Letters from Readers & Events: 7/16/14
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose, and have just added some art as well. Check out Tom Baker's photos for sale. He's the photographer who took that gorgeous photo in the Carefree Gardens Photo Contest that was both the judges' first pick and the public favorite. It's now featured on the Town of Carefree website, and will be the cover of the 2014 Gardens calendar that will be for sale later this summer at Carefree Town Hall. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.) Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Good Morning:
We want to congratulate our Mayor and our
town council, and of course Peter Strupp
from FCF and DFT, for the forward vision
of having a Community Theater in downtown
This is a doable and win/win project for our
community and the Desert Foothills
Joseph (co-chairman of the Carefree
Desert Gardens Photo Contest) and wife
Laurie Corpora
I will watch the video. Shea said it inspiring.
Sara Vannucci
(Lyn's note: Peter Strupp did an amazing presentation. Here's the link, for those who missed it the first time and would like to see it now.)
What a fascinating story about streets. Someone clearly worked very hard on this.
Sara Vannucci
Lost dog #1
Soooooo cute!!! Sending on.
Jane Ceasor
Hi Lyn, my husband found her around 11:00 this morning. We live on Long Rifle north of CC Rd. She was coming from Mule Train. She looks like she was groomed about 1 month ago. Her tail is fluffy and her nails are trimmed. We haven’t seen her in the neighborhood before. We put out signs. Hopefully her mom and daddy will see the signs. We put a sign in the post office also. See you in a restaurant.
Carol Ogilvie
(Lyn's note: Carol sent this on Monday night, 7/14.)
Hi Lyn, they found the owner!!!! Thank God! They are going to get her chipped tomorrow. I don’t exactly know how, but I was told her original owner passed away last week and she was adopted by another family who also live at Carefree Conference Center. Yea!!!!
See you again soon and looking forward to meeting Angel.
(Lyn's note: Marie Peck, founder of the FETCH Foundation, did it! Marie is the bomb. I love that girl! If anyone is interested in learning more about FETCH, here is their website. They do wonderful work.
Eileen Crowley
Yes, love Marie and Dr. Peck and what they do for these little ones.
Thanks for what YOU do, Lyn!
Jane Ceasor
This is a picture of the cute pup being reunited with her owner. It was quite the adventure finding her family but they are all together now.
Marie Peck
The FETCH Foundation
Lost dog #2
Hooray! Thanks Lyn, we appreciate all you do to help us communicate and care.
Phyllis Strupp
WOW! Just got back on e-mail and left a v.m. for Marie, Lyn. I'll keep you posted.
Peter Strupp
What a cutie.
This poor old dog belongs to Ron Cetrone. I've contacted him.
Jacalyn Howe
This is my dog. Can u call me with FAR # (602) 616-5221
Ron Cetrone
BRAVO to LYN and
Thank you for what you do for our precious little
friends. We all appreciate YOU!
Jane Ceasor
Eileen Crowley
The saga is over, Lyn: I left the (to me, still unnamed) dog with Marie Peck at FETCH, and she called Ron while I was there. I called him when I got back to the office, and he'd already been reunited with his pet.
This one had quite a few twists . . . and even ended up involving DFT! I'll send out a separate e-mail later today, when I have a moment.
Tx for all you did!!! :)
Peter Strupp
The old boy is back where he belongs because of YOU!
Marie Peck
(Lyn's note: Nope. This was a real team effort, Marie. It was because of the Strupps, you, me, several others who responded, and in general a caring community full of people who help each other and the animals.)
Another happy ending.........thanks to Peter Strupp for watching over him.
Nancy Fulcher
Hi Lyn,
Oh yeah, I love those kind of happy endings.
Nancy Totten
You do marvelous things. HUGS
Loraine E Simons
Super, super, super!
(Lyn's note: Marcia owns Lady, the little dog who was found quite a while ago, after the whole community became involved. Here's the link to Lady's story. She's a little miracle dog!)
