

6038 E Hidden Valley Drive

Cave Creek. 


Are you looking for creative ways to advertise your business?  Did you know that the Chamber's website can offer you that? 

The cost to place an ad on our website is $200 for 6 months.  That breaks down to less than $35 per month.  Visit our website at and see for yourself all of the opportunities for your business to be seen.

For any additional information or to find out how you can advertise on the Chamber's website call the Chamber office and ask for Jen at

480-488-3381 or email


Trainings and Seminars

Click below to see what up coming trainings/seminars are available to you from each of the listed companies.





It is that time of year again!!

We are updating the Chamber Guide. Our Chamber Community Guide will be mailed out to over 21,000 homes and businesses of the community.  We will also have an additional 2,500 to hand out through out the year!  Great opportunities to promote your business!!

  1. Watch your mailboxes to confirm your listing in the Guide.  

  2. If you are interested in advertising in the Guide  click here. 

  3. Submit a picture to be considered for the cover of the guide by July 15th. 

If you have any questions feel free to call the Chamber office  


Constant Contact

Have you been thinking of ways to promote your business?  Do you send out emails updating your clients, members, patrons of your up and coming events, sales or newly acquired information? is an email marketing website that offers several different ways to help you market your business though email.  The chamber uses Constant Contact to let you know of upcoming events or information of the community. 

If this is something you have been looking for, Now is the time to try it out!  Constant Contact is offering a $30 credit to your account just for signing up through the Chamber.  Click the logo below, sign up and save!


The Chamber is looking for a donation of an iPad (new or used).  This will help with the collection of money at our events.

Thank you!

Help Wanted








Assisting Hands Home Care is an AWARD WINNING non-medical in home agency that helps clients with their Activities of Daily Living one-on-one service in their residence of choice. 


Caregiver requirements: 


Must be dependable and reliable and have a passion for helping people

Speak fluent and understandable English

Have an impeccable DMV record

Be able to pass an extensive background check

Have solid business related references*

CPR and First Aid certified**

Negative TB test**


*Caregiving for a family member counts as experience!



CALL: John, Kristen or Terry (480)767-3246 

For further details and to schedule and interview NOW!




Do you have a position that needs to be filled? Send an email and we will include it on a future E-blast.  


Correction to the Newsletter

Morgan Advisors

Jeff Jones

36600 N. Pima Road

Suite #303-6

Carefree AZ  85377

If you are in the area stop by and welcome Morgan Advisors to the Chamber!


We appreciate our
