Letters from Readers & Events: 3/19/14
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose, and have just added some art as well. Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale. He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite. It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.) Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Thank you for all of your good work. Concerning pedestrian safety, I have yet to see a pedestrian win in a confrontation with a vehicle. You can be right, but you will always be the loser. In my 31 year career in Insurance, I never saw a pedestrian win. The same goes for motorcycles; the car wins every time.
Jim Whitmer
(Lyn's note: That's why I repeated the urging in COINS to be careful. That can't be emphasized too many times. Crosswalks provide some measure of safety but the ultimate responsibility for one's personal safety still rests with each individual.)
To all:
It is with mixed emotions that we announce that DJ Stapley will be leaving our Carefree family to enroll into law school next fall.
DJ has been an integral part of our organization over the past five years. Amongst his countless contributions DJ successfully:
• Updated the Town’s General Plan,
• Developed the Town’s Pavement Preventative Maintenance Plan,
• Oversaw numerous special projects such as 8 Sundial energy efficiency grant, bike lane grants and the Maricopa Association of Governments Transportation Framework Study.
DJ’s list of accomplishments in his short five years are endless but his impacts will leave an indelible imprint on this community.
While we are sad to see DJ leave our family, we are thrilled to see him expand his professional credentials and explore new horizons.
DJ will continue with the Town until the first week of September. In part, during DJ’s remaining tenure with the Town he will assist in the effort to hire his successor.
DJ, your talents, dedication and friendship will be greatly missed. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
Town of Carefree
NOTICE --- Move effective 3/21/2014
Carefree-Cave Creek Consolidated Court
is MOVING to:
37622 N. Cave Creek Rd., - Suite B
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
Phone (480) 488-1689 – FAX (480) 595-9610 (no change)
Please direct all appearances, mail, and telephone calls to the location referenced above beginning 3/21/14.