Letters from Readers: 8/11/10
As is typical, the Coadys' phrasing of the question is clearly designed to solicit a desired, specific response. Of course it could be a conflict of interest and possible abuse of power, just as it could be possible that Barack Obama suddenly converts to Libertarianism. Any conclusion by the reader is possible when all of the essential details of an issue are not stated. This guy and his angry wife are a genuine menace to the community. Given the rather significant number of names on the Coady Carefree Matters email list, the Coadys, like our federal government, have become so bloated and seemingly powerful that they feel they can print whatever they want — no matter what the level of veracity might be.
Ten seconds of hard thought would give any attentive and discerning reader of the Coady monthly epistle a reason to consider that perhaps a number of significant aspects of any question the Coadys ask, or any town council activity reported/described therein, are woefully bereft of meaningful and needed details. The conclusion by the reader should then be one of two alternatives, to wit: 1) There is a self-serving agenda being worked by the Coadys and any information imparted considered suspect, or 2) These two people are simply not very bright and assume that their readers are even less intelligent, leading one to wonder how in the hell Bob Coady ever got elected to the town council. His election unfortunately serves as a metaphor for the largely ignorant electorate in the entire country that votes based on face-time and emotion, as opposed to voting because the issues and ramifications of government policy/decisions/legislation are well understood.
That stated, I suppose one can take some comfort in the fact that, based on David Schwan's runaway victory in May's recall election, the Carefree Matters publication obviously no longer has any credibility.
Fred Groszkruger
To: Carefree Truth
After reading summaries of the last two Carefree Town Council meetings, it was embarrassing to see how Councilman Doug Stavoe has evolved into a work "slacker" and political "panderer." After bragging about his financial expertise and need for town financial planning, Stavoe was given the job of council financial liaison. One of the duties required in this position is the time consuming task of working with the staff and council to develop the town budget. Mayor, staff and council devoted numerous hours evaluating every line item in order to carefully prioritize the town's needs. Stavoe's contribution: miss half the budget meetings, recommend a 20% across the board cut, and then vote against the budget because there were not enough meetings to discuss the budget!
Didn't have enough time to do his council job but announced at the last council meeting he is going to lead a "citizens" initiative requiring council term limits. Make no mistake, this might be a good idea but obviously it is geared to giving Stavoe an issue to run on at the next election. Clearly he needs to invent an issue because he surely will not be able to run on his work ethic!
Dennis F.