Letters from Readers & Events: 7/23/14
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose, and have just added some art as well. Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale. He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite. It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.) Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Yea for all the happy dogs that are back at their home with their parents. Good job ladies...
Nancy Totten
Realty Executives
Cell 602 320-3081
Fax 480 488-0589
Lyn these are cool, thanks for both sharing and caring! It makes us more human, to care for all the creatures around us.
Here is a poem I wrote a while back.
Phyllis Strupp
Be kind, be kind,
to the creatures of the earth
All species, including our own
And make friends for yourself in heaven.
(Lyn's note: I had sent Phyllis and Peter the animal rescue websites that donate free food to rescues. Herbert and I click on them daily. Here they are for any others who would like to copy and paste them into Favorites.)
Good places to eat in Carefree should be supported and promoted so I thought I would write to you in your widely acknowledged role as Chief Carefree Restaurant Promoter.
The new bakery located adjacent to the inside Post Office (Sweet Blessings) is just terrific. Have heard nothing but good things from people who have either eaten there or have taken out. Hopefully you can give them a "plug".
Wayne & Nancy Fulcher
(Lyn's note: I bought some pastries there to take home. They were delicious.)
Good Morning Lyn:
Yesterday evening I got the ball rolling for Carefree folks' involvement in bringing the theater to Main Street. I volunteered to be an usher for the opening performance of, "Look at the Grouse".
It was delightful!
I urge Carefree residents to go and see the shows that are coming, and/or volunteer.
The next performance is at our own Cabaret at Venues Cafe, Sunday July 20.
See you at the Theater.
Be Well,
Joseph Corpora