Letters from Readers & Events: 9/23/15
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!)
The 2016 Carefree Desert Garden calendars will be available this fall at Carefree Town Hall, 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree. If you like to take pictures, visit the Gardens. Our entry period for the Gardens photo contest is January. Your picture could be in the 2017 calendar!
Desert Foothills Chronicle link:
City Sun Times link:
After an extensive search process and completion of interviews, the position of Executive Assistant has been offered to Vicki Zimmerman. I am pleased announce that Vicki accepted the position. Please feel free to stop by to welcome Vicki to the Town of Carefree family. Kandace French – Town Clerk/Treasurer
Once again the Carefree Kiwanis Club comes through with a tremendous gift for all who come to Carefree whether they be residents or visitors.
Let us not forget that it was the Kiwanis Club that they donated the Sundial to the Town and during the 2011-2013 period made a significant donation to its refurbishment.
All readers of Carefree Truth are encouraged to support their pancake
breakfasts, I do whenever I am in Town. In addition, we will see their
members ringing the bells for the Salvation Army kettles at Christmas.
Thank you to all Kiwanians.
Arthur Gimson
(Lyn's note: Carefree Kiwanis also donated the land on which the sundial sits. Mayor Peterson stated that. I mistakenly failed to include that in my notes when I wrote the Carefree Truth issue about the Kiwanis donation for the splash pad. My apologies to the Mayor and to Kiwanis. Kiwanis is a truly amazing organization. Thank you for all you do for our community at large.)
Yea, for the Kiwanians!!!!!! They are the best.
Mary Kay Thurston
You are testing my memory! When Arizona was celebrating its centennial, I worked on a project of a time capsule, which is buried in a special time capsule box at around 12 on the Sundial Plaza. I think that there may even be a plaque on the end of the bench. Somewhere in the back of my mind tells me that I investigated the history of the sundial and that it was purchased by the Kiwanis Club, refurbished and then donated to the Town.
Attached is a Word document from 2012.
(Lyn's note: Below is the copied and pasted Word doc that Arthur had attached. Thanks, Arthur!)
Carefree Sundial Centennial Time Capsule
The History of the Carefree Sundial
In 1955, Town founders K. T. Palmer and Tom Darlington were looking for ways to market their newly acquired 2,200 acres of land. Not only did they select the name “Carefree”, but went on to name streets with a combination of whimsy and humor. It is doubtful that one can find Ho Hum Road anywhere but Carefree. Their creativity is now legendary, including the construction of SkyRanch airpark, the nation’s first airport where prospective homeowners could fly in to preview sites. (Note: The Town’s elevation of 2,568 feet above sea level was measured at the eastern end of the runway.)
The current sundial, built in 1959, with its 62 ft gnomon is the largest sundial in the western hemisphere, was designed by Joe B. Wong* of the architectural firm of Wong Associates of Scottsdale. The plaza measures 90 feet in diameter and the tip of the gnomon is 35 feet above grade. A forgotten item of interest is that the original construction included radiation absorbing painted tubes that circulated water, heated from the sun’s rays, to the Darlington and Palmer Building, designed by solar engineer John Yellot. The building, at that time, was the real estate sales office and included a small café where food was served to prospective clients. The building is now the Carefree Town Hall. Sadly, the solar heated water system was not as efficient as had been hoped and was discontinued.
The Carefree Sundial is a ‘working’ sundial. To achieve this recognition, the gnomon must point directly to the North Star with consideration given to latitude and longitude of its location. Hour markers (1 through 12) are equally carefully positioned. On four days of the year, the gnomon’s shadow is accurate with Mountain Standard Time. Depending on the sun’s orbit, adjustments can be made using a plaque fixed at the base.
In 1976, the Kiwanis Club of Carefree acquired the Sundial and, along with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic-minded individuals refurbished it at a cost of $10,000 and subsequently donated it to the Town. The Sundial has received periodic levels of maintenance, the most recent in 2011 when it was powder-coated and given new LED lighting, thanks in part to additional donations from the Kiwanis Club and Carefree-based Let There Be Light, LLC.
February 14, 2012
*Joseph Bing Wong was born in Clifton, AZ on August 17, 1921 and passed away in Scottsdale, AZ on March 12, 2011
Good move on the part of the Council.
Joe DeVito
(Lyn's note: Contracting with GPEC)
Good news is so nice once in a while! Is it ok for grown-ups to play in the pond?
(Lyn's note: I'm looking forward to playing in the splash pad!)
Thank you Lyn, this is great info.
Bonnie Kaiser
(Lyn's note: Sent in response to the Restaurant Ads)
We will be back as soon as they open.
Al Mascha
(Lyn's note: Carefree Bistro)
For rent- Beautiful custom home in Sentinel Rock- big mountain and city views- 4 bedroom , 3 1/2 baths- resort style back yard with pool, jacuzzi and b b q island
Call Howie 480-510-4830
Thanks so much -