Letter from Wayne Fulcher re: Coady response to County Attorney Decision
To: Carefree Truth
Fm: Wayne Fulcher
Date: 3/14/10
Subject: Councilman Bob Coady Response to County Attorney Decision
I was disappointed by the recent opinion, issued by the County Attorney, regarding the complaint I filed while mayor against Bob Coady, but more dumbfounded by Bob Coady’s public gloating at avoiding, on a legal technicality, a felony charge. The facts are indisputable, Coady had a checking account going back before 2007 into which he deposited funds made out to the town and made disbursements outside of town approval and audit. When then Mayor Ed Morgan learned of the existence of this account, he had the town attorney confront Coady. Coady agreed to close the account transferring the funds to the town and assuring Mayor Morgan, Town Attorney Tom Chenal and Town Treasurer Betsy Wise that the account was closed. By every measure Coady caught a very big break. As I was leaving the mayor’s office in 2009 it came to my attention that the account was still open and active. I subsequently filed the complaint.
Coady dodged a bullet with the County Attorney’s decision and one would have thought that he would have considered himself lucky and kept a low profile, but rather he went public with a series of chest beating rationalizations. He asserts that the only reason I filed the complaint was to discredit him in the council election. I will point out that the complaint was filed on May 20, 2009, after Coady was reelected to the Council. I will also point out that the mayor signs the town audit and is PERSONALLY responsible for it’s accuracy. Clearly Bob Coady does not get it and considering that his legal advisor was David Burnell Smith, the only state legislator to be removed from office for campaign finance violations, it is no surprise.
At minimum this is not only a failure of judgment, this is also a failure of trust. Coady lusts for the office of Mayor….if only he had the character to merit it!