Letters from Readers: 3/10/10
Lyn, I read with interest the letter from Nan Boyer-Searle. Not only is she accurate in her writing but she is quite humble. She served on the original Planning and Zoning Commission for the town of Carefree in the middle 1980's and was one of about 5 or 6 of us who wrote the original zoning code. She was in fact in most all meetings for the incorporation of the town including our first effort which failed. She is correct about what she writes; I know this because I was there too.
I sometimes read with interest your writing about the original founding of the town and its incorporation, especially regarding the thoughts and motives of those who were older than Nan and myself at the time. When you need accurate info, you can count on Nan Searle. For example, there would be no town if Nan and one or two others had not stopped Rolling Hills and Carefree Shadows from signing on with Scottsdale as they tried to incorporate the area. Just a small nuance that few know about because so many of the incorporators are now gone.
When she speaks of a few self-serving people in Carefree trying to corrupt what many talented people put together, it troubles not only her but myself too. I know what we were all trying to accomplish and so do a few others like David Dennison, Dieter Loper and others. I can assure you it is not pleasing to see and hear petty bickering and back biting that is threatening to become a 'norm ' in our town government.
Biff Miller
After reading the Sonoran News online, I think the public needs a clear explanation of what happened when Carefree Councilmember Bob Coady opened a secret bank account with public funds and refused to answer the former Mayor's questions about the account. The decision to not prosecute does not mean he did nothing wrong. Coady absolutely mishandled public funds and was less than forthcoming when his misbehavior was discovered. The former Mayor would have been negligent if he had not requested an outside group examine the financial records. There may not be evidence that Coady personally stole public funds, but he most certainly mishandled them. I assume the investigation was at public expense. Coady whines that he was picked on and that the motives were political. In fact, he behaved badly and was caught. Because Coady refused to follow simple rules about the handling of public funds, the public was forced to pay for an investigation.
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