Letters from Readers & Events: 9/17/14
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose, and have just added some art as well. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations.) Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Desert Foothills Chronicle link:
City Sun Times link:
Please post in you next " letter from readers" segment. With the heavy rain and flooding of the last week the natural habitat of rattlers has been destroyed. They are taking refuge in unlikely places. Places you wouldn't think to look for them. Under gas grills, in drain pipes, in fire pits and in Cleo's case, our Saint Dane, coiled around a metal wind sculpture. Sadly, she was scheduled for snake training next week. But, Markai who was trained was howling at the top of his lungs, but to not avail. Her nose went down to sniff and it caught her on her mouth. Thank goodness for anti-venom; 3 treatments later she is resting comfortably. The emergency vet at Vet Med said the incidence of snake bites in the last week has doubled due to the destruction of the snake's habitat by the rain and floods.
Holly Bergman
Do you know if there is somewhere we can get sand bags. The first storm we got mud in our RV garage Bill cleaned it and two days later we got hit with a second storm more mud. We will need sand bags or every time we have huge rains we will have a problem.
Celeste Gilbert
(Lyn's note: You can get sandbags at the Carefree Fire Station. I was told by one of the firefighters that you can fill them with the sand piled up along Carefree Highway between Scottsdale and Cave Creek Rds.)
This might seem a bit vague: a small/tiny version of Chicago's Science & Industry might be an attractive asset to Carefree's downtown space. Something with 'hands on' for the kids and a lot of 'future concepts and gadgets for adults. It would be a very family oriented theme with maybe some food stands interspersed. I think a committee would have to be formed to call on various tech companies that would be willing to participate. A 'carrot' would be advertising for the company and their awareness to offer educational services to a Community.
Lois Treacy
Lyn Hitchon sent me your email about a mini Chicago Science and Industry Museum in Carefree. I appreciate your taking time to make the suggestion!
I’d be happy to discuss your suggestion if you want to come into Town Hall. You are correct; a citizen committee would have to be formed to look at the idea, prepare a concept, garner community support and (most importantly) raise funds.
Please let me know if you want to meet to discuss how to go forward with your suggestion at 480 488-2702 or simply respond to this email.
Mayor David Schwan
Very interesting and intelligent discussion by Council. Great to see Carefree in such good hands and heading in the right direction. Investments which result in sustainable visitor traffic will pay off and help Ed Lewis make his very important decision on the "Easy Street Project".
Ed Morgan