Letters from Readers & Events: 7/1/15
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.) Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!
The 2016 Carefree Desert Garden calendars will be available this fall at Carefree Town Hall, 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree. If you like to take pictures, visit the Gardens. Our entry period for the Gardens photo contest is January. Your picture could be in the 2017 calendar!
Desert Foothills Chronicle link:
City Sun Times link:
(Lyn's note: Be sure to go all the way to the end and read Phil Corso's hilarious story about how he changed a light bulb that was under water in his pool.)
NICE JOB on reporting the true facts!!!! John Traynor and Jim Van Allen love to create false writings to instill fear and oppose everything that this council and all past councils have accomplished. They obviously have personal agendas. The goal for this council is to put new life into the town center which generates sales tax revenues, not just this year, but many years into the future, for sustainability, thus no property tax!
Glenn Miller
Molly, the Golden Dog, wanted to send a request for a Dog Park that dogs can take their humans to and let them talk to other humans while the dogs play but I told her since dogs are not allowed in the building where the Council meets she could not meet the statutory requirements for attendance and speak during the public comment portion of the council meeting. She didn't seem too disappointed and went back to taking a nap. She did ask me to find out if dogs can play with kids in the splash pad or if it was restricted to only kids and adult humans. I told her I would ask you.
Phil Corso
(Lyn's note: I asked Glenn Miller, and he said the health department disallows animals on public splash pads. Bummer. We were hoping to take Lupe.)
I love it.. howling nut jobs loose in Carefree, film at 11… jeesh is Van Allen serious?? Public funds to fix up private shopping areas? His “partner” sounds like a real winner.
Laurie P.
Why oh why don't they put in a movie theatre? That way people will stay and have dinner or have dinner before the movie. I don't know if its been suggested lately. I know someone brought it up a month or so ago. What became of that suggestion?
Lois Treacy
(Lyn's note: Everyone seems enthusiastic about the thought of a movie theater, and that is one of the ideas on the table for future consideration. If a cultural center is eventually built, it would accommodate movies, although not first run "blockbuster" type movies that one sees at a multiplex. It would likely be a single screen, featuring Indie or old B&W type movies. Another consideration is re-purposing an existing building for the same type of theater. But both of these options are very expensive, and a re-purposed existing building would require cooperation from the building owner, who would be responsible for making the upgrades on a speculative basis. More immediately, the best option available is presenting Outdoor Movie Nights in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion, which will probably occur this coming season. One of the improvements includes a pull down screen. Personally, I love the idea. I grew up going to outdoor drive-in movies with my parents and my friends, and we don't have a raft of mosquitos here, so better yet!)
Outdoor is not my favorite but we are all different. I thought Sat & Sun there could be matinees, either for kids or grownups.
L. Treacy
(Lyn's note: The problem with daytime screenings is that the sunlight makes an outdoor screen very difficult to see.)
I know, that is why I don't like outdoor theatres, I don't like them in the dark either!
L. Treacy
(Lyn's note: OK, as a teenager I went to with friends to see the original "Night of the Living Dead" at the 309 Drive-In. Try THAT one on for size! We were all looking for brain eating zombies all the way home. Brrrrrr!!!!!)
Dear Lyn,
Thank you for the valuable service you provide.
I think that a simple way to assure that speakers don't exceed their allotted time is to have a visible time clock set for the appropriate speaking time. This should be visible to the speaker, Council, and audience. If necessary, it could have a bell that would sound so all can hear. A simple solution to a sticky situation.
Jim Whitmer
Van Allen is becoming a giant pain in the butt. I get the feeling if the Council agreed to put in misters, awnings & plants, he'd be screaming that they should get a Splash Pad.
Van Allen, including myself, represent the Senior guys of Carefree and we have to consider that the Town needs a younger generation of citizens with families, and what better way to invite these people than to reflect their present & future consideration of what our Town will offer them? Splash Pad works for me. With ample money and a slow paced plan of delivery - there's nothing wrong with misters , awnings & plants.
Last thought - It seems like it would be wise to provide a 3 Minute timer at the podium so public speakers can start the clock themselves and be aware that when the bell rings they should wind down their comments. Very rude to knowingly continue to speak.
Joe DeVito
(Lyn's note: Easy Street has zero lot lines. So everything all the way out to the street, is private property. The property owners are responsible for adding awnings and plants (as Venues has done) and misters, if they so desire. The English Rose Tea Room is another example of an attractive front done by the building/business owner. While we would all love to see the street "dressed up", the Town does not have the right to make or to demand changes to private properties.)
What makes Jim Van Allen special, that he is able to speak at Call to the Public for 6 plus minutes when the time limit is 3 minutes? Lack of clarity of thought, confusion, and self importance should not be tolerated.
John P. Evans
So - The Splash Pad works and all seem to be in agreement. Great price but price quotes have a time limit. When do they vote and move forward?
Gary did a good job in his research and adjusting the locations of the Gila Slide & the Scorpion water feature.
Joe DeVito
(Lyn's note: Joe sent this before I sent out part 3, which included the vote to proceed. The splash pad is due to open in September.)
Thanks. Didn't realize they Voted YES - Great.
Thanks, Lyn! Glad to read that the Splash Pad was approved! Of course they help to bring in economic growth, as well as beautification to the area, and families with young children! And the shade is extremely important!
Love the Vimeo Herbie did for this! He really is doing terrific work! So enjoyable to watch!
PS. Will definitely take you up on offering his time to help me make a new contest video! (Does he know this yet? Lol). WPC is coming up next year so I want to do something special - with his help, of course!
Thanks for 'voluntolding' him!
Was so thrilled to read that your little Angel is home safe!
Take care!
Patti Joy Meese
I like the splash idea. It would be nice if there were supporting services… maybe an ice cream/gelato shop; one of the shops offering bathing suits “splashwear” and locally designed umbrellas; art lessons in various corners for old and young; live music performers like Scottsdale has in Old Town; some of the Karsten lawn furniture that is so colorful… in fact, Mr. Karsten might do well with a small branch year round with lawn furniture and portables.
How could older folks not enjoy that too? And all ages like to play in the water!
What are we waiting for… a Boeing plant?
Desert Foothills Chronicle, Inc., an AZ nonprofit corporation, Editor
(Lyn's note: Even if older people don't want to play in the splash pad (I do!), it can still provide entertainment. While we were making the video in Fountain Hills, an older man in a wheelchair came to the splash pad and sat enjoying watching the children playing, as did we. Those kids were having so much fun, it was a joy to watch them.)
Fantastic news!!
Tracy O'Shaughnessy
Is there a place in Carefree to get an ice cream cone? I don't think so, and once in a while I get a hankering for one and never know where to go. I'm always looking for an ice cream cone but never finding it. Please encourage anyone to supply me with endless ice cream cones. Kids, particularly after playing in a splash pool, will want an ice cream cone to end their day or night.
Lois Treacy
(Lyn's note: Marty Holmes is looking at putting an ice cream/frozen yogurt shop in the 11 Sundial Circle building that is close to where the splash pad is going. He and the owner of the center want to activate the building that used to house a bank. They are also soliciting restaurants for that space. I too want endless ice cream cones!)
Imagine, having your wedding picture on the official Carefree Calendar. Just have your wedding pictures taken in the million dollar Carefree Desert Garden and enter the picture in our photo contest for a chance to win and be part of the 2016 calendar. Applications will be available January, 2016. Check the dates and enter at next January. Paper entry forms will also be available at the Carefree UPS Store and at Carefree CVS.
Joe Corpora,
Carefree Desert Garden Photo Contest co-chair
Dear Editor,
We understand people like to be kind by taking their dog with them driving, but they are risking his or her life if it’s a warm or hot day. Here’s why:
On warm days the inside of a car heats up very quickly. You may have purposely parked in the shade only to come out and find your car in the sun. With the windows open a few inches on an 85-degree day for instance, your car can heat up to 102 degrees in 10 minutes – to 120 degrees in 30 minutes. It’s even worse if the windows are closed as having no ventilation prevents the dog from regulating his body temperature. If the dog is barking or agitated, he gets hotter.
A dog’s normal body temperature is 101.5 to 102.2 degrees F. A dog can withstand a rise in body temperature for only a very short time before suffering irreparable organ damage [nerve , heart, liver and brain damage] – and in minutes can die. Think about it… If a 15-degree rise in the inside temperature can kill, then why risk even a 5 or 10-degree rise that can do damage? Why allow her to be uncomfortable at all? Would you leave your child in a hot car?
THE BOTTOM LINE, IT IS ILLEGAL TO LEAVE YOUR DOG IN A CAR [Arizona, California, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia] SHERIFF’S DEPUTIES CAN ACCESS YOUR CAR AND YOUR DOG CONFISCATED. You can suffer a great inconvenience along with a hefty fine. DO WHAT’S RIGHT IF YOU CARE. DON’T LEAVE YOUR DOG IN A CAR WHEN IT’S WARM OUTSIDE.
I often see people walking along the street on a hot day, or standing talking to friends, enjoying the sunshine. They are wearing tank tops and shorts while their dog tap dances on the warm pavement trying to find shade. Others ride their bicycles while the dog trots behind, panting profusely. Remember, dogs regulate their body temperatures through their feet, their ears and by panting. Dogs do not have sandals and the warm pavement makes them heat up even faster. Another thing people often do not consider – leaving their dogs sitting in an open-bed pick-up truck parked in the sun! Or going to summer events where “dogs are welcome.” The last few 4th of July events on the Village Green saw many hot dogs standing in the sun while their owners chatted with friends, and some were dressed in costumes that made them hotter … the Dress Up Your Dog competition saw dogs scrambling to get off a hot stage that could fry an egg … no shade available for the contestants … who is having fun here? Think about the comfort of your dog and ask yourself “would she be better off being left at home in a cool house or standing in the hot sun listening to loud music?” Speaking of the 4th of July … do you know which weekend of the year sees the highest number of visits to Animal Hospitals and Veterinary Clinics? Animals are terrified of the loud noise of the fireworks. Many escape their yards, jump off decks, climb out of cars, and even go through windows. They panic and get disoriented. Many wind up running down the middle of a busy street and are hit by cars. PLEASE! ALWAYS BE AWARE OF WHAT YOUR DOG IS EXPERIENCING! Watch. Anticipate. Care. If you really love your four-legged companion, prepare a cool, quite environment for him at home where he can stay healthy and safe. Close the windows and turn on the TV or radio to drown out the fireworks. Leave him home where he can enjoy the 4th of July safely.
Courtesy of Lake Tahoe Wolf Rescue, Incline Village, NV – Pamela Hormiotis