Letters from Readers & Events: 6/25/14


(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included.  If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category.  We have a special section for that purpose, and have just added some art as well.  Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale.  He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite.  It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall.  If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.)  Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.




Desert Foothills Chronicle, Inc: 6/11/14




What a fabulous video!!!!  Great job Herb.


Pam DePietro

(Lyn's note: Pam is the past president of the Cave Creek Museum.)



Thanks to Herb.  The videos are wonderful.   

Mary Kay Thurston


Thank you again for all your help. I thought everything looked very nice.

Thank you,

Maggie Palmer and Margie Costello

Foothills Caring Corps

P.O.Box 831

Carefree, AZ 85377

MedicalTransportation Coordinator




Nice article.  I’ll post the dates.

 Sara Vannucci 

Desert Foothills Chronicle, Inc., an AZ nonprofit corporation, Editor

(Lyn's note: Sara is referring to the Cave Creek Museum events for next season.)

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