Yes!! Your Carefree Truth helps all of us on so very many levels! Thank you for what you do for us every day, Lyn.
Jane Ceasor
(Lyn's note: We are lucky to live in a place where a lot of people really care.)
Trix is a 15 yr old Lab . He is deaf and almost blind and the desert had to be a scary place to spend the night. His owner was so relieved to get his old friend back safe and sound.
Carefree and Cave Creek really have big smooshie hearts (Peter, Kim and Steve!) for our pets.
We cannot thank Lyn enough for the immediate and vast postings for these dear souls.
Marie Peck
The FETCH Foundation
To the world you are a rescue person,
To a rescued dog you are the world.
Some of you already know pieces of what follows, but I wanted to set the whole story down on paper (OK, pixels) while it's still fresh, and because I, for one, remain amazed by its twists and turns. You couldn't make this stuff up.
As for you DFT/FCF people: No, you're not receiving this by mistake. Read to the end.
Apologies that it's a bit long. If you want to grab a sandwich or head to the bathroom, better do that first. G'head. I'll wait.
You're back? OK.
At 6:15 this a.m. I was returning from my daily Starbucks run, on Tom Darlington just north of Basha's when I came upon a large dog walking south in the northbound lane. By the time I pulled over, set the flashers, and got out, another man, Dean, had stopped as well.
The dog was obviously very old, very tired, and very weak. He had no collar. Dean poured out some water into a small plastic dish, and the dog's response suggested he was also very dehydrated.
I called FAR and our vet, but, not surprisingly, both were closed at that hour. Phyll gave me the go-ahead to bring our new friend up to the house. We loaded him into Dean's truck, and he followed me home.
Once there, we set up the guest bathroom as best we could with water and dry and wet cat food. (Hey, we're cat people, remember?)
I snapped a few pix and e-mailed Lyn Hitchon, who had just had a success reuniting a lost dog with her/his owner by working her Carefree Truth e-list.
We sat down to breakfast to plan our next move. Take him to a vet to see if he was chipped? Just looking at him, I doubted it. Print up posters and paper Carefree? Hmmm, lotta time needed for that. Call Maricopa County Animal Control? Oh noooo—OK, let's start designing that poster. . . .
Our friend was doing fine, drinking and eating, but evidence suggested he was partially or totally blind, deaf, or both. And that bathroom was really way too small for him. I was beginning to feel like an animal hoarder.
Returned to my office and . . . success!!! Lyn had a match, and asked me to call one Marie Peck at the FETCH Foundation, which I did.
Now here's where it gets interesting. Forgive me for paraphrasing and abridging.
Marie: "Yes, that's Vista. She was a rescue dog who was adopted by Jack, an 85-year-old gentleman who passed away on July 5. Vista was taken in by Jack's former caregiver and her husband but got away from him on Sunday. She headed back to Jack's old apartment. It was a miracle they found her. But all's well now."
Peter: "No, you don't understand. Vista is in my guest bathroom right now."
Marie: "WHAT???!!!"
Peter: "Looks like she got away again. I don't know these people, but. . . ."
Marie: "Why don't you bring her over to me, and I'll sort this out. Come after 9:15; I'm trying to locate another lost dog that I just got word about."
So I loaded "Vista" into my (small) back seat and tooled over to Marie's large and very well-maintained FETCH facility north of Carefree Highway.
I pull up. Marie comes out. I open the door.
She gasps. "This isn't Vista!"
Oh no. I'm glad that Vista didn't pull a second jailbreak, but . . . am I going to have to take Dog X back home?
She grabs my arm. "You're not going to believe this. This is the OTHER dog I've been trying to find since last night!" And she called that dog's owner right then and there.
Still with me? OK, one more: I asked Marie about her work with the FETCH Foundation, indicated that we would be willing to lend some small support and (of course) made my reciprocal pitch for DFT.
Marie: "Oh, we're already supporters. Dr. Mark Peck? Dental Studio 101?"
Ohhhh, THAT Peck—one of DFT's most generous community supporters. Small world indeed.
And, when I returned to the office, this from (I now learn) Twix's owner's neighbor (abridged from 2 e-mails):
Dear Peter-
If you are the person that picked up Twix by the side of the road, thank you so very much.
He is so loved and your kindness and effort for a brave old dog so appreciated.
The funny serendipitous thing about this, Peter, is that I just recently moved here and only know two people; one, Twix's owner Ron my neighbor, and Marie from Fetch where you took him miles and miles away!!
What luck!
He is home with the rest of his furry family sleeping off the wild night on the town.
Thanks for your brave and generous participation in the miracle!!
Soooo, kids, what have we learned?
Well, speaking for myself:
- Always consider stopping to help the weary pilgrim—especially when he's old, tired, and canine.
- As Lyn has observed, we live in an amazing community. And we must never forget it. We may not quite be the economic 1%, but we are surely among the caring 1%.
- Helping hands will be helped in turn.
OK, that's all. Now go kiss someone you love, irrespective of species. G'night.
Peter Strupp
“Lost dog returns home” stories are good for the soul...
Hi Lyn, thanks again for your help with Trix.
This is something like what you have done with Carefree Truth, thought it might be worth sharing:
Phyllis Strupp
Author, Brain Coach, MBA
(Submitted by Reg Monachino, Cave Creek Councilman.)
A “Well Done” to the entire TEAM.
From: Carrie Dyrek
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:18 PM
Subject: Followup regarding the Water Utility emergencies
Mayor and Council Members:
I’d like to take a moment to recognize the extraordinary efforts that our Town employees made during our water “emergency” last week. These gentlemen were able to handle one issue after another that affected our water supply. They diligently worked to make the repairs, monitor the water storage, kept us all up to date on the status and progress while remaining calm and professional during a very difficult period of time. Several of these employees were here nearly non-stop working to resolve issue after issue. The Water Distribution team was in the field working to repair one thing after another. The Water Plant team monitored the water levels 24 hours per day during the shortage, then strategically moved water to the appropriate tanks once repairs were complete. Public works staff was available to pitch in whenever needed. It was truly a dedicated team effort. Please join me in recognizing their efforts.
Water Distribution Team
Dennis Charles
Rick Davis
Brad Pater
TJ Ray
Water Treatment Plant Team
Dave Adams
Jeff Lennon
Tony Luther
Mike Masson
Public Works Foreman
Tyler Thurman
Carrie A. Dyrek, MMC
Town Clerk
Town of Cave Creek
37622 N. Cave Creek Rd.
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Last week, I did a Caring Corps van trip to Scottsdale Healthcare’s Thompson Peak location. Each month they host a mini-seminar about what seniors can do to take care of themselves. Some programs are pretty boring, diabetes, or arthritis…but last week’s was on keeping the brain active.
Clinical studies have shown that doing five things can keep it all working well. Physical activity, proper diet (if it’s bad for the heart, it is bad for the brain), social activity, spirituality or meditation, and mental stimulation (both oral and visual). In the area of spirituality and meditation, she talked about caring, loving and positive feelings, and stressed how having a pet can bring out the best in people, even if it is caring for your pet for 15 minutes a day!
The presentation was great. She talked a little about children in school that are taught how to use a calculator, but can’t do math!
Not too long ago, Patti and I were waiting for a flight at Chicago’s Midway airport. We grabbed a bite in the food court area. At an adjoining table were a bunch of college-aged kids. They were playing cards. I stopped by their table and told them how great it was to see young people playing a card game instead of all separately looking at their smart phones. They all laughed, and pointed to a stack of smart phones in the middle of the table…whose phone that makes a noise first (text message, tweet, e-mail, or phone call) has to put a dollar in the pot to buy some food!
Arthur Gimson