Letters from Readers: 7/31/11



The enthusiasm and ideas at the June 23rd visioning meeting were amazing, a great start! The question of what is Carefree's "brand" was raised--what makes Carefree different from other towns for the residents and visitors who are key to the merchants' revenue? There's no mention of this issue in the correspondence below. I hope our town leaders will be asking for input on the brand issue, as it is essential to the suitability and financial success of Carefree's economic development.

Thanks to you and our town leaders for all your great work for our community.

Phyllis Strupp

(Lyn's note: Phyllis is referring to the issue on the July Economic Visioning workshop.)



Lyn, I just want to second what Ms. Marsolo said about the stupid idea to change our speed limits from 25mph to 30 mph. I have dealt with this so called expert before on dangerous situations I brought to his attention. When you talk to him about his philosophies on Traffic safety you realize how these new experts think. Do you know what his answer is to increasing a speed limit? It's if the majority of the drivers are exceeding the speed limit set, then you have to increase the limit to what is comfortable to those drivers.You know what, give them enough tickets to change their behavior.That's treating the disease, not the symptom. Go look at Long Rifle and Tom Darlington. To enter south on that divided hwy. you have to contend with a road that just released the cars from that squeeze together section of the road, then down hill and around a curve, and coming out of that intersection you have less than 3 seconds to make a decision, and that's if people drove 35mph there. They average more than 45mph. His answer to me was it looks ok to him. It was probably ok to me when I was 30 years old and had sharp reaction times. Many of our citizens do not. I see many of our citizens turn right towards the shopping center and then make a U -Turn and go North safely. Our streets are for our citizens safety, not for the people zooming through our town. If I hear one more time the excuse ,"We can't get a reputation as a town that sets low limits so we can make money off them", I'll choke. Those kinds of people could care less about our citizens. If you break the law, do the time. I just hope that all these letters get sent to the council so they can study what the citizens think. Thanks for all you do.

Ron Nelson




This is for Ed Morgan: Glad to see you are keeping in touch with what's going on here--you are missed, but sorry Ed I just don't agree with you on Paul Basha's thinking on speed limits. The old experts used citizen safety as the primary issue for safety. He and the new experts use driver comfort as their guide. No one should condone 30mph as the speed limit through our town. Check and see how many feet you move per second at that speed. I have never seen any traffic tie ups or back ups in our town in 20 years, but we have a few drivers who want to roar thru town, complain if they get a ticket and say we are speed traps. My answer is, drive safely. It only takes about 4 minutes to go through our town safely.

Ron Nelson