Letter from Readers: 5/6/10
It is funny I never read the Sonoran news, especially on line, but I read that and immediately figured it was someone related to a council member who wrote that about Herbie, and it was because Herbie is filming the meetings. I even told that to Bill, and I said what you said, that he was there if they needed him but Glen and the other two trained paramedics where there immediately. I thought it was pure SOUR GRAPES and it PISSED ME OFF big time!
(Lyn's note: I see that there is another "anonymous" letter is the April 28th-May11 Your View column about this, referring to Herbert's lack of steady CPR experience as a "lapse". I know of no specialists, with the exception of ER/Trauma physicians, who do CPR on a regular basis. It's time for you to move on, madam. You are simply making yourself look vindictive and foolish.)
In appreciation
A writer to Your View in the April 14 issue of Sonoran News said Dr. Herbert Hitchon failed his professional obligations by not jumping in to “assist the citizen having a heart attack at the (Carefree) council meeting.” I am the citizen who had the cardiac event and I would like to correct the mistaken conclusion stated in Your View.
Herbert Hitchon is a friend and a fine doctor who functions in a difficult cancer treatment specialty. He demonstrated his professionalism and good judgment by not inserting himself into a rescue effort where there were three trained individuals who were very familiar with CPR and the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) rushing into action. I am indebted to Fire Chief John Kraetz, Sheriff’s Department Lt. Rich Burden and Vice Mayor Glenn Miller for making me one of the five percent who survive such an event.
I’m also indebted to the Carefree community who’ve contributed and invested in several AEDs. These have been strategically placed such that one was at Town Clerk Betsy Wise’s side less than twenty feet from me. I have no memory of the event after the world suddenly went black, but I’m told that the cooperation of those in attendance assisted these men in taking the appropriate actions. The doctors at Mayo assure me that without this quick response I would not have survived.
This is a case where everybody did the right thing and it is times like this that reinforce the knowledge that we live in an extraordinary community.
Ned Dobak
Lyn, he's a sick unit alright. It is obvious that you don't schedule two community events on the same day. Have you noticed babies keep crying long after they KNOW it's not going to change anything? Sorchych is going to keep throwing his temper tantrum for a loooong time, I fear. Oh well.
My wife and I appreciate your work. The best part is that even Sorchych knows why you do it.
Alex and Carol