Letters from Readers 4/21/10
When the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism recognizes Sorchych for his Editorial talents, then so will the Community.
Joe DeVito (Lyn's note: This is in reference to the "Patriot Award" presented to Don Sorchych by Ryan Ducharme, which I wrote about in Issue #44. A "journalism award" was presented to him recently from an organization in Mississippi. While this organization may appreciate Mr. Sorchych's editorial writing style, they have no way of judging the degree of accuracy about our local issues, which renders that award also questionable in the minds of many.)
Traynor's complaint about unethical behavior is absurd. This is the candidate who systematically rewrote and/or removed some of his past political comments in his blog, and then added back-dated entries so as to appear actively involved in Carefree politics. I'm sure we all have moments when we wish we could "take back" things we've said. However, it is unethical to re-write history. Shame on John Traynor. Shame on those Council members who supported him.
As you know from past e-mail messages, I find the “Your view” section of the Sonoran News to be despicable by printing venom and divisiveness behind the cloak of anonymity. Persons who are afraid to put their names to their viewpoints should be given no credibility. After all, these snippets could come from the same pen of the same unnamed. You can put my name to this.
Arthur Gimson
I was offended by the Sonoran News comment posted pertaining to the timeliness of response to the emergency situation. Please may we separate medical emergency issues from politics. I worked over 20 years in a trauma facility and respectfully recognize the various levels of expertise in assisting with emergency situations. I commend the physician who recognizes there may be others more skilled in emergency resuscitative procedures and steps aside allowing them to take control. This is not a power struggle. It is an example of respecting the abilities of others immediately available and allowing them to provide the necessary care to save a life. May we please move forward onto more constructive issues.
Nancy Keller, RN, MSN
Carefree Resident
I didn't see the comments about your husband, but it sounds as if the person was absurd. I was a flight attendant for years and if it was necessary to use a defibrillator, we were required to run it even if a physician was present. It had to do with being trained on the specific equipment.
You are my hero and kudos to the first responders who saved the gentlemen's life, as they were trained to do. Kudos to Herb for his long time medical expertise and life saving medicine, albeit, in a different vain of the medical field. I cut open a pig in advanced Biology class in college. I sure wouldn't want to do it now. Sell art, yes. Cut open pig, no.
Lyn, I’m glad you set the record straight on this. Unfortunate that it was necessary. I was sitting directly behind Ned and couldn’t have been more proud of the way our first responders went into immediate action and everyone in the room cooperated so effectively in achieving the result we did. Herbert is a medical professional and knew exactly what to do in this situation, which was to let the first responders work, help clear the room, and be available if further help was needed. Unlike the person, next to those of us assisting, who was laughing, and the SN employee who didn't have the decency to leave but remained in order to try and sensationalize the situation with her camera and then attack their perceived enemies as we saw in their last issue. It just speaks to their real character.
What a 'stone a**hole' who is devoid of any real intelligence, or chooses to ignore what he or she has to denigrate others who differ with his or her opinions and thoughts. As a retired Police Chief who hasn't preformed any lifesaving procedures in 30+ years I would not have stepped in either, with the well trained and competent help on scene.
What is wrong with those people? Everything has to be so critical, so negative, such (as we used to say when we were in college) a downer.