Letters from Readers: 7/29/11
On June 23rd the Town Council held a workshop on “Economic Visioning”.
This workshop is at the beginning of a process. The Council and our citizens will define what “economic development” means in Carefree, what will be our goals and how will we work toward those goals.
This workshop discussed a number of items including:
•Long term financial study of Carefree
•Town promotion and marketing
•Design and physical improvement of commercial areas in Carefree
•Development of volunteer based organizations to promote Carefree economic environment
•Economic restructuring
As we go forward I encourage our citizens to give the Town Council their comments on economic development and participate in public meetings.
This work on economic development ties in with the current work of the Planning and Zoning Commission as they develop our new General Plan 2030. The economic plans developed by the Council and our citizens will become a part of the new General Plan 2030.
In 2012 the voters will be asked to adopt General Plan 2030. This will give Carefree a statement of where we are and where we seek to go.
The future of Carefree is in your hands. Take the time to become involved as Town Council and P&Z Commission plan for our future.
Mayor David Schwan
Lyn, what a great council this is. Love the way they think! Smart. Keep up the good work!
Jamie Buchanan
Dear Lyn,
Thank you so much for covering the recent Council Meeting and posting the videos of both Holly's and my presentation regarding the Carefree Business Association (CBA). I know that there were many merchants who could not attend the meeting, and therefore they rely on Carefree Truth for the "real" information. Although there were some tough questions and debate, we were successful in securing funds to market our wonderful town.
Jo Gemmill
Clearly a sound decision. Kudos to the Council on fiscal responsibility.
Kathy Riemer
(Lyn's note: Kathy is responding to Carefree's decision to become debt free.)
Do we live in a well run town or what!!! Heck yes! Thanks City Council
Fred Layman
(Fred is also speaking to the retirement of all debt.)
A wonderful move by the Town. My congrat's to the Mayor, Council and Carefree's excellent Staff. KGDS!!
Ed Morgan
(Lyn's note: Again, about the debt retirement.)
Lyn: keep up the good work. Citizens may also come to the next Council meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 and give your thoughts/comments when the Ordinance #2011-06 comes up for its second reading. Citizen feedback is very important.
Arthur Gimson
(Lyn's note:) Councilman Gimson is referring to the issue addressing the potential change in the speed limit from 25 mph to 30 mph.)
Please give Paul Basha my best regards. He is one the very best Traffic Engineers and a good friend of Carefree.
Ed Morgan
I believe this is a step in the right direction, but in my opinion should go further. Why do we need multiple speed limits along Tom Darlington? From Carefree north it is 35, then 25. Multiple speed limits make it confusing to the average driver.
Tom Surrency
Thanks for your continual updates, Lyn. I've been so swamped with business issues that I haven't been able to attend the recent council meetings and very much appreciate the concise and timely information you are providing.
I put together a rough map showing the comparative speed limits in Carefree and Cave Creek when I was on Council. I'm sure it's somewhere in Town Hall, but I'll attach a copy as a .pdf file in case it could be useful to the new members. I'll also copy the Mayor and Gary Neiss.
Keep up the good work.
Lloyd Meyer
Thanks Lyn for letting us know. Increase the speed limit? Why??? Both Carefree and Cave Creek already have a problem with speeding through our commercial cores, so why up the speed limit? I don't see the science behind that decision. Accidents are caused by the results of misjudgment and experts agree that the speed affects the amount of time to react to a situation. Everyone knows a 30 mph speed sign means drivers go 45 -50.
Carefree has the ideal setup addressing potential speeders with a 25 mph speed, narrowing of lanes, pedestrian crossings, and good signage. Additionally, there are many residential homes in that commercial area too. By keeping it safe to cross from their doors to the shopping/eating areas, you encourage participation on foot. If some are thinking of the time saved for a driver, well, that's about 22 seconds if they drive 5 mph faster.
Lastly and most importantly, I have seen a great increase your traffic counts as drivers heading south from Cave Creek using Tom Darlington due to wanting to avoid the construction at the intersection at Carefree Hwy and Cave Creek being done for evil Walmart. I am one of those drivers and carry a "guilty" feeling when I do so thinking of the increase in safety hazards, air pollution and such for Carefree citizens during this time. Hopefully the Mayor and council will consider that fact and not do anything to further jeopardize citizen and public safety. Citizens, too, should raise enough concerns and all will see there is no logical reason to raise that speed limit.
Anna Marsolo
Wow! Some great ideas and additions have been suggested. Can't wait to see progress when we visit this Winter. KGDS!!
Ed Morgan
(Lyn's note: Ed's comment is regarding the July Economic Visioning workshop.)