Letters from Readers: 8/19/10
No amount of invective can outperform good old fashioned outrage, which we're obviously seeing a lot more of in Carefree these days ( irrespective of Coady's email list ). Indeed, the "Three Little Pigs" (obstructionist, self-serving miscreants) are going to have to face the "Big Bad Wolf" (truth and consequences) sooner or later.
R.I.P., I say, to the inconsequential political aspirations of a gang of spoilers. We need hard working civil servants whose first concern is the well-being of the community, not absentee trouble makers or members of the tin-foil hat crowd.
Alex Wilson
Unless base hourly wages or base salaries are increased, the one-time, or occasional, payments of overtime or bonuses would not qualify as pay "raises." These types of occasional income increases are temporary, can be stopped at the will of the employer, and typically are not considered as a part of an employee's base wage when the employer sets-about to calculate the percentage of wage/salary increases that might be provided. Even increases in benefit costs are not typically considered to be base pay raises. In fact, employees often must share in paying benefit cost increases, or the money that the employer pays for the increases in benefit costs are no longer available for increasing the base hourly or salary wage, and the employee could even consider no base pay raise as a reduction in income, based on the cost of living.
Mr. Stavoe doesn't pursue the acquisition of clarity from town administrative staff regarding his questions/concerns because he doesn't want any answer that might negate his foregone conclusions. Similarly, he likely also doesn't do a lot of inquiries into town administrative staff operations because he's afraid his questions will come-off as stupid, irrelevant, or impulsive, without a reasoned foundation of thought. Mr. Stavoe is a lost soul desperately looking for a cogent issue or original, positive idea that he can put forth and, hopefully, gain some modicum of recognition among Carefree voters for his wisdom, creativity, and intellect, all of which appear to be absent in the structure of his brain. He really should just sit back, listen, take notes on what's confusing to him, and then obtain clarification and/or understanding from fellow council members or from town staff.
Fred Groszkruger
This is really clear, concise, and encouraging after a year of negativity and nea-saying by Council Members Coady, Stavoe. Koteas, and the wanna be Council Member Traynor. It is astonishing in this economy that Carefree ended the fiscal year in the black with no reductions in services to the public. Most municipalities are operating in a sea of red ink and severely limiting public services. Kudos to Mayor Schwan and those Council Members and town staff who put in the long hours and hard work to achieve a healthy budget. I greatly respect their training and expertise, and their ability to stay on task even under the constant bombardment of misinformation and personal attacks by Coady, Stavoe, Koteas, and Traynor. During the next election, I hope the citizens remember who served Carefree well.
Congrats to our Mayor (who I'm sure had a big hand in this) and our great staff.
Vinny & Dave
(Lyn's note: This is in reference to the Green grants recently received by Carefree.)
Hi Lyn,
Did you see that article on the front page of the Foothills Focus, "Grant helps Cave Creek Green Initiative"? If not get it.
What the Hell is Coady doing about the Green Initiative that he's supposed to be running. Cave Creek just blew right by Carefree and is showing leadership in an area that benefits us all.
If this Clown can't do something positive for our community he should step aside and let someone else take charge of the Committee.
(Lyn's note: Joe's email informed my decision to write about the grants and their end uses to improve energy efficiency. The Green Initiative Committee was not involved with these grant requests. This was a function of Town Staff. An article about Carefree's grants appeared on the front page of the City Sun Times, another newspaper that services our area.)
One of the things that I think makes you so credible and trustworthy is your absolute honesty about occasional errors in Carefree Truth. Everyone makes mistakes, including (especially) the writers of the Sonoran News and Carefree Matters. It is refreshing and reassuring that in Carefree Truth you go to great lengths to research issues thoroughly so you can present all the facts in a clear, comprehensive manner, AND you make corrections when you've made an error.
Thank you for all the painstaking fact-finding.
Sue C.
Thank you, Lyn--you are supplying valuable information to the residents of Carefree.