Letter from Support our Town - Citizen Volunters


Support Our Town – Citizen Volunteers



Dear Carefree Voter,


The recall election is over and here are the facts.  Thanks to you,


  1. Mayor David Schwan won with 878 votes, the largest number of votes ever cast for a candidate in our Town’s election history.  

  2. Voter turnout was 57% of registered voters, which matches highest turnout ever recorded for the Town of Carefree.


Almost all of you responded to our efforts to defeat the recall in a polite, thoughtful and reasoned manner, even those who disagreed with us.  Your response is deeply appreciated.  Congratulations to you.


We hoped we could end the divisiveness that has ravaged our community in the past year.  Unfortunately, on the very day the election results were published, two Carefree council members were honoring Don Sorchych, publisher of the Sonoran News, with a “patriot award.”  This is the same newspaper responsible for misinformation and personal attacks against our citizens, civic leaders, service clubs, public schools, churches and other volunteer organizations which enrich our community and quality of life.


Three council members wrote articles supporting the recall election thereby aiding Ryan Ducharme, hired hand from Chandler, who collected the required petition signatures.  Funds for the recall totaling $20,410 came from Rod de Szendeffy, local building owner with a history of lawsuits against the Town for his zoning violations.


These individuals have cost Carefree dearly, not only with significant expenses to the Town in time and money, but promoting dissension in our community which makes it harder to attract businesses. These Sorchych-sponsored council members must stop spreading untruths and distortions.  If not, they should be voted out of office.  They must not prevail.


Our sincere hope is that after the next election, March 2011, we can return to a civil atmosphere in our elections and governance.  We’ll be soliciting your help to achieve this end.




Dieter & Suzanne Loeper     Bill & Sandy Rintelmann             Les & Mary Peterson                 

Bill & Donna Meyer              Dick & Margaret Stewart            John Crane

Ned & Nancy Dobak              Susan & Carroll Vanik                 Hugh & Ruth Stevens

Warren & Jane Stimson      Don & Roberta Snyder                  Matt & Ginny Dingman

Wayne & Nancy Fulcher      Fred & Barbara Groszkruger     Chuck Hoch

Greg and Coe Gardner          Al & Olive Mascha                         Arthur Gimson               

Lloyd & Donna Meyer           Wayne & Kathleen Fischer          Glenn & Michelle Miller

Ray & Shirley Arnold           Lyn & Herbert Hitchon                  Ralph & Faith Pipp

John  & Darlene Skarda      Barbara & Josef Metzger             Joan & George Hofer

Bob & Jo Gemmill                 Gary & Irmgard Hayward              Eddie & Susan Smith

Ed & Letty Warner                Heather & Julian Barrolaza         Ron & Marie Nelson

Joseph & Connie Intenzo     Dick & Pat Tatlow

                                                                                           …………… And Many More