Letters from Readers: 9/4/10
Lyn -
These 'Your View' comments in the Sonoran News (SN) are quite ridiculous . . . and who are these dunces who make these statements based on, 'I just heard . . .' hearsay? If only they would attend the meetings and find out for themselves that the inept councilmen Stavoe and Coady are at the very least completely uniformed on almost every Town issue and are primarily the persons guilty of all the vitriolic rubbish and propagandist elucidations that occasionally emanate from Carefree Town Council members and that are dutifully reported as factual information by the 'control-Carefree-at-all-costs' agenda of the SN. It would, in fact, seem that many of these 'Your View' comments are really submitted by the two angry, sour grape, chicken-little curmudgeons mentioned above; and in concert with their precious few proxy mentors, the loser of the recall mayoral election, the publisher of the SN, the wife and surrogate councilperson of a town councilmember, and perhaps the cub reporter (indeed, the only reporter) on the SN staff.
Barbara G.
If this comment you report was published in the "Your View" section, versus the "My View" area of the Sonoran News, then, in my opinion, Sorchych is clearly the author . . . and it is the typical Sorchych-authored, tabloid journalism feculence ('dreck,' to be more polite). Full of personal attacks, as opposed to any mention of genuine town issues (maybe because there aren't any?). Mr. Sorchych has "heard" that Glenn Miller blew-up??? How can anyone take seriously anything that follows? Isn't everything he writes based on unsupported hearsay, or unsubstantiated hyperbolic innuendo and accusation? No mention of the runaway win by Schwan over the Sorchych-picked Traynor, the repudiated and rebuffed election flop. No mention of town finances and the current, positive fiscal situation. Clearly, he would rather have a council he can manipulate and control via elevation of the several completely inept members of the council, as exemplified by the Stavoe and Coady type "thinkers." Sorchych has to go all the way back to the original town council seat elections in order to find a quite vague negative (the vote count) . . . and attempts to make this an issue. Why does a 20-month-old vote count matter, anyway? Apparently, the candidate vote comparison is supposed to indicate (or "prove" in Sorchych's malevolent and vindictive mind) that those with vote counts short of the winner are somehow incompetent and incapable of managing town affairs. Well, what does that make his supported recall election candidate, John Traynor? It's quite convenient that his control over what the tabloid of tripe publishes each week is such that the runaway victory of Schwan over Traynor doesn't have to even be acknowledged, let alone explained by his bent and perverted thinking process. Carefree is horribly miss-served by this shameless and depraved example of a local newspaper.
The Carefree Curmudgeon
Lyn's note: The letter below, found in this week's Sonoran News' anonymous Your View section, would seem to support The Curmudgeon's opinion that Mr. Sorchych occasionally contributes anonymous letters to his own publication. Who but the man competing for those advertising dollars would be so upset about "Carefree ad space"? The City Sun Times originally featured columns written by the mayors of both towns, as it spotlights both Carefree and Cave Creek. After Mayor Francia got a very public smack down from Don Sorchych in the My View column for contributing his comments to a competing paper, he ceased writing his column in the City Sun Times. The Your View letter reads as follows:
"Hey Don, there’s a new paper in Town, sort of. I believe it is the replacement for the now defunct Carefree official monthly newsletter. That original glossy political propaganda was mailed with Carefree funds. This recent trash is distributed free by a publisher dumb enough to give Schwan a printed pulpit. She obviously traded conscience for Carefree ad space